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DRWF Presents:
Deadly Assault
Scott: Hello everybody and welcome to the DRWF Deadly Assault PreShow. I'm Scott Hunter sitting along side...

Max: I can introduce myself. I'm Max Hunter and within these next 30 minutes, we are going to be giving our thoughts on tonights event.

Scott: But one match that I think we should really talk about right now is the big main event for tonight which is the match with Tyrone Gibson and the Redeemer with Table Man as the special guest referee. All 3 of these men are members of the dreaded Revolution X.

Max: But it seems that this team has caught a little snag lately. Not only here, but also in the aWa.

Scott: Yes. We here at the DRWF are very good friends with the aWa and we stay up to date on there stuff. Well, it seems as if Revolution X is completly finished in the aWa, and there is a serious rumor goin around that the RX locker room has not been gettin along as of late.

Max: Mainly with Redeemer and Tyrone Gibson. But the World Title can make you do that. We've seen many friendships get dissolved over that piece of gold. I mean, who will ever forget when Everlaster and the Rock battled it out for that title. They havent been friends with each other since.

Scott: But everybody wants to be on top, especially the Redeemer. He's been through hell and back to get where he is now.

Max: So has Tyrone. This match in itself is a simple reason why you should go to your phone right now and order this event if you haven doneso already.

Scott: But the match I'm sure everybody is wanting to see has to be the match with Sean Moro and Mr. Late Nite.

Max: Man, this war has been brewing ever since Kuruption when Sean Moro who then was known as IcE took the DRWF World Title from Shawn Michaels.

Scott: Mr. Late Nite still feels to this day that Moro stole his shot at the title. Then he was supposed to take on IcE at Hatred in February, but again IcE backed out and decided to have the IcE Games which Late Nite again didnt get his chance to get his hands on IcE since he was the second one eliminated by JackHammer.

Max: Mr. Late Nite then went AWOL for about a month, but then came back with a bang. He figured that Moro was too damn scared to have a one on one match with him, so he did the only thing that he could do to push Moro to giving him a match..

Scott: And that was by bringin back the Late Nite Show and boy did that show come back with a bang.

Max: All through the show he made fun of Moro and the rest of Revolution X. But I the straw that broke the camels back had to be when Mr. Late Nite and his boys attacked Sean's half brother, Evan, and snapped his arm. With Sean bein President of the DRWF, he figured that he could sign himself in a match which he did.

Scott: Late Nite's plan was successful and now he and Moro will finally collide one on one tonight on Deadly Assault. And the third and final main event that people have been wanting to see would have to be the match with Sean Corbin and Stalker.

Max: To this day, Corbin and Stalker have nothin but pure unadulterated hatred for one another. But Corbin's hatred for him my run a lot deeper than Stalker's does. Who will ever forget when Corbin was brutally attacked, not once, not twice, but 3 damn times thus leading up to Corbin losing the World Title to Tyrone about a week ago.

Scott: First Stalker began by trying to end Corbin's career by breaking his leg. Then a week ago, they battled it out in a 6 man tag match, and Stalker knocked the living s**t out of him with a double ax handle blow to the neck that almost paralyzed his ass. And then finally, when Corbin went for the Super Fly splash, Stalker came outta nowhere, and pushed Corbin off of the top rope and sent him flying through the table costing him the DRWF World Heavyweight Title.

Max: Willie was so pissed off by Stalkers actions that he finally made this match with Stalker taking on Corbin in a weapons match which will take place inside of the dreaded hell in a cell.

Scott: I'm tellin you, if you havent ordered Deadly Assault, then get your ass to the phone and call your local cable company or satellite provider to order this exciting event.

Commercial for DRWF Deadly Assault:

Narrator: Last month, at Nuclear WarFare, we saw all hell break loose. Well, that was just the beginning of what you are going to see in the DRWF New Era from here on out. Live, April 29th, from the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, NC, witness the most X-Treme matches that you'll ever see in professional wrestling history as the

Call your local cable company or satellite provider for ordering info.

Scott: Welcome back to the Deadly Assault PreShow and it is now time for the match of this PreShow which is a cast away match with Outcast and Logan Rockwood.

Max: Both men are now backstage with the biggest amount of weapons that I have ever seen. I mean, theres all kinds of s**t from chairs, barbwire, tacks, and even damn explosives.

