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You will get 1/5th of the person you defeated, and an item, if you choose to! But note, some people may not die if you leave them there...

Frieza Sneaks Psyko
One day Freiza is training when he hears an iritating voice from behind a bonfire. He asks the Red Orge that is teaching him x2 speed.The red orge says yes. Freiza wonders over toward the bonfire and sneaks around. Has soon has he does he hears Psyko talking to himself on how he should try and defeat Freiza. Freiza was in an out rage wondering why he wants to be defeated after he was already killed elsewhere. Freiza stepped out and said "If you want me so bad why dont you give some effort" Psyko was surpised because he thought Freiza was far away training not 15 feet away. Psyko wasnt ready planning and started to fly off, But freiza used the portion of x2 speed that he had learned in the past 6 days and appeared right in front of Psyko. Psyko then turned and flew the other way, but Freiza did the say has before. Psyko desided that he would put up and shut up. So he powered up really quickly and threw a Destructo Disc. It missed Freiza and went throught the bonfire. He shot 3 more when Freiza went on the offence. Freiza came zooming in on Psyko. Freiza gave him a walluping uppercut followed up by a left and rightround house kicks. Freiza then shoot 2 specail beam cannons at the legs of Psyko. Psyko was down on his knees still trying to fight, but didnt have alot of power left to even do his weakist attack. Freiza took advantage like he always does and did his most powerful attack, his Mega Kame Hame Ha then Big Bang then Special Beam Cannon and then Final Flash. He then turned around and went back to the red orge when he noticed there has 2 houses, 1 with a roof and 1 without. he then remembered the desructo disk that went through the bonfire. He decided to forget about it and go back to training.
Frieza's PL + 2,838
Credits + 1,000
Psyko is already in Hell

Bebi Vegeta Sneaks Storm
Getting anxious to fight, Bebi Vegita couldn't wait. He searched around for Storm, but couldn't see anyone around. He stopped for a second and heared a noise behind a hill. when he jumped ontop of the hill, he saw Storm training himself. So Bebi Vegita powered up and shot a KI Blast straight down. Storm heard something and unfortunately looked up to see a bright light coming down on him. Bebi jumped down following the blast so when torm fell, he lost all breath when he landed on his stomach. Then Bebi split into 4 using multi-form and yelled, "KAIOKEN!" Two grabbed his arms while the others punched his stomach and back. Storm was able to get one hand loose and shot one, but the other shot him in the face at point blank making him lose conscience. they all went back into one and left.
Bebi Vegeta's PL + 1,631
Credit's + 1,000
Storm's PL + 816 for surviving

Fireza Sneaks Bebi Vegeta
Freiza was taking a break when Bebi Vegeta was next to start training. He decided to teach Bebi Vegeta a lesson for taking up his training time. He knew why he was training, so he could try and defeat Freiza. Freiza wondered if he should knock Bebi Vegeta far away and get in his place to finish his training quicker after all it was his last day. He decided to sneak behind him and attack. He started forming a plan to get him far away so that he could finish his training before Bebi Vegeta gets his broused and battered body back to the training field. He decided to shot a special beam cannon to make Bebi Vegeta think he was going to be attacked from infront off himself by somebody. Freiza tried to miss but ended up hitting Bebi Vegeta when the blue orge called out his name and asked what Freiza was doing. Freiza said he was aiming at the tree when he lost concentration from his name being called out. The Blue Orge believed him and went on with his strength training. Freiza then acted like he did nothing. Bebi Vegeta tried to ambush Freiza when Freiza turned around but back fired when he went in for, what would have been a amazing uppercut. Freiza ducked and grapped his leg and threw him at the house without a roof. Bebi Vegeta went right threw the house. Freiza then shot dozens of mega kame hame has finishing Bebi Vegeta agian. Freiza then went through the demolished house and picked up Bebi Vegeta. He threw him into the air and shot multible mega kame hame has knocking Bebi Vegeta millions of miles away.
Frieza's PL + 2,434
Credit's + 1,000
Bebi Vegeta's PL + 1,217 for surviving

Bebi Vegeta Sneaks Psyko
Finally done with his new move, 2x speed, Bebi Vegita felt he need to test it. he searched around for miles. He then saw Psyko testing his new ability, 2x strength by moving mountains from one spot to another, chopping them off with a few destructo discs. So Bebi walked over and just said, "Lets test your power against mine." Since they were teammates and in hell, he said, "Hey sure, why not." Suddenly Psyko already called out his 2x strength and picked Bebi up trying to bear hug him with his eyes starting to pop. Bebi just had to do something than let him cuddle, so he called also called upon his new move, "2x Speed...Kaioken!" soon he started elbowing him in the stomach making his eyes start to bulge, but still didn't let go. This called for Bebi's Multi-form attack. The other three started pounding his teammate all over. Psyko finally released the 1st Bebi, but started charging, then shot Renzoku Energy Dan at the three who made him drop the orginal. He was hacing so much fun making bullet holes into all of them, until Bebi came from behind with a fully charged Ki Blast. This made Psyko fly up and behind the three Bebi's he was shooting at. All started to charge up a Ki Blast, while Psyko was trying to shake some birdies flying around his head. Finally all the Bebi Vegita's put there hands together and formed one HUGE Mega Ki Blast with such an incredible power Psyko would have no chance of avoiding or blocking. The shot was 2 meters wide roasting Psyko like an over-cooked turkey, charred.
Bebi Vegeta's PL + 2,838
Credit's + 1,000
Psyko can't die in hell.

