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divine emotions . . .
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sunday, february 22, 2004 . . .

today isn't very special. nothing crazy or outstanding to write about.

mood: kinda depressed, no reason. just thinking about people and things in general.

health: feeling good. i haven't gotten sick in forever. knock on wood.

boys: enough said they're all just "boys"

pictures: me being me. have you ever had your head squished? you have now hehehehe ^^

school: good, except round two of exams are approaching fast

other thoughts: i believe that if you want goodness you gotta put goodness out there.

anyway, those are my random thoughts from the day. hopefully they make sense to someone else other than me. take care of yourselves and talk to me, write me, send me some love.


monday, january 26, 2004 . . .

oh my goodness!!!!

i thought i'd never update my page again. however, i felt this strong urge to start writing again. i love it. the freedom to say anything mixed with the artistic ability to share my passion of taking pictures of myself. damnn i gotta get out more. i sound so narsasistic, don't i? sorry, but hey it's 2:30 in the morning.

anyway i will update and there will be more changes. soon i promise. but until then bear with me, pleaseeeeee, and update me on what's going on with you. i love hearing how my friends are. ^^ take care and write me you bastards! jk

much love


saturday, february 1, 2003 . . .

health: i woke up at 12:30 with a sore throat. whatever i do i can't get rid of it. maybe it's the lack of sleep or maybe i'm doing too much? who knows?

partying: went up to denver/boulder last weekend. so much fun. we went shopping, dancing, and drinking. i can't wait to go again. next weekend, i'm there, i'm so freakin there. yeah baby!!!!!!

emotional: i can't believe it's february already. yes, another valentines day. i think this year i'm gonna hide. some guy better send me flowers or something.

new info: guess what? i'm gonna be the maid of honor for stacey!!! how exciting. another one of my friends is committing thier life to another. how crazy, huh? but i really like them together. they're so happy and i wish them the best.

boys: not many details to give here. just that one guy i kinda liked is already hooked up. some say bad timing, i say horrible.

pictures:first one is at daves. dave is squirming around cuz he got a wet-willy. second is me saying cheeze!!! third is at yong and jessica's kitchen. chris, nash, alex, and little mikey down front. hehehehe

friday, january 17, 2003 . . .

oh yeah, it's finally friday and the weekend is among us. all's i got to say is take care of yourselves and have fun.

this week has gone by so fast. i just started school again and i still work at miyake's (i haven't quit, contrary to what some have said. heheehe ^^) so far, i think i'll do well. ^^ oh and i've changed my major to business. the business school is so much different than the CIS department. not a bad different just different.

anyway, good luck to everyone heading back to school like me. and e-mail, e-mail, e-mail.

p.s. the pictures are of me back in october. and yes i did cut my hair. what do you think?--sign the guestbook ^^