Ok. Here's the story. I'm in highschool. A freshman, but that part doesn't matter. Our school is arranged in such a way that whatever table you sit at on the second day of the school year is the table you sit at for the rest of the year. Fine. Whatever.

So. I sit at this table with a mutual acquaintance of mine. And we're talking. And for some godforsaken reason, the subject of religion comes up. And this girl, she's the sister of another person at my table, asks me what religion I am. And I said I'm a nonpracticing Pagan. And she gives me this semi-incredulous look and says, "What the hell is that?" I tell her its a religion that focuses on belief in gods and goddesses.


My bad. This girl's a Christian.

So she looks at me and says, "You mean you're a Witch?!" and I say, "No. That's not what I said." And she answers with, "Yes it is, you just said so!"

Needless to say this is going to last a long time. Just to summarize what was learned over the next few weeks, it turns out that I'm a Witch, Witches are Satan worshippers, and according to the Bible all Witches are to be burnt in Hell.


Since I tend not to agree that Witches would believe in a fictitious manifestation of another religion, they of course insist upon bringing in their copy of the Bible, once they look up all those big words.

Turns out, nope, it doesn't say that. So of course they insist that it does, despite shoving it in my face that it doesn't.

Tell me this isn't stupid?

I'm a suspect in their eyes now. I'd sit at another table for that period, but the rest of the tables are filled with stoopids.

To bring up another thing, I have a history of wearing a lot of necklaces. One of my favorite ones is a chain with a charm depicting a crescent moon with a star resting on the bottom point.


That day I was denounced as an *Islamic* Satan worshipper. Will someone please take the Jesuscrispies away?

I'm not really religious anymore. I've found that its difficult for me to place faith in an imaginary deity. Sure, I believe in the whole mythology thing, dragons and unicorns and that crap, but I suppose thats normal. Ah well.


Uploaded 1st March 2000