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Gundam Wing

Angst: Depression, torture (mental or otherwise), general bad feelings.
AU: Alternate Universe. The characters are placed in a situation impossible in the series.
Citrus/Citrusy: Yery light sexual content. Nothing more than a peck on the lips, etc. Last on the 'Citrus Scale.'
Crossover: A fic with characters from two (or more) anime series.
Death/Deathfic: Someone dies, usually as the central point of the fic.
Fluff: Light-hearted, happy stuff. No real content.
FV: Fantasy violence; Sailormoon destroying youma with Moon Tiara Action, etc.
Het/Non-Yaoi: Male/female relationships.
Humor: Self explanatory.
Language: Bad words, swearing.
Lemon: Explicit sexual content; penetration, oral sex, etc. Heaviest of the 'Citrus Scale.'
Lime: Non-excplicit sexual content; heavy kissing, petting, etc. Second on the 'Citrus Scale', just below Lemon.
NCS: Non-consentual sex, rape, beating, etc.
OOC: Out of character
OT: Out of timeline. Could have happened in the universe of the show but didn't.
Orange/Orangy: Light sexual content; light kissing, very little touching, etc. Usually last on the 'Citrus Scale.'
Original Character: Fic contains one or more original characters.
PWP: Plot? What Plot?
Sap: I love you, you love me, everybody loves everybody. Pure sugar.
Shojo/Shoujo-ai: "Girls' Love."
Shonen/Shounen-ai: "Boys' Love."
Songfic: A fic set around or to the lyrics of a song.
Squick: A fic with scenes of very brutal and/or gory violence.
Vidfic: A written video to the lyrics of a song.
V: Violence. I think you understand.
Yaoi: Male/male relationships.
Yuri: Female/female relationships.

Pairing #'s/letters (Used in GW fanfic):
5=Wu Fei
12=Lady Une (Only a rumor)
Often, either x or + will indicate the level of relationship. + is none graphic, x is. I don't use this.
Updated: 04/28/02 ('Gundam Moon' completed.)

If any of you want, I would be happy to host your work. Just send it to me and I will let you know what I think. Thanks!

Trowa's Death
This is my first series. It's sad and stuff. Poor Quatre :(
Warnings: Shonen-ai, Death, Angst, Orangy.
Pairings: 3x4, 1xR, 2xH, 1x2.

My Gundam Moon
If it's not obvious, this is a Sailormoon/Gundam Wing crossover.
It is my version of the arrival of Sailor Cosmos and the creationg of Crystal Tokyo.
Warnings: FV, Shonen-ai, Orangy, Humor, Shojo-ai (non-GW).
GW Pairings: 1x2, 3x4, 6x9

A Day in the Life of 1x2
This is my attempt at a happy 1x2. No 'Omae o korosu', no Duo leaving Heero for Wu Fei, etc. Hope you like!
Warnings: Shonen-ai, Sap, Orangy, Humor.
Pairings: 1x2 (duh), 3x4.

Mei the Gundam Pilot
The story is about Mei, a new pilot, and how Duo tries to hook her up with Quatre.
By Lady Kendall
Warnings: Non-Yaoi, Humor.
Pairings: 1xR.

Circus Girl
The circus receives a surprise visit from a very interesting young woman...
By Kat Named Yoko.
Warnings: None.
Pairings: None.

The Twins of Destruction
A special someone shows up at the Sanc Kingdom.
By Kat Named Yoko
Warnings: None.
Pairings: None.

Romance of Gundam Wing
By Ana
Warnings: Shonen-ai, a little Yaoi-ish, MAJOR SAP, mild Humor (the Relena bashing kind!).
Pairings: 3x4, 1xR, 1x2

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