Darro Sneaks Teen Trunks, Janemba, Nappa, and Chbi Vegeta
"Darro was looking for a fight one day, when he came across a few little power levels strewn about a small area. "Hmm.. four... none of them too tough, this'll be easy for a little Power gain!" Darro went searching, and came across Chibi Vegeta. He materialized in front of the little one, and immediately booted him in the gut, sending his through a hillside and into the big Nappa, who was somewhere on the other side! "Oh good, someone ELSE to make this a challenge!" Nappa and Chibi Vegeta set off a KameHameHa and a Gatling Gun, but Darro easily blocked them with some energy. "Ha ha! You two are disgraces to the name Saiya-jin!" Darro yells as he tackled both of them deep into the ground. Lying on top of Nappa, face-to-face, he says cruelly, "Good night, fellow tailed one, because it's time to go to sleep!" Darro flew high into the air, and Nappa couldn't move because his ribs were broken! "FINAL FLASH!!" The attack blew into the hole, causing a massive explosion, ripping an even BIGGER crater all over! Nappa was clearly vapourized from the intensity, and Chibi Vegeta was WAY OUT COLD, obviously not getting up anytime soon. Suddenly, Janenba appeared out of nowhere, and got in a few shots on Darro! He slashed once with his sword slice, but Darro just grabbed the sword in his hands! "Dumb move, hell demon FREAK!" Darro screamed, as he threw Janenba and his sword all the way across the land, and blasted waited for a chance to use his newest technique. But before he could, Janenba fired off his Nipple Missiles! "What the hell?" The confused big Saiya-jin wondered, but quickly set off his new attack, the Hand Machine Gun!!! "I was wondering when I was gonna use this!" The multiple blasts detonated the Missiles harmlessly, and the other 50 brutally slammed into Janenba, filling his full of bloody holes! Janenba's lifeless body began falling limply, when Darro got in another shot with a flying kick! "Heh heh, now where was the other one...." Darro cruelly looked about before hearing a "Right here, you glandular freak!" from Teen Trunks, one of the many versions of this guy on Earth! T.T. laid in a couple of punches, and then fired off a Mega Ki Blast in Darro's face!! "ouch... that hurt..." Darro stared blankly, but shook off the attack. "You little punk! I'll do to you what I did to all your clones! Darro screamed at the Teenager, before pounding him in the midsection with his hammerlike fists. "See how YOU like it!", Darro then double axehammered the internally bleeding hybrid in the gut, which sent him flying towards the ground. "It's been fun, punk, but we must end this dance... heh heh heh..." Darro set off a final attack, his Gatling Gun. The multiple ki beams slammed into T. Trunks, shredding his clothes, and sending his half-naked and bloody to the earth below. "Heh heh..." Darro surmised, "Two dead fighters (janenba and nappa) and two half-dead ones.... Not bad for a day's training... now onward to kick Buu's *ss!!"
Darro's PL + 10,690/ Credits + 4,000
Chibi Vegeta and Teen Trunks' PL + 5,345 for surviving
Nappa and Janemba are in the Next Dimension

Storm Sneaks Prince Vegeta
Storm was shooting harmless ki blasts all around him and felt like it was time to direct them at someone,for target practice.He slowly flew around and soon spotted prince vegeta, a fellow saiyan. He gathered up energy and raced over to prince vegeta and knocked him down.Storm picked him up and punched him in the gut several times then threw him back to the dust.Prince vegeta snickered and shot up a big bang at Storm,he saw it coming but still couldnt dodge all of the massive attack and got hit in the shoulder."oh,you shouldnt have down that"warned storm and he hoped back several yard with an upraised finger,a black ball started to form and it cackled with red grew larger and larger and finnaly it was deemed big enough and he threw it at prince vegeta,who was trying to do the opposite,a spirit was just a tiny ball about 3 feet wide and got engulfed along with prince vegeta.Storm stood above prince vegeta and put out his hands.He finished him with a mega kamehame ha and sat down to rest.
Storm's PL + 2,220/ Credots + 1,000
Prince Vegeta is already dead

Teen Trunks sneaks Guldo
Teen Trunks was walking with his android and saw Guldo exercising.He told his android to hide somewhere and charged at guldo and yelled "Mega Ki Blast!!!."He started shooting ki blast at guldo like a machine gun and didn't stop until guldo finally fell down.Then Teen Trunks picked guldo up and started choking him and guldo couldn't breathe.Guldo got his breathe back after about 5 seconds and tried to freeze teen trunks' mind.It didn't work and teen trunks fly around guldo several times with his super fly and made guldo dizzy.Guldo was knocked out cold after being hit with thousands of mega ki blasts and teen trunks got his android and walked off.
Teen Trunks' PL + 1,200/Credits + 1,000
Guldo's PL + 600 for surviving.

Teen Trunks sneaks Dende
Teen Trunks was walking through a deep forest and saw dende flying.He shot some mega ki blasts at him and he fell down in pain.Teen trunks knew dende's pl wasn't as high as his so he decided to not to pick on him too much.He shot a KameHameHa at dende then another mega ki blast leaving him in pain he decided to spare him and helped him to his feet and walked off.
Teen Trunks' PL + 200/Credits + 1,000
Dende's PL + 100 for surviving.

