Unfortunately, the GFC Capital Location is not accepting new members in the DC area at this time. However, we are planning to hold a fighting workshop this Fall. For more information please email Mustafa Gatdula at thekuntawman@yahoo.com _Welcome to the Gatdula's Fighting Cobras Website! We are a full-time school dedicated to training fighters in the Philippine Fighting Arts. We are committed to producing the best quality students possible without taking shortcuts. We have a new location: 4120 Franklin Boulevard in Sacramento. No drop-in visitors allowed; please call 916-981-7627 to make an appointment.
Coming Soon....Guro Mustafa Gatdula's first eBook, entitled "Guide to Growth in the Philippine Fighting Arts"! Keep checking with us for more information... Estimated arrival date: October 2002. Come to Sacramento and train with Guro Gatdula January 6-10th! See the "ANNOUNCEMENTS" page for more details... Continue visiting for updates, and if you would like to contact us, please email us! |