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By your side, always with you i will be
My sweet friend i am with you for all eternity
You are never alone, no matter where you go
Just lift your eyes and you will see a bright shining glow

I have been with you always, never far from your side
Wherever your heart is, my strength will abide
When you feel weary and life seems too much to bear
Close your eyes, feel me near, feel my loving care

I will be your shoulder to lean on, your rock in the storm
I will love you and care for you and keep you from harm
You've been so brave,tried so hard to do what you could do
Now lay back in my arms precious one and let me hold you

I hold you close and dry your tears,rock you in my embrace
I feel the beauty in your soul, I see the pain in your face
Much to do, so little time,it seems like it will never end
You dig to restore honor,peace, for the lost women and men

The souls are gone, they are home now and free
What remains is the pain for those left behind you see
And you remain a beacon, of all that is strong and good
I know you would gladly change places if you could

God has a special plan for you, your work has not been done
You are to shine like a star so bright, you are already one
People needed a hero to cling to, to help them find the way
You have been that always, every moment, every day

I'm with you, my hands on yours as we lift the shovel high
I ease your load,give you strengh and hug you as you cry
You are never alone, I am always here,with you for all time
I am here for you,brave sweet one, the honour it is mine.

Copyright @ 2001 Rosecan

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