Teen Trunks sneaks Adult Gohan
Teen Trunks saw adult gohan playing around and acting stupid so he decided to play a trick on him.He shot mega ki blasts at him from the left side and quickly ran to the right and started shooting.Adult gohan was getting confused and transformed into the oozaru state(controlled).He looking around and didn't see anyone.Teen Trunks used super fly and flew high into the sky and shot a kamehameha to the head and the mighty oozaru fell to the ground.The big beast got back up and saw teen trunks.He pucnhed him way into the sky and stood there waiting for him to come down.After about 3 minutes he detransformed back into the human state and heard a strange voice laughing.He walked over to the voice and met a Mega Ki Blast in the stomach.Since teen trunks was friends with adult gohan he helped him up and they walked off.
Teen Trunks' PL + 1,200/Credits + 1,000
Adult Gohan's PL + 600 for surviving.

Teen Trunks Sneaks Rack, Broli, and Bardock
Teen Trunks was looking for someone to fight and started to train himself a little.While he was training he was interrupted by an annoying voice.T.T. turned around and saw rack laughing at him."Don't ever interrupt a saiya-jin while he's training because he might just kick your *ss after it" Teen Trunks screams right in racks face making him scared.Rack thought he could take the saiya-jin and started throwing kicks and punches which all missed.Rack suprises T.T. with a X-form beam cannon which hits him right in the guts.T.T just shakes it off and uses superfly to fly circles around Rack.Rack gets dizzy and falls down and Teen Trunks shredds Rack's clothes with a Destructo disk.As teen trunks is about to finish rack off with a Mega Ki Blast,Broli comes out of no where and punches T.T. right in the nose.The huge saiya-jin starts to help rack up but gets knocked down right next tom him by Teen Trunks' KameHameHa which causes a crater with Rack and Broli inside.Rack tries to get up but meets Teen Trunks' foot instead and faints.Teen Trunks flies high in the air and fires 100s of Destructo disk at rack and broli but broli somehow manages to kncok a few away at rack which cuts him up and kills him.Broli starts sreaming and Bardock both hear and flie over to help broli.Teen Trunks decides to try two knew things for his 2 oppenents.First he shoots KameHameHas,Destructo Disks,and Mega Ki blasts into the air and yells"3,2,1,Happy new year!" All 3 oppenents look at each other strangely and Bardock is suddenly hit by 2 kamehamehas.Then everyone looks up and sees Mega Ki Blasts,KameHameHas,and destructo disks falling out of the sky and Broli tries to run away but gets chopped up by alot of destructo disks and dies.Then Mega Ki blasts and KameHameHas hit Bardock gets injured by them.Teen Trunks starts laughing and tries his secind thing,going SSJ! He yells out loud and transforms. Bardock looks at T.T and starts to punch him repeatedly in the stomach.Teen Trunks starts to grab his head and starts sreaming and goes out of control.He starts to knock trees over and starts shooting Mega Ki blasts at Bardock killing him accidently and returns back to his normal state and fades into the darkness.
Teen Trunks' PL + 6,140/ Credits + 3,000
Rack, Broli, and Bardock are in the Next Dimension

Vegetto Sneaks Bebi Vegeta
As Vegetto was anxiously awaiting his tournament fight to start, he wanted to be nice and warmed up before they started. He picked up a weak PL on his scouter. He flew to it and knew who it was immediately. He detected something like himself in it, but couldnt place it. When he arrived it was the weakling Bebi Vegeta, quivering in his boots at the superior PL. "So, you are gonna make me more powerful" And with that Vegetto launched into his Kaioken x2 and smacked BV right in the face sending him back about 300 yards. Vegetto flew to end it, but realized he was reaching his kaioken time limit, and went SSJ2!!! BV stood there stunned, awaiting his death. Vegetto wasnt gonna keep him waiting long. He a charged up the largest Kame Hame Ha ever witnessed and shot it at BV,who took the blast head on. As he lay there dying Vegetto realized it would be a waste to let so much PL go down the drain. Vegetto absorbed BV, stealing his PL and 2 moves. Vegetto spit out the wounded BV, who landed about 100 yards away.Vegetto said"now your death will come from all sides!!!" and used multi-form!The Four Vegettos stood over the defeated Bebi Vegeta, and laughed at the weakilng! They decided to put this wounded animal out of it's misery, and shot him with a Big Bang, a Kame Hame Ha, a Final flash, AND a Galick Gun, ending his life and sending him to the next dimension.
Vegetto wins, gets 8,929 + PL/Creits + 1,000
Receives a boost of 8,929 from absorbing half of Bebi Vegeta's power
Bebi Vegeta's stats remain the same, but he is in the next dimension

