~*~ Rules ~*~
General Rules

~ If any member is caught as a scammer/hacker they will be reported immediately and will be banned from AAS.
~ The Angels And Starlights guild strictly upholds the Neopets Terms And Conditions.
~ If a member of the Guild leaves and then decides to come back, that member will return with an entry level rank and have to earn the higher titles again
~ A member can be demoted from their rank if they don't fulfill their rank recruirements.
~ Angels And Starlights will never order members to spy on other guilds.
~ Do not create accounts using aas as it's prefix for the username.

Message Board Rules

~ Members can advertise for their shop, partys, giveaway and etc.
~ The message board is open for free chat 24/7
~ All language used must be appropriate for all ages
~ You must treat all members well
~ Siggys (signature tags) can be up to 5 lines long, but they can't stretch the board.
~ You can not ask for items for your giveaway

~*~ Rules ~*~
Welcome to Angels And Starlights rules page! Here is where you'll find all the rules that members have to follow.

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