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Jewish Friends of Palestine Gateway

With the current situation in Israel/Palestine, there has been a great deal of polarization between supporters of various perspectives on the question. In the process, there has developed a false impression that all Jewish people and organizations have rallied behind Israel, the Israeli Occupation of Palestine, and the policies of the Israeli government.

In reality, however, nothing could be further from the truth. Many Jewish individuals and organizations have openly declared their opposition to the current situation - some against the current policies of the Israeli government, others against the continued Occupation, and others even against Israel and the Zionist ideal as a whole.

Like the various non-Jewish Pro-Palestinian individuals and organizations active in the United States, and perhaps even more so, Jewish organizations speaking out against Israel receive minimal media exposure and are generally treated as a fringe element. This gateway is meant to help correct this false impression and provide a resource for those interested in learning more about various Jewish formations that are actively opposed to either Israel's current policies, the Occupation, or even Israel as a whole.

Note on Inclusion. Inclusion in this gateway is not meant to suggest or imply any affiliation, association, or even fondness, for any other group included. The basic criteria for inclusion is support for the bare minimum required for a sustainable peace, namely, the complete Israeli withdrawal from the Occupied Territories and the sharing of Al Quds/Jerusalem. Beyond this, the groups included represent a broad array of Jewish viewpoints and opinions, some of which are in active opposition to one another. Inclusion is afforded to any group considering itself, in part or in full, as Jewish, recognizing that other groups included may not consider them Jewish in any respect.