Teen Trunks sneaks Krillen, and Chibi Goku
Krillen and CHibi Goku were talking to each other and suddenly started fighting.Chibi Goku was beating krillen up and both of them were tackled by Teen trunks who came out of the lake nearby.His clothes were dripping wet but that didn't stop his power.He started punching and kicking them both and krillen started coughing up blood and chibi goku was trying to hold it in but he couldn't and he spat out tons of blood.Krillen and Chibi Goku started laughing at them Teen Trunks and jumped on teen trunks. Chibi Goku and Krillen started stomping Teen Trunks but then started to fight each other and teen trunks saw his opportunity and jumped up and attacked in rage.First was Chibi Goku. He put him in a headlock and started punching hard. Teen Trunks powered up a destructo disk and shot it and sliced chibi goku's head off and then he kicked his body away. Krillen upset at losing his friend,ran over to chibi goku and burried him saying, "If only i could come with you!"He turned around and teen trunks said,"Don't worry,I'll help you,just give me a sec."Krillen looked stupefied and started scratching his head. Teen trunks shot several Mega Ki Blast all through Krillens chest.6 hit him in the heart and he fell over and he died. He went to krillen's body and beheaded him to make sure he was dead.
Teen Trunks' PL + 15,080/Credits + 2,000
Teen Trunks gets 6,000 for his Android power increases for the last two battles he entered (he receives it cause his Android, like all others gives PL boosts for every battle)
Krillen, and Chibi Goku are all in the next Dimension

