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Welcome To The Official Site Of The Band

Note from the page maker......... OMG Tragic Tragic News!!! Well Right Hand Man is no more. The band broke up! I talked to the guitarist Rob and he told me so. Wow this is depressing, I loved this band! Anyway, their last show was in November and it was at the Music Hall in Colorado Springs, so if you wanna go to you can download their last show and watch it online, I may be making a Battle of the Band's page with all my fav bands including this one and I will be hosting it on, so check back and look at the site, I am very sorry for them breaking up, Rob plays for Laid to Rest now which is an awesome hardcore band, I dunno where Jameson is and Dan is off being.... well.... Dan, so check back for more info about the new site I will build....peace out people and if for any reason you still need to get ahold of me email me at, peace and keep rockin' out!!