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  • Admit that you are a sinner. Romans 3:10
  • Repent of your sin. Acts 17:30
  • Believe in Jesus Christ's death, burial and resurrection Romans 10:9,10
  • Pray to God to ask forgiveness. Romans 10:13
  • Read God's Holy Bible... the King James Bible... to learn how to grow as a Christian!!! Timothy 2:15

Poems Tips For Moms The Paul Wall Look at Luke!
A Riddle Memorizing Bible is as easy as ABC A Mother's Day

Our Family and Church
Grandpa's Church Website
In Touchet, Washington
Mom of 9's Page
(Beautiful site for Christian Women)
Crowned With Silver
(For the old-fashioned woman)

Taken from The Gospel Tract Harvester Feb 1999
A young woman, defending her attendance at some questionable places of amusement, said, "I think a Christian can go anywhere." "Certainly," rejoined her friend, "but it reminds me of the time I went with some friends to explore a coal mine. One lady in the group said to the old miner, who was our guide, "Can I wear a white dress into the mine?" "Yes, mum," returned the old man, "there's nothing to keep you from wearing a white frock down there, but there will be considerable to keep you from wearing one back." Turn away from each pleasure you'd shrink from pursuing if God should look down and say,
"What are YOU doing?"

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All the graphics are from WENDY'S.
Click on the flower to see her site.

You are listening to Only Trust Him
Thank you, Momof9, for your help in getting this page set up!
Lots of questions answered and instruction given. GBY!