Vegetto sneaks Cooler
Vegetto was happy with his PL, but picked up a weak PL and decided to investigate. It was Cooler, who was training by himself. Vegetto was about to leave,when he saw something that caught his attention. Cooler had a fruit of might!!! Vegetto swooped down behind Cooler and said " OH, COOOOOLLLLLAAAIIIDDDD?". Cooler turned around and was punched in the head, crushing his cranium because Vegetto was so strong. Vegetto couldnt stand looking at the mess, so he used his final flash to clean it up
Vegetto wins!!Gains 1000 credits and 8713 PL.Takes the Fruit of Might.
Cooler is in the next dimension.
Chibi Trunks and his Phoenix sneak King Kold
"Man Phoenix we need to get strong fast," Chibi Trunks said to his Phoenix. "Squaaa!!!" the Phoenix replied. Chibi Trunks turned around fast and saw King Kold listening to them. "HA maybee you will get stronger in the Next Demension," Kin Kold said as he charged a Final Flash. "B.s. Ill kill You!!!!!!" Chibi Trunks shouted as he charged a Finish Buster. King Kold fired his and it hit Chibi Trunks back around 20 feet. Chibi Trunks grinned because the Blast was ready. He fired the balst and King Kold moved out of the way but not fast enough. "NOOOOOOOO!!!!" King Kold shouted as he felt the Blasts impact. He retruned to the ground and King Kold laughed because Chibi Trunks wasnt as strong as him. Chibi Trunks shot a Kamehameha anmd King Kold now bleeding with his outfit tourn a part layed on the groung pretending to be dead. "Get up King Kold you couldnt have died the Blast wasnt at full power," siad Chibi Trunks. King Kold slowely rised from the ground with a grin. "2 x STRENGTH," King Kold shouted as his Power Level doubled. Phoenix Came down from the sky and shot a Super Nova. The Blast had little affect against Kold but he deffentley felt the Blast. "Power ful Bird you have there. To bad its to stupid to know it cant harm me," King Kold laughed. " You dont stnad a chance against me or my Phoenix, Kold,' Chibi Trrunks said. "Oh yus I can. Yes I can VERY MUCH," King Kold said as he put his arm up to create a Destructo Disk. "Oh no you cant King Kold. No you cant at all," Chibi Trunks said. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Chibi Trunks screamed. His hair went Blond and it shot up. He was now surrounded by a Gold Auara of Power. King Kold fired the Disk and Chibi Trunks dodged. Phoenix shot a Fire Blast but it missed and now there was fire surrounding the Area. Chibi Trunks moved so fast it looked like he Telported. He reapeared in front of King Kold and fired a Final Flash. King Kold blocked and fired his Destructo Disk. Chibi Trunks dodged but was cut on the side. Phoenix shot from the sky and went through King Kolds Hand. There was a whole in his hand and King Kold cursed at this critical hit. " I WILL KILL THAT BIRD!!!!!!!!!!!"King Kold shouted as he charged a Big Bang. He fired at the Phoenix but Chibi Trunks jumped in front of it to only be hit by one of King Kolds full forse attack. King Kold prepared to Kill Chibi Trunks with his strongest atatck, Max Kamehameha. Phoenix sat on Chibi Trunks' arm and said "Squaaa" and light came out of his wings. Chibi Trunks jumped up and didnt have a scratch on him. King Kold was so surprised he dropped the Max Kamehameha. "Lights out Kold," Chibi Trunks said as he threw a Moon Blast up in the Air. "Squaaaa!!" Phoenix said in joy. Chibi Trunks transformed into a Oozera! "Time for what you always needed. A good Butt kicking," Oozera Chibi Trunks said as he smiled. Oozera Chibi Trunks charged a Chou Kamehameha and King Kold charged a Final Flash. They both shot and The Chou Kamehameha wiped out most of the Trees and almost Killed King Kold. The Final Flash was affective yet Chibi Trunks was so much stronger it didnt inflict much damage. Oozera Chibi Trunks punched King Kold and King Kold blocked the Punch. Oozera Chibi Trunks slammed King Kold into the ground and as King Kold layed there he charged a Max Kamehameaha. Oozea Chibi Trunks noticed this but couldnt stop it because the blast wa fired. Phoenix Flew right in front of the Blast and Freeze Flame Blast. The blasts froze this Blast and fired an Invisible Blast of its own at King Kold. Oozera Chibi Trunks fired a quick Finish Buster because King Kolds blast was moving agfain. The 2 Blasts colided only to destry most of the Area. King Kold blacked out and Oozera Chibi Trunks fired a Chou Kamehameha and Phoenix fired a Super Nova. King Kold bleeded and faded away into the Next Demension.
Chibi Trunks wins!!! Gains 1000 credits and 9600 PL.
King Cold gains 2300 PL, and is in the next dimension
Chibi Trunks sneaks Chibi Vegeta
As Chibi Trunks was going home, he detected a weak PL. It was Chibi Vegeta, the young version of Chibi Trunks' father. He figured with his new PL it wouldnt even be a challenge. He invited Chibi Vegeta home with him to "play", and he accepted.As they neared home, C. Trunks asked what they wanted to play, C. Vegeta said cowboys and indians. They decided Trunks would be the cowboy, and Vegeta would be the Indian. So C. Trunks gave C. Vegeta a 5 minute head start, and chased after him. Suddenly there was Vegeta with his little bow and arrow and shot Trunks with it, and the arrow just bounced off. Trunks yelled " Now it's my turn!!!!!", and shot Vegeta with a Kame Hame Ha." As the broken body of Chibi Vegeta lay there, Trunks said " Nobody ever said I had to play fair!!" Chibi Trunks wins!!! Gains 1000 credits and 7669 PL
Chibi Vegeta gains 1835 PL and is in the next dimension
Teen Trunks sneaks Frieza and Cell
As Teen Trunks was walking he sensed a weak pl.He found the source and it was Cell.He ran over to him and started shooting mega ki blasts at him to stun him.Once he was stunned Teen Trunks beat him in the chest then shot him in the heart with a kamehameha and stole 1,000 credits from him.He continued walking and was pushed by Frieza.Now being angered he struck back with his fist and then went SSJ and punched the changeling in the face a few times and took his TOM seed and finished him off with a Galick Gun, Knocking him out. but not before dropping 1,000 credits.Teen Trunks couldn't just let his money sit there so he picked it up and walked away with alot of money and a seed.
Teen Trunks wins!!Gains 3000 credits and 13,700 PL
Frieza(Survived) and Cell Gain 6850 PL and is in Next Dimension
Gohan sneaks Tapion
Gohan was training when he decided to have a little fun. He turned on his scouter and saw a patheticly weak power level! He ran along the road toward the power level and saw Tapion sleeping with his head rested on a log. "This is should be entertaning. I bet he is getting weaker and weaker by sitting there" thought Gohan. Gohan ran to the log and started charging a deathball. Once he was done, he said, "Wake up CALL!" And Gohan lanched the deathball into the center of the log. After about five seconds, BOOM!!!!! Tapion was sent into a tree across the road. He jumped up and started looking around for who hit him, cursing all the while. "You-ho. Over here strong man!" said Gohan. "So it was you! You shall die now!!!" shouted Tapion. Tapion split into five different forms and all started charging a huge Kame Hame Ha. Gohan started looking at his fingernails and yawning. This got the Tapions even more ticked. They were screaming at the top of their longs when they started to run at Gohan, but then they split up and sourounded him. They all fired and they all exploded were Gohan was. Gohan had teleported up into the air above them. Tapion, thinking he had killed Gohan, came back together and started to walk away. Gohan used Zanzoken and started running cicles around Tapion. Tapion started seeing twenty Gohans, he was starting to get scared. Gohan, meanwhile, was charging a mighty Mesenko in a tree high above. Just as the other Gohans were fading, Gohan fired his Mesenko, it hit Tapion dead on in the face. Just to make sure Tapion was dead, Gohan fired his Renzoku Energy Dan over and over again.
Gohan wins!!! Gohan+1,000 credits and 5,000pl
Tapion is dead. Tapion+2,500pl
Chibi Trunks sneaks Piccolo Daimao
Chibi Trunks wamting to get warmed up before the tournement. He called his Phoenix. "FLYING NIMBUS," Chibi Trunks shouted. He hopped on Nimbus to explore a near bye Jungle. He searched deep in the Jungle and came upon Piccolo Daimao. Chibi Trunks laughed at his Power Level. He attacked from the Sky with a Chou Kamehameha. Piccolo Damao was blasted right in the stomach. "Why the Heck did you do that," questioned the ingured Piccolo Daimao. (Pissed to). "Because im gonan fight you,"Chibi Trunks said. "FINAL FLASH," Shouted Chibi Trunks. Piccolo Damaio had no time to react and was blasted again. I cant take much more of this Piccolo Daimao thought. Piccolo Daimao fired a Mega Kamehameha. Chibi Trunks tryed to block but the Blast was to big. Chibi Trunks turned SSJ and charged a Huge Finish Buster. it wiped out most of the Area. Daimaos Phoenix came out of the sky and fired a Fire Blasts at Chibi Trunks. Chibi Trunks caught the Blast and threw it back at him. "Hhhm very interesting. A Phoenix not as powerful as mine but it has quite a bit of Power. I think ill have it for my self," said Chibi Trunks as he laughed. "Oh no you wont," Piccolo Damao said as he Transformed," Ill stop you". "Wow your Power went up a bit. No matter I can still beat you," said Chibi Trunks. Chibi Trunks and Piccolo Daimao exchanged rapid Punches and Kicks. It seemed they were almost the same. "Ok want me to use 65% of my Pl instead of 50% now," Chibi Trunks siad as he laughed. Chibi trunks powered up to his desired amount as Piccolo Daimao thought s***. Chibi Trunks now winning the fight powered up to 100% of his Power Level and his Power Level blew away Piccolo Daimao. Chibi Trunks fired a Final Flash now inflicting much much more damage then ever (This is the first time hen used 100% of his Power at this Power Level). Chibis Phoenix shot down from a tree to use his Super Nova. Piccolo Daimao bounced back as he sumoned his own Phoenix. Maimaos Phoenix shot from a cloud and fired a Fire Blast at Chibis Phoenix. It didnt affect Chibis Phoenix that much but a hit is always a hit. The 2 Phoenixs flew into the sky locking in combat of their own. Chibi Trunks deciding to end the fight now threw up a Moon Blast. He transformed with a shivering Piccolo Daimao left to watch. Oozera Chibi Trunks Shot a full Powered Chou Kamehameha and Piccolo Daimao died. Chibi Trunks called for his Nimnbus and decided wut to take? Then he remembered the Phoenixs and Called for his own and took Piccolo Daimaos.
