
I hate that I write things that get more missunderstood than what I draw.

I hate the fact that I never ended Todd's pathetic existence. It would've been a favour to him, the world, Pontiac, and most of all, Gremlin.

When I'm in the mall or about town, you have two choices, move, or become a martyr.

I hate the guy that owns Pet City at Southwest plaza mall in Littleton colorado. He's a fucking numbnuts.

I hate the fact that I ever worked for him doing that mural in the first place.

I hate the fact that I'm too big a procrastinator to get anything accomplished.

I hate that I never took charge of that whole Children of the Corn incident at Sullivan East High school in Tennessee.

I hate that thing with Tiffany. Damn I fucked up. I really should end that sometime.

I hate the fact that I didn't drop out of high school earlier. It would've made things alot easier.

I hate never having met Brian Warner. I have the feeling we'd probably get on well.

I hate never actually getting round to killing one of those feckless vampyres that bothered me all the time.

I hate when I let people bug me without telling them they're doing so.

I hate not being able to reach out and smack congress. Partly because they deserve it, partly because they could probably live with a smack from me.

I'd hate more stuff, but I'm tired right now, and mostly I tend to hate things about Joe average. It's easier that way, and on the whole, makes more sense.

That's just my conjecture, go look conjecture up.


Uploaded 15th January 2000