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Jewish Peace Organizations
  • Americans for Peace Now - Shalom Achshav [Peace Now], was founded in 1978 by 348 reserve officers of the Israel Defense Forces who believed that only a negotiated end to the conflict in the Middle East could bring true security to Israel and her people. Americans for Peace Now [APN] was founded to help Shalom Achshav and to build an informed and empowered pro-peace American public.
  • Arab/Jewish Dialogue of New Mexico - Co-Founded by Congregation Nahalat Shalom in New Mexico, the group advocates the complete withdrawal from the Occupied Territories, the creation of a viable Palestinian state and the sharing of Al Quds/Jerusalem.
  • Ariga Publishing - Ariga carries mostly reports or links to reports about the Middle East peace process, with an emphasis on peace groups, joint Israeli-Arab efforts, and other attempts to make a new Middle East.
  • Bat Shalom - Bat Shalom is a feminist peace organization of Israeli women. We work toward a just peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors that includes recognition of a Palestinian state side-by-side with Israel and Jerusalem as the capital of both.
  • Break the Silence Campaign - We, the undersigned individuals represent U.S. Jews who want to return to the courageous policies of Yitzhak Rabin. We do not back the policies of the Netanyahu government. The time is now to organize Jews of every background to speak-out against the current Israeli government's return to a policy of fear and non-cooperation with her Arab and Palestinian neighbors. No independent website.
  • Brit Tzedek V'Shalom (Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace) - Brit Tzedek v'Shalom is a U.S. Jewish organization working toward a just, viable and lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinian people.
  • B'Tselem - The Israeli Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories was established in 1989 by a group of prominent academics, attorneys, journalists, and Knesset members. It endeavors to document and educate the Israeli public and policymakers about human rights violations in the Occupied Territories, combat the phenomenon of denial prevalent among the Israeli public, and help create a human rights culture in Israel.
  • Canadian Friends of Peace Now - Canadian Friends of Peace Now supports the work of Shalom Achshav (Peace Now) in Israel. It seeks security through peace, and promotes dialogue and compromise between Israel and its neighbours.
  • Coalition of Women for a Just Peace - The Coalition of Women for a Just Peace is a mix of Jewish and Palestinian women (all citizens of Israel) who call upon Israel to end the occupation and negotiate a just solution.
  • Colorado Jews for a Just Peace - Colorado Jews for a Just Peace is a predominantly Jewish organization, formed in response to the escalating violence in the Middle East, and holding as our basic principles the ideals of compassion, social justice, and the value of every human life.
  • East Bay Jewish Palestinian Group - The East Bay Jewish-Palestinian Group represents a group of Americans of Jewish, Palestinian and other backgrounds who are committed to a just and peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. No independent website.
  • Foundation for Global Community - This peace is to be achieved through the withdrawal of Israeli forces from territories occupied in 1967, allowing the Palestinian people the exercise of their right to self-determination in those territories. After the peace treaty and the five-year interim period, the Palestinian part of Jerusalem will be the capital of the State of Palestine. The Israeli part of Jerusalem will be the capital of the State of Israel.
  • Gush Shalom - For years now, Gush Shalom has played a leading role in determining the moral and political agenda of the peace forces in Israel, as well as in breaking the so-called "national consensus" based on misinformation.
  • Hanitzotz A-Sharara Publishing House - Hanitzotz - A Sharara Publishing House (HPH) is a non-profit organization founded in 1985 by human-rights activists in Israel. Our primary goal is a just solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We call for the emergence of a viable, sovereign Palestinian State in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. We also seek full equality for those Arabs who live inside Israel, as well as acknowledgement of their Palestinian national identity.
  • HaMoked - An Israeli organization founded in 1988 to defend human rights in the occupied territories. It has provided assistance to several thousand Palestinian victims of violence, human rights abuses and bureaucratic harassment. HaMoked registers complaints and follows through on them through administrative and legal channels until the matter is successfully resolved.
  • The International Jewish Manifesto - A project initiated in response to the election of Ariel Sharon as Prime Minister of Israel and calling for an immediate unilateral end to the Occupation, including East Al Quds. The page includes an enormous number of Jewish pro-peace links, articles, and other works.
  • Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) - ICAHD is a non-violent, direct-action group originally established to oppose and resist Israeli demolition of Palestinian houses in the Occupied Territories. As our activists gained direct knowledge of the brutalities of the Occupation, we expanded our resistance activities to other areas - land expropriation, settlement expansion, by-pass road construction, policies of "closure" and "separation," the wholesale uprooting of fruit and olive trees and more.
  • The Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace (ICIPP) - In February 1976 the founders of ICIPP published a Manifesto in which they set forth their belief that Israel should challenge the PLO to make peace on the basis of Israeli withdrawal from the territories occupied in June 1967, the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza, and carefully negotiated agreements to guarantee the security of Israel, taking as a model the agreements negotiated with Egypt when Israel withdrew from the Sinai. In addition, ICIPP has never forgotten that even after Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 borders, many Palestinians will continue to live in Israeli territory, and that Israel, by abolishing all discriminatory laws and practices, must make it possible for these Palestinians to feel themselves truly equal citizens of Israel. Hosted by