Chibi Trunks wins!!! Gains 3060 PL and 1,000 credits!!!
Takes Daimao's Phoenix
Piccolo Daimao Gains 1,530 PL and is in Hell
Chibi Trunks sneaks King Vegeta, Amin, and Raditz
Chibi Trunks was looking for a good harm up before his Big Tournemnt Match. He hoped on Flying Nimbus and called his Phoenix. They flew to a near bye Mouttain and came accross King Vegeta and Amin. "Hey Phoenix think we can beat them," Chibi Trunks asked his Phoenix. "Squaaw," they sanswered. "Yeah ok lets Go!" Chibi Trunks said. Chibi trunks flew lower on his Nimbus so he can suprise them. He jumped off Nimbus and fired a Final Flash. It scared King Vegeta and Amin. Chibi Trunks laughed at this. Good thing they didnt see where the Blast came from Chibi Trunks thought. He charged up again this time his Target was Amin. He charged a Chou Kamehameha. Amin snesed this and ran towards Chibi Trunks to tyr to stop him. It was to late becausae Chibi Trunks fired the Blast. Amin was bleeding with Torn Clothes. He did Super Fly to fly away fast. "Phoenix shoot him down," Chibi Trunks told his Phoenix. They went after Amin and fired there Super Nova. The huge beam went towards Amin influging him with Energy. Amin went down to the ground beause he got hit. Chibi Trunks useed a Small Ki Blast to finish him off but Amin used Ki Scream and it made the blast evaporate. The Phoenix Shot down from the sky and used Fire Blast. Amin frogot about the Phienix and got hammered head oin by the Fire. Chibi Trunks went up to Amin and stole his Tree of Might Seed. "Ill be needing this," Chibi Trunks said. He left Amin there not to be killed. He went after king Keveta who stood there with Raditz. Raditz did Kaioken x 2 and King Vegeta charged a Kamehameha. Raditz used a Bakuhatsuha and blew up most of the area. Chibi Trunks thought ths was a impressive atatck and it was 2 bad that he blocked it. Raditz was now Angry and charged a Kamehameha. Chibi Trunsk laughed. King Veget fired his own and Chibi Trunks bloacked with a Finish Buster. The blasts cloided blowing up alot of space. King Vegeta cursed that his Kamehameha didnt destroy him. Chibis Phoenix hit Raditz with a Freeze Frame Blast just before the Kamehameha hit Chibi Trunks. Chibi Trunks fired a Final Flash now that the kamehameha stoped moving.the Final Flash wiped out King Vegeta and Raditz fired another Bakuhatsuha. Chibi Trunks had no time to react to this and has hit . Chibi Trunks turned SSJ and powered up a HUGE Chou Kamehameha. The blasts' power madew Shock Waves and Earthquakes. Raditz couldnt belive what was happening. Chibi Trunks said "Almost done. So dont move it will just make it more Painful" and charged the Blast to the Fullest. The Phoenix flew into the sky as did Flying Nimbus. Super Saiyan Chibi Trunks fired the Chou KAmehameha blowing up the Moutain and Raditz.
Chibi Trunks wins!! Gains 11420 PL and 3,000 Credits!!!
Gains 10,000 from his 2 Phoenixes
Takes Amin's Fruit of Might
King Vegeta, Raditz and Amin gain 5710 PL and are in Hell
Chibi Trunks Sneaks Muuri and Janemba!!
Chibi Trunks was looking for a way to get Stornger fast. He flew around on his Flying Nimbus. It took him awhile but sensed a few Strong Kis on the Planet. He flew to the Direction of Janemba and Muuri. They were talking and making bets on who was gonna win the Tournement. Chibi Trunks called his Phoenixs to go Shoote down Muuri. The Phoenixs flew towards Muuri. Muuri prepared by charging a Rezenkou Energy Dan. The Phoenixs fired 2 Super Novas. Muuri teleported outta the Way and fired the Balst. The Phoenix tryed to dodge the Balst but got hit sometimes. Janemba turning around decided to join in. Chibi Trunks knowing that this Would be to much for his Phoenixs to handle Joined in. Janemba fired a Kamehameha and Chibi Trunks. Chibi Trunks blocked the Balst and fired a Final Flash. The Phoenixs went back to there Original Mission of Destroying Muuri. The Phoenixs came down form the Sky and fired a Fire Balst. Muuri got hit with the Fire Blast and was trying to stop Burning. Chibi Trunks seeing this Flew towards Muuri.Janemba tryign to stop Muuri from dieing fired a Kamehameha but Chibi Trunks flew away and it didnt hit. Janemba flew towards Chibi Trunks but wasnt in time. Chibi Trunks charged a Chou Kamehamhea. Janemba flew closer. Chibi Trunsk fired the Chou Kamehmahea and Janemba was blown back from the force. Muuri died and Janmeba was amazed on how storng one Boy can be. Chibi Trunks smiled and said "Oh dont owrry Ill kill you next" and flew Towards Janemba. "Im not that weak," Janemba said. Goten assaulted Janemba with a Barrage of Punches and Kicks. Most hit Janemba but Janemba dodged a few Here and there. Chibi Trunks was having quite a bit of fun. Chibi Trunks stopped and Janemba Transformed. "Look I can do that 2," Chibi Trunsk siad. HGe Threw up a Moon Blast and Became Oozera. Chibi Trunsk laughed as he came Towards Janemba . Janmeba trying to keep hid ground Fired a Kamehameha up so it Sould Hit Oozera Chibi Trunks. Oozera Chibi Trunks acted as if nothing happened and fired a Chou Kamehameha. The Chou Kamehamhea tairin g up the Area was destroying Janemba who was now Pinned ito a ROck fired a Kamehameha which did Quite a bit of Damage. Oozera Chibi Trunks who was getitng bored and decided to clean up. He charged a Final Flash. Janemba knowing that he was screwed waited for the end to come. Oozera Chibi Trunks fired the Blast Vaporizing Janemba. Chibi Trunks changed back seeing all different Kinds of Neat toys. He finnaly made up his mind (After 5 days) That he would have his 50 Lb Boots. Chibi Trunks was realy happpy. He took of his Old shoes (Or what was left...) and put on his New Ones. "Wow These fit great," Chibi Trunks said. He called for His Nimbus and flew off to find more Peoplez to kill.
Chibi Trunks wins!!! Gains 3550 PL and 2,000 Credits!!
Gains another 10,000 PL from Phoenixes
Takes Janemba's 50 lb. Boots
Muuri and Janemba gain 1,775 PL and are in Hell
Teen Trunks and his Android sneak Future Trunks
Teen Trunks was flying in the air and he sensed someone like him.He looked around and saw the source was coming from the forest.He shot thousands of mega ki blasts and a slightly taller figure came out.TT looked close and saw it was Future Trunks.They both stared at each other and charged.FT thought he was going to defeat TT fut he was very wrong.TT moved over to the side and kep chargeing with his arm starting to spread out.When FT got close enough to attack he was knocked unconscious by TT's clothesline.FT started falling to the ground and TT flew down in full speed with Super Fly and uppercutted him back into the air.FT started to regain consciousness but only to feel pain.TT knocked him back down with both fist and faded down under him and shot him back up with a Waiting Kamehameha.FT was losing energy fast but TT wasn't since almost all of his attacks were physical.FT tried to get out of the way but was only knocked up and down like a punching bag.FT managed to kick TT out of the way with his foot and went SSJ to match TT's pl.But it was no use as TT went SSJ2 making him ALOT more stronger than FT.FT tried to run away but his legs were cut off by TT's Destructo Disk.TT called for his Android and the android came running out.FT suddenly returned back to normal and so did TT after destroying a few mountains and trees.The Android wrapped FT up with a Energy Chain Wrap and FT was loosing energy and was also paralyzed.The android then split into two more with multiform and then those androids split also until it was 9 against 1(not including TT).The androids were much weaker but FT was still stuck so it didn't matter.The Androids then jumped FT and relentlessly punched him in the face until he was bleeding.But FT struck back and knocked all of their arms off.FT thought he was going to get out and win but the androids just regenerated and shot Chou Kamehameha's at him.FT was almost dead and TT stole 1,000 credits from him and put his hand down his throat and shot a kamehameha into FT and he exploded and went to the next dimension.
Teen Trunks Wins!!! Gains 12760 PL and 2,000 credits
Gains 3,000 PL from Android
Future Trunks Gains 6380 PL and is in the Next Dimension

