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Brathwaite Trade

Written:::::: Sometime after the flames traded Brathwaite and I was letting off steam.
You know what? I've had enough. Maybe i'm not the perfect fan anymore. I stuck with the Flames, even though everyone says they are a crappy team. I went through a season of watching them play decent hockey, but miss the playoffs AGAIN. I'm still going to cheer for them, except when they play against Colorado and Los Angeles. I don't hate the team itself, but the coaches and trading staff and GM have NO clue what they are doing! I could do a better job, and I have absolutly NO experience what so ever, and I'm 15!!! I mean seriously. Are they TRYING to get rid of all their good players!? Trading Fred Brathwaite (their ONLY good goalie, and my hero) to St. Louis for another washed up goaltender, Roman Turek. Second year in a row. They got Vernon last year, and what did he do? Pretty much nothing. Sure he got a couple of shut outs, but seriously. In important games, he let his team down. Brathwaite carried them, and they would have been behind Anaheim if he hadn't played so well. And Bure had to go, but Jason Weimer was just starting to come into his game! If we can't afford experienced, excellent veterans like Patrick Roy and Mario Lemieux, then atleast keep players who are going to become something in a few years. Roman Turek is almost at the end of his career, and the goalie they got from the draft won't be ready to play until after the Flames move to a different city! Rob Nediermyer is getting on too. I just hope fans like me stick with the Flames, cheering them on and seeing the games. Fred Brathwaite was a well known and loved competitor in our city, as was Bure. Weimer and Tkachuk could have been too. All I have to say is this was a VERY bad move by whoever made it.

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