Let me tell you folks,who gathered here today.
I am a proud and thankful cowboy,who has just passed away.
I know it's hard,but please don't cry,
fer I'm now ridin Gods trails, High up in the sky.
The hoss I'm ridin' now, Don't spook,buck or kick
Fer God stables perfect horses and now I have my pick.
Lord please forgive me of all my sins,
Fer I haven't been perfect,but I do know
he whoever believes in you always wins.
I have lived a good life,a cowboys dream come true.
Thank you Lord,fer I'm now ready to ride into enternity,
Me my Horse and You.
I have loved and been loved by the most wonderful lady,
that I will never forget.
Lord please take her under your care
and see that her world is filled with them
thier rainbows and make sure she smiles...
yes her smile that I will miss.
I have seen a world where I have laughed,
where I have smiled,where I have cried
but Lord it still is filled with the best....
Cowgirls...Cowboys...playin in the wide open country that
you gave to us as a gift.
I will miss the sun that warms my day
on a cold January morn...
the stars and moon that light up those quiet nights
when it's only me and you.
There is so much this cowboy will miss,but Lord
it's the love of the people,a smile and hello
that will make it so hard for me to go.
A perfect ride,the dust,the glory of those rodeo's,
the sounds and smells when on that country ride,
that only a cowboy knows.
I guess lord what I'm trying to say is why take me
from a place that I know has to be heaven,
a place I call my home.
If I must go I just want everyone to know,
that live your life to it's fullest,each and every day,
reach for the stars,take time to make your life
better every way.
One never knows when your ride will end...
and if it does just remeber that in heavenit just begins.
Will York,
Ike Clayton

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