Goten and Gohan sneak Chibi Trunks
Both Goten and Gohan were walking along discussing there plan for the team, while they see the traitor to the team, Chibi Trunks. Mad at the Traitor, Gohan and Goten grinned. gohan ran straight forward so fast that Chibi trunks Didn't see him. Gohan ran far enough so Chibi trunks wouldn't be able to see him and fired a renzoku Energy Dan at him, then Goten fired a burning attack at him. Chibi trunks got confused aand at the same time was hurt. Then his Pheonix came, but Gotens T-Rex tackled it from the side and into a tree. the giant bird was under a tree and not able to protect its master. Then Gohan used Zanzoken and Chibi Trunks tried to hit one, then Goten threw a distucto disc at him and cut of one of his legs causing him to fall. Chibi Trunks knew he couldnt stand a chance without a leg so he used moon blast and when he became the oozaru, his leg has grown back! Goten knew that it would be hard to attack him so instead he charged up for the strongest masenko he could, on the other hand, Gohan turned into a Oozaru and was wrestling with Chibi trunks. Goten Fired the Masenko at the moon and the two reverted to normal. Chibi Trunks went SSJ! Goten Knew that he would be too strong so he went SSJ too! the two SSJs battled but Gohan just used his death ball attack on trunks leaving him barely aalive. then they both yelled traitor in his face and blasted a renzoku Energy dan at his head and used a Distructo disc to cut of his head. Gohan then took the pheonix.
Goten and Gohan win!! They both get 1,000 Credits and 17,606
Gohan takes his Phoenix
Chibi Trunks gets 8,803 PL and is in the Next Dimension

