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~BayCaliente's Java Tutorial~

If you are experiencing difficulty in viewing 'java applet' graphics and are running AOL 4.0, try the following solutions.  In many cases this will do the trick.

Clear out ("purge") your Temporary Internet Files.  If too many files are accumulated, web graphics (not just java applets) will load slowly or not at all.  To do this:

1)  Click on "My AOL".....then click on "Preferences"......then click on "WWW"......then click on the "Advanced" tab.

2)  You can choose to "view" the files to see just how many you've accumulated or go to step 3 to continue to clean (purge) them.

3)  Click on "Settings".......then click on "Empty Files".  If you have quite a few files that have accumulated, the cleaning process may take a few minutes and the hour glass will hang.  Your computer is not frozen :-}

4)  When completed, click on "OK" as you exit each window.


Set your AOL web graphics preferences to "uncompressed".  To do this:

1)  Click on "My AOL".....then click on "Preferences"......then click on "WWW"......then click on the "Securities" tab (or on some AOL 4.0 versions it would be the "Web Graphics" tab).

2)  If there is a check mark beside "use compressed graphics", remove the check mark by clicking on it with your mouse.

3)  Click "OK" as you exit these windows.


Enable your Java JIT compiler setting.  Some versions of AOL 4.0 do not have this option but that doesn't mean that you cannot view 'java applet' graphics.  It simply means that steps 1 and 2 should be all you need to do :-}   If your version does, however, have this option then by all means enable your java setting.  To do this:

1)  Click on "My AOL".....then click on "Preferences"......then click on "WWW"......then click on the "Advanced" tab.

2)  If there is no check mark beside "Enable Java JIT compiler", then click with your mouse to put a check mark there.

3)  Click on "OK" as you exit these windows.

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