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Unraveling the secrets of the year 2000


     The following theory concerning gene 2593 on chromosome 14 is undoubtedly controversial, but given the data we have, it is the only logical conclusion.
     Gene 2593 is extra-terrestrial in origin.  The evidence that led to this conclusion is far too large to include on this web site. To summarize:
     1.  It is made up of a heretofore unknown amino acid.
     2.   It appears to be similar in structure to the fossil from the Martian meteorite.
     3.  It explains the sudden explosion of the human animal from rare niche creature to dominator of the planet.
     4.  This amino acid could not be introduced without manipulating the immune system.
     5.  Gene splicing by extra-terrestrials would explain the many examples of non native races thousands of miles from their normal locations.

     The very definition of sentiency is to question the state of being and to quest for immortality.  In this quest there are only two paths from which to choose.  The first is a belief in an afterlife.  The second is through propagation of the species.  The words "go forth and multiply" are not just a command from one particular religion, but a basic tenet of any sentient being's beliefs.  As man progressed throughout the world he always had one steady purpose - to expand his gene's number and range through colonization.  If a species were so advanced as to have the run of a whole galaxy, or  even more, the basic instincts would still be the same - colonization.  Not necessarily by force, but quite possibly through technology.   
     It would be highly unlikely that a particular species would be perfectly adapted to life on another planet.  If a sentient species wanted to spread it's genes across the galaxy, it could spend years bioengineering itself into a totally new creature, matching the requirements of each new planet to be colonized.  Or, it could transfer the essence of itself, in gene form, into a species already adapted to living on the planet in

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When you have eliminated the impossible,  whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.

Arthur Conan Doyle

Mummy with reddish blond hair found in Chinese desert.  Dated approximately 1000 BC.

Section of meteorite from Mars showing fossilized primitive life form.

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