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Resident Camp Program



Have your cow take part in a fun filled summer of challenges such as: grazing, small creek crossing, walking up steep hillsides, walking down steep hillsides, mooing contests, cow-pie contests, learning "Hey Diddle, Diddle", Cow Tipping, Ballooning, and Cow-tapaulting. These challenges combined with a well trained staff, great grains, pure Rocky Mountain spring water, and a little bit of "Mad Cowness", will enrich your cow's life.


cowDay Camp: For young calves, this coed camp is for calves who come to Colorado Cow Camp to vacation with family or friends. Each day camp is open from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Dates: Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend. Cost: $50.00/week.

cowJunior Camp:Junior Camp is a week long coed camp designed to challenge cows before they reach maturity with age appropriate activities and fun. Dates: July 1-7, July 9-15 and July 17-23. Cost: $300.00 (includes free cow bell). Sign up by May 1st and receive a $10.00 discount.

cowMature Cow Camp:For the mature cow we offer week long coed camps similar to the Junior Camps, but with greater challenges. Dates: August 1-7, August 9-15 and August 17-23. Cost: $325.00 (includes free cow bell). Sign up by May 1st and receive a $10.00 discount.

cowRound-up Camp:If your cow is almost to maturity and you would like for him/her to learn round-up basics then this camp is for you! Your cow will spend the week learning how to follow the herd through pastures, over small creeks and dirt roads. This camp is limited to only 10 cows so sign up quick. July 25-30. Cost is 150.00.

cowAdvanced Round-up Camp: This camp is for those cows with prior Round-up experience who are adventurous enough to spend four days and four nights on the trail. The goal of this camp is to make your cow the leader of future round-ups. August 25-30. Cost: $175.00.

cow bar

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Colorado Cow Camp
Web Design by GrumpynAM


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