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A Novel of America's Next War

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Proud Legions is an action-packed, pulse-quickening new novel about a future war with North Korea.
To Order: Proud Legions, A Novel of America's Next War
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Proud Legions
To order one of John Antal's Other Books:
Click on the links below:
Combat Team, The Captain's War
Infantry Combat, The Rifle Platoon
Armor Attacks! The Tank Platoon
Reviews and Customer comments of PROUD LEGIONS are provided below.
From the Author:

The author, John Antal [], March 6, 1999.
    Proud Legions is a high-tech military thriller!  This novel is about a future Korean War, a desperate gamble by a desperate country in an increasingly deteriorating situation.  A miscalculation on the part of the North Koreans could result in a war along the demilitarized zone [DMZ] with very little warning. Desperate people often choose desperate measures. Proud Legions will give you the worms-eye view of modern war at the battalion level, painted behind a backdrop that explains the reasons why the North Korean regime might launch a war. If you like reading books such as Team Yankee or Red Phoenix you will enjoy Proud Legions. Thanks for reading this review and best wishes!


    From Kirkus Reviews, January 15, 1999 ...To win the Second Korean War, the North Koreans must break through the 2nd Battalion's 72nd Armor, commanded by Lt. Col. Johnny Rodriguez... Prepare for the essence of land combat! Enlist now! Save the embattled peninsula from reunification with North Korea! Turn back the NK blitzkrieg, a million men marching on Johnny Rodriguez' handful of mechanized infantry and combat engineers! (First printing of 50,000) -- Copyright ©1999, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.

Comments from readers:

Mike deMayo ( from Burke, Virginia , March 21, 1999
    Gripping tale of modern, high-intensity combat in Korea. John Antal has woven a stunningly believable story about the next Korean War. It is very important that serious statesmen, men at arms, and concerned citizens evaluate the cruel reality of modern, high-intensity combat. John has captured its essence with a technical, tactical and artful skill derived from his lifetime of professional study and practical soldiering. His book riveted me to my seat during a single flight to Hawaii. I recommend it with 5 stars to any man contemplating service in the combat arms of the US Military, and particularly to those citizens light-headed enough to believe this kind of war will never be fought again.

CPT Keith Markham from CMTC, Germany , March 20, 1999
    A MUST READ! Captivating! I couldn't put the book down! Having served in Korea and fought in Desert Storm I can tell you that John Antal captures the intensity of combat & what it might be like in the Korean Theater. This book truly gives the reader a feel of what life is like in the 2nd Infantry Division and Korea.

Glendon Baker, CSM (Retired)( from Warner, NH , March 13, 1999
    Extremely thought provoking, realistic, and exciting. Having served in Korea for about 9 years, I could easily follow the terrain, associate with the places, and envision the difficulty challenging Dragon Force. This book is a thought provoking, realistic and exciting warning of what very well could happen in Korea.

1SG Dave Giver USA (Ret)( from RIT, Rochester, New York , March 12, 1999
    Contact, Kansas, North Alpha!!!!  "Proud Legions" takes you inside the workings of one of Americas greatest tank battalions. The storyline is realistic, quick paced and riveting. LTC Rodriguez take his battalion and you along for the fight of your you have what it takes to be a member of the Dragon Force? Everybody fights, nobody quits!

Dale Lynn ( from Washington, DC, February 26, 1999
    Red Storm Rising meets Team Yankee on the Korean Peninsula. This is a must read for anyone even slightly entertained by the works of either Tom Clancy or Harold Coyle. I was mesmerized by the combination of a rapid story line and technical detail that made me feel like I was part of the action.

Rick Atkinson [Pulitzer Prize Winner and author of Crusade], from Washington, D.C. , February 26, 1999
    A terrific yarn A marvelous yarn by an author whose literary sensibilities perfectly complement his expert knowledge of warfare in general and armored combat in particular. PROUD LEGIONS is reminiscent of the best of Tom Clancy, with a story line that's both engaging and relevant.

LTC Robert R. Leonhard ( from Morgantown, West Virginia, February 16, 1999
    Get ready to think about the unthinkable! Celebrated author and soldier John Antal delivers a hard-hitting novel about the most dangerous and dramatic scenario of tomorrow: full-scale war in Korea. This novel is tense, realistic, and exciting ... An American armored task force--outnumbered, exposed on the front lines, and cut off from support--faces the onslaught of an all-out attack by North Korean forces ... Close your hatches! Check your comms! The enemy is entering the engagement area! A superb and realistic novel!
Proud Legions, A Novel of America's Next War

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