Bebi Vegeta and Teen Trunks go Head to Head
Well while Bebi Vegita was bored of doing NOTHING on the rpg, he searched for some means of getting stronger. He searched on his flying nimbus to speed things up and found an android slightly more powerful, but knew he could take it. As he flew down he yelled, "Kaioken x2!" The android was taken by suprise, but powered-up a Chou Kamehameha. It shot the blast but Bebi countered it with a Ki Blast and shot another right behind knocking him off balance and making a dent on it's chest. Bebi used this advantage to pound the android. The android sweep kicked him making him fall as well. Suddenly when Bebi looked up, a huge Kamehameha go directly at him. Bebi barely dodged the blast rolling away and saw Teen Trunks landing where the blast exploded. When he got up, he saw the badly injured andriod laying down with Trunks kneeling down, Bebi couldn't believe his power, 146,780! He wasn't sure how he could beat such an awesome force, but knew he couldn't back away since he mest with his bot. Meanwhile Trunks talked to his Android, Shadow, "What this punk do to you? i looked behind me and you were gone, you ok?" Shadow said he would be okay using his Regenative power, but wouldn't be able to fight because he used the rest of his power healing himself. Trunks was now pist and only wanted revenge. He stood up and put on his poker face. Bebi Vegita had to do something quick or else he'd get pounded so he started crying, "Sorry, i didn't know it was yours. Can you please forgive me? Don't kill me!" Trunks could only give a little smirk and say, "Heh, well i guess i could relate, you didn't know. Here's what i'll do, i'll let you off the hook...NEXT TIME!!" With that, he shot a Mega Ki Blast, phased to one side shot a kamehameha, phased to the other side and shot a destructo disk. But when Bebi heard the last too words, he went into action[as planned] yelling, "2X SPEED" and was able to jump quick enough to dodge all of them. He called his Flying Nimbus and floated 50 ft. of where he was being shot at and searched for Trunks. He finally spotted him him 20 ft. from the explosion. Bebi fly over to Trunks as quickly and quietly as possible. Once he was behind him he yelled, "KAIOKEN...X4!" and shot a fully charged Ki Blast, but Trunks saw him and what he was doing so he just took one small step to dodge it. Bebi got pist and and used Multi-Form running around him to confuse him. Each with 2x Speed and Kaioken x4 increase there speed dramatically and made Teen trunks dizzy. He started shooting random blasts, but with Bebi's heightened senses, he was able to dodge them. Finally after awhile, all four Bebi's charged Ki Blasts and combined them into one huge Mega Ki Blast aiming towards his legs, Trunks still dizzy fell to the ground, the power made a gigantic explosion with the smoke looking like a mushroom. Bebi had to fly away slightly amazing himself, but breathing heavily because of the energy it took to charge. When the clouds dissipated, Trunks wasn't laying on the ground, but STANDING! Trunks thought to himself, "I tricked him good, hehe. Now let's end this silly game." Trunks came at Bebi in the air charging a Waiting Kamehameha. Bebi formed back to one now, could do nothing but block it crossing his arms infront of him and closing his eyes. As Trunks fired when he got 30 ft. to him, Bebi could only pray he wouldn't be fully taken by the blast. When Trunks was finished he saw Bebi falling 300 ft. away and flew to him slowly, Shadow didn't want to miss this so he followed as well. Bebi with ripped up clothes and in bad shape didn't know what to do. When Bebi landed on the ground he actually started to charge up something. Trunks saw this and could't believe he still survive and getting ready to fight. Trunks finally came 50 ft. within Bebi and saw his hand glow white, and wundered what he was trying to pull. It wasn't strong enough to be a Ki Blast again so he waited to see what the heck he was doing. Bebi made a small grin and threw the blast into the sky, it was a SIMULATED MOON BLAST. Trunks looked at it and said, "Sh*t, i can't control myself in oozaru state!" But Trunks couldn't help staring at it, Bebi looked also and both started to change. Bebi knew how to control his oozaru state, but didn't want to interfere with Trunks wild state so he backed off to a safe distance. As Trunks went crazy firing blasts everywhere, Shadow appeared under him tried to climb up his leg to be able to pull off his tail. Unfortunately Trunks looked down and shot a mouthblast at him, making it fly 200 ft. But when he did this, he also blew off his WHOLE FOOT. This is when Bebi knew he should come back in, but first blew up the fake Moon. As both changed back, Bebi Vegita came up to him while he was screaming in pain and said, "Here's what i'll do...i'll let you off the hook...NEXT TIME!" With that he let out a Ki Blast knocking him unconscious. When Bebi walked away, Shadow came back and nursed Trunks back to health.
Bebi Vegeta wins!!! Gains 1,000 credits and 29,356 PL
Teen Trunks gains 14,678 and 500 Credits for surviving

Chau Zu