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Medical Effects of cocaine

Cocaine is a central nervous system stimulant and a topical anaesthetic. Coca, in it's traditional form ( It is found in the leaves of the Erthroxylum coca plant) was chewed. this produced a mild effect that made the natives ( coca is produced in south america) work harder and longer. outside of South America, that is Europe and North America, cocaine is found in it's more refined forms. One of them is powdered cocaine and the other is freebased cocaine; both of them produce a much stronger effect than just sucking or chewing on coca leaves.The term "crack" is given to either street quality freebased cocaine or to refer to the manufacturing process made with sodium bicarbonate instead of flammable solvents. Powdered cocaine is usually "sniffed" that is beeing inhaled by the nostrils. This produces and effect of much longer use (15-30 mins) than crack but is of lesser hight of the peak sensation. Freebased cocaine on the other hand, produces a higher effect in the span of much less time ( 3-5 mins). Both of these drugs may be highly dangerous overlooking the effects they bring in themselves. Cocaine is never found in it's pure form, it is always shortened. the shortenings not only vary the quality but also vary the health hazard because it is not the same to have shortened cocaine with rat poison than to shorten it with sugar.

Cocaine powder Crack crystals

Psycological effects.

Cocaine increases alertness, wakefulness, elevates the mood, mild to high degree of euphoria, increases athletic performance, decreases fatigue, clearer thinking, increases concentration, increases energy, increased irritability, insomnia, restlessness. With high doses may exhibit a pattern of psychosis with confused and disorganized behavior, irritability, fear, paranoia, hallucinations, may become extremely antisocial and aggressive.

Physiological effects

Cocaine inceases heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and sweating. Increases speed of respiration, dilates the pupils, decreased sleep and appetite. Can decrease seizure threshold and is associated with seizures, strokes, and heart attacks in susceptible individuals.

Overdose symptoms

Agitation, hostility, hallucinations, convulsions, high body tempertature (hyperthermia), stroke, heart attack, and possibly death. People with latent congenital heart defects, high blood pressure, or thyroid problems are at higher risk of dangerous reactions and heart failture with the recreational use of cocaine.

Withdrawl Symptoms

Although cocaine does not cause dangerous physical addiction, discontinuing regular use can lead to a wide varieties of unpleasant withdrawal and craving symptoms, including: intense cravings for more cocaine, hunger, irritability, apathy, depression, paranoia, suicidal ideation, loss of sex drive, insomnia or excessive sleep. Often, individuals simply take more cocaine to reduce these effects, leading to a pattern of addiction and habituation.

long term use Heavy, regular use of cocaine is known to cause restlessness, anxiety, hyperexcitability, paranoia, irritability, insomnia, weight loss, and a variety of other less acute psychological symptoms. Insufflation of any substance can lead to damaging the cartiledge and mucosa in the nose, eventually leading to a hole in the septum (the soft structure separating the nostils). If injected, cocaine use can lead to a wide variety of problems including life-threatening infections, shared needle-related blood diseases, etc.

Cocaine only produces these effects, secondary effects like prostitution also bring other diseases and effects that are not listed above. If you or your friend has a drug abuse problem but don't want to quite, please consider the effects on the body and use the drug safely.