Scott: This should be one hell of a match, and to think the winner of this match will get a chance at the DRWF United States Title in a few weeks on Saturday Massacre. Well, the referee just called for the bell and here we go!

Max: And Outcast immediatly goes for Logan with a steel chair wrapped in barbwire! Man, this is really rough for Logan Rockwood because after this match, he has to take on Ace later on tonight in a Hell in a Cell match.

Scott: Oh my goodness, Outcast caught him in the damn chest with that chair! OH GOD!! Did you see him rip it across his chest!?

Max: And already Logan has been cut open. That was just sickening. And Outcast takes that chair again and smashes it right across his damn back! And he's doin it over and over again! He's finally got Logan down to his knees, but Logan picks up a friggin confetti gun and shoots it into Outcast's face!

Scott: Where the hell did he get that!? Outcast is now on the ground and it looks as if he's been blinded. I never thought I would ever see that.

Max: The last time I saw someone get shot with a confetti gun was when that situation happened to Johnny B Badd back in WCW years ago.

Scott: Logan is back up and he grabs a hand full of barbwire and he's trying to shove it down Outcast's throat! Is he crazy!?!

Max: Man, this is disturbing! Look at that blood starting to flow out of Outcast's mouth!

Scott: But Outcast finally comes back with a hard low blow.

Max: As you've seen before, a low blow will take anybody down, even the strongest man in the universe. Oh my God! I dont believe what I'm seeing!

Scott: What is it?

Max: It's shades of Genocide! He's beginning to pull that barbwire out of his throat! HOLY S**T! LOOK WHAT IS ON THAT BARBWIRE!

Scott: Ewe! Thats a hell of alot of meat on there. Oh my God. I think Outcast may have just passed out.

Max: Well wouldnt you if you saw pieces of your throat on some barbwire?

Scott: Yeah, you're right about that. Meanwhile, Logan Rockwood has a bag in his hands? What in the worl...oh no. I see it now! It looks like it has thumb tacks sticking out of it!

Max: Logan can hardly stand, but he's able to hold that big ass bag of weapons. Outcast is finally beginning to get back up and Logan is setting him up for the swing...

Scott: He swings it, but Outcast ducks and pushes him dow....


Max: OH MY GOD!!


Max: Logan is rolling on the floor in serious pain now. Man, this looks like a damn car accident.

Scott: Outcast is standing up on his feet and he falls down onto Logan. The ref goes for the count...


Max: I dont believe it! Logan kicked out!

Scott: Rockwood has got to be super human to kick outta that.

Max: Outcast looks to be really pissed off now. He grabs that barbwire steel chair again and now HE'S BEGINNING TO POUND THE LIVING S**T OUTTA LOGAN AGAIN WITH IT!

Scott: Man, this is crazy...HEY, WAIT A MINUTE! What in the hell is going on here!?!

Max: It's Rich Kandido!! He was supposed to take on Ray Ray Jay tonight, but he was a no show, but now he attacks Outcast from behind and now they're beating the living s**t out of one another!

Scott: Why in the hell did he come out there!?!

Max: I dont know, but I think that he may have just cost Outcast the match! Wait a minute, the match is still going on, and Rich smashes a damn glass jar over Outcast's head! And look at this! Logan is back up on his feet!

Scott: He wraps his arms around Outcast's and he gives him a belly to back suplex ONTO THE TACKS!! GOOD LORD!!

Max: Logan lifts his body up into a bridge! The referee is down and he counts. But both mens shoulders are down...




Ding Ding Ding

Max: I dont believe it! Logan Rockwood is the victor!! He has defeated Outcast in what may have been one of the most brutal matches I have ever seen in my life!

Scott: Rich Kandido looks down at Outcast and he leaves him laying there in disgust. Why in the hell did Rich Kandido come out there and attack him?

Max: I have no idea, but you can bet that Outcast is far from finished with both of these men. Well, our 30 minutes are almost up and it's about that time for Deadly Assault! Thank you all for joining us here for this PreShow, and remember if you havent ordered Deadly Assault, you still have a little bit of time left to go to your phone and order this Pay Per View extravaganza. Again, thank you all for joining us here. I'm Max Hunter...

Scott: And I'm Scott Powers and we'll see you in just a few minutes for DRWF Deadly Assault!

Click Here for Deadly Assault!!