Welcome to Why I'm Cancelling Xmas. This is a general rants entry. Which is to say, the forum in which I get to bitch about persons, places or things that piss me off or which are generally stoopid. It's funny, too, because this is alot like what alot of people think my old buddy Gremlin's News of the Stoopid subsite is supposed to be. Which is to say, this is the place where enemies of all sorts get stomped on a one on one basis. Cool huh?

Remember that everything contained in these entries, as with the rest of this website, is to be taken as an opinion. Not nessesarily that of the author, his web host or any persons, companies or multigalaxial conglomerates that may or may not be associated with this website or it's agents. Which is to say, loosen the hell up!

Found someone, something, or someplace stoopid? Wanna share?. Simply EMail your story, complaint, review, or rant to Swyndle for consideration. Just keep in mind, The Great American Swyndle reserves the right to refuse any submission for any reason,without notice to the author. If the report is published, theoriginal author and the submittor [as applies] will be credited in full. For that, if you'd rather not have your EMail address or name published herein, please attach the proper pen name, etc. to the original story. WARNING: If you do not submit a name, pen, or otherwise, your entry will NOT be posted, but met with immediate deletion. Unless I decide to write about you for doing that. Enjoy.


Things worth cancelling X-mas over:

    1 Jehova's Dumbasses

    2 Hunter's Library

    3 Y2k?

    4 Animal rights

    5 Driving Priviledges

    6 Thoughts from New Zealand

    7 My Vacation

    8 Wysp's Vacation

    9 Legacies

    10 This is Just Funny

    11 Senseless Kack

    12 Stuff I hate

    13 More Stuff I hate

    14 Stuff I hate About Me

    15 More Stuff I Hate About Me

    16 Marketing

    17 Religion from Trillian

    18 The Fuzz

    19 The Great American Swyndle

    Click Here to Touch Bung

ORDER News of the StoopidLike what you saw here? Click this link and get the full lenght News of the Stoopid book written by Gremlin. Hey, it has a picture of your buddy Swyndle in it.

Created 3rd August 1999
Copyright © Pat Johnson, 1999