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The monograph deals with a problematic question of physiotherapy theoretical basis, that of the relation between the living organism and the physical fields. In considering this complex and most interesting question the concepts and approaches of evolution, biology, physics, chemistry, theory of systems and symmetry are used. The role of regulation of water and its structure in biosystems, the reaction of biosystems to the impactof physical factors, the methods of stady of biological systems and the regulation of structures in them, ect. are considered. Some original hypotheses are set forth and finally, some of the questions bearing on the general theory axiomatics in biology are discussed.
The book is one of the fisrt attempsts of such a comprehensive and system approach to the theoretical foundation of physiotherapy.

in english
in russian
in georgian

information in georgian

[naSromi Seicavs erTdroulad pirveli da meore (Sesworebuli da gafarToebuli) gamocemebis teqstebs da naxatebs:
pirveli gamocemis teqsti da naxatebi mocemulia Sav ferSi.
meore gamocemis testi da naxatebi mocemulia mwvane ferSi.]

z. kobaxiZe, m.saldaZe, m. saldaZe, e. samxaraZe

fizioTerapiis Teoriuli safuZvlebisaTvis absurdis fsiqo-fizika-Si

(zogad-meTodologiuri aspeqtebi - dan momavlis uZiriTadesi teqnologiisaken)

gamomcemloba "sabWoTa saqarTvelo" da veb gverdi "fsiqero"-s eleqtronuli gamomcemlobis centri


1980 - 1999


"a" done - atomuri done
aap - aqtiurad awyobis procesi
"b" done - biologiuri done
bs - biologiuri struqtura
das - dasaregulirebeli struqtura
ds - daregulirebuli struqtura
emss - elementebis mTavari simravlis struqtura
Tdp - TviTawyoba daSlis procesi
Tp - TviTawyobis procesi
kan - kavSiris aqtiuri nawilaki
kl - kvarkuli lingvistika
kla - kvarkul-lingvisturi analizi

ks - kibernetikuli sistema
mm - molekuluri materia
nea - nivTier-energetikuli are
nks - nulovani kibernetikuli sistema
rpms - regulirebis procesSi myofi struqtura
pnd - plastikuri nivTierebebis depo
Jfr - JangviTi fosforilirebis reJimi
"s" done - socialuri done
sdgp - struqturis droSi gameorebis procesi
srs - struqturis regulaciis sistema
ssgp - struqturis sivrceSi gameorebis procesi
sfp Teorema - struqturuli da funqciuri periodulobis Teorema
sca - struqturis cvlilebis amplituda
"t" sistema - teqnikuri sistema
ub - ultrabgera
uih - ujredis ionuri homeostazi
fr - fermentaciis reJimi
hmieq stazi - homeo, morfo, informo, energo, qrono stazi.

information in russian

information in english

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