  • Jewish Mobilization for a Just Peace - JMJP's "principles of unity" stress supporting the human rights of all people in the Middle East and working for an end to the Israeli occupation. Our objectives include organizing inside the Jewish community in support of peace with justice; projecting an alternative Jewish voice in the larger Philadelphia-area community; and supporting the right of Jews to express dissident views on such issues as nationalism, Zionism, Jewish security, etc.
  • Jewish Palestinian Discussion Group in the Basle Area - Jews and Palestinians each have an equivalent claim to their own national homesteads, that is two neighbouring, sovereign states, Israel and Palestine, in secure frontiers and support one another in attaining this objective...a solution has to be found, that is appropriate to the holy site and its history, for an undivided Jerusalem as two capitals of two sovereign states....
  • Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue Group of San Mateo - Our 9-year-old Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue Group on the San Francisco Peninsula, 30 women and men -- Holocaust survivors and 20th generation Palestinians -- after 110 meetings, is learning how to change strangers into friends, "enemies" into partners. No independent website.
  • Jewish Peace Fellowship - Jewish Peace Fellowship is a Jewish voice in the peace community and a peace voice in the Jewish community. We are a nondenominational Jewish organization committed to active nonviolence as a means of resolving conflict, drawing on Jewish traditional sources within the Torah, the Talmud and contemporary peacemaking sages like Martin Buber, Judah Magnes and Abraham Joshua Heschel.
  • Jewish Peace Forum - We are a group of U.S. and Israeli Jews living in the United States who care deeply about Israel. We believe that a just peace is possible between Israelis and Palestinians. No independent website.
  • Jewish Unity for a Just Peace (JUNITY) - Jewish Unity for a Just Peace is an international gathering of grassroots Jewish activists who support a just, viable and lasting peace based on the principles of international law, requiring a complete end to Israel's Occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip.
  • A Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) - A Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) is a San Francisco Bay Area grassroots organization dedicated to the human, civil and economic rights of Jews, Palestinians, and all peoples in the Middle East. Beyond our focus on the Middle East, JVP aims to build a community of activists working together on issues of social and economic justice.
  • Jewish Voices Against the Occupation - The extensive opposition within the Jewish community to Israel's 34-year long occupation of Palestine needs to be voiced boldly and loudly.
  • Jewish Women's Committee to End the Occupation (JWCEO) - A group of Jewish Lesbians against the Occupation of Palestine. No independent website.
  • Jewish Women for Justice in Israel and Palestine - Jewish Women for Justice in Israel/Palestine (JWJ) is a Boston-based group that formed in October, 2000, in the first weeks of the current Intifada, to clearly state that those national and local Jewish organizations proclaiming unconditional support for Israeli government actions and vehement condemnation of all forms of Palestinian resistance did not speak for us and to press for a just resolution of the conflict between the Palestinian Arab and Israeli Jewish peoples.
  • Jews Against the Occupation - Jews Against the Occupation is an organization of progressive, secular and religious Jews of all ages throughout the New York City area advocating peace through justice for Palestine and Israel. We as American Jews reject the Israeli government assertion that it is "necessary" to subjugate Palestinians for the sake of keeping Jews safe. We assert that security can only come from mutual respect, and that the occupation of Palestine is only worsening the position of Jews in the Middle East and around the world.
  • Jews for a Just Peace - (Australia) At this time of terrible crisis in the Middle East, with lives and hope being destroyed every minute, it is time to raise the voices of Australian Jews who support the thousands of Israelis daily demonstrating under the slogans, "The Occupation is Killing Us All" and "We Refuse to Be Enemies". Growing numbers of Australian Jews who identify with the terrors and struggles of our people in Israel believe the best way to support peace for Israel is to do all we can to bring an immediate and complete end to the Occupation, resulting in a viable Palestinian state based on the '67 borders, with Jerusalem as the capital of both states. Personal site.
  • Jews for a Just Peace - (Vancouver) The injustices that gave rise to the Palestinian Intifada persist. Jewish settlements are still being expanded, the rate of expropriation of Palestinian lands has accelerated, and true self-determination is as far as ever from becoming an actuality. With the establishment of the Palestinian Authority, the Palestinians have gained not autonomy but another regime to oppress them, alongside Israel. A personal page
  • Jews for Divestment - Work in solidarity with the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee and the Students for Justice in Palestine to build a movement to encourage universities, unions, progressive institutions and businesses, and city governments to divest from companies doing major business with Israel and to boycott Israeli-made products. No independent website.
  • Jews for Global Justice - As Jews, we want to make it clear that we stand against the continuing violation of the human rights of the Palestinians by the State of Israel, and in particular that we want an immediate end to the military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, including the dismantling of the Jewish settlements in those areas. We are against these policies of the Israeli government, and are against U.S. support of Israel while it continues in these policies. No independent website.
  • Jews for Israeli-Palestinian Peace (JIPP) - In order to make possible the formation of a Palestinian state, Israel must withdraw from all territories occupied since 1967. The status of Jerusalem must be defined separately.
  • Jews for Justice for Palestinians - [Based in the UK] -As well as organising to ensure that Jewish opinions critical of Israeli policy are heard in Britain, we will also develop ways of extending support to Palestinian people trapped in the spiral of violence and repression and help Israeli groups working with them. We believe that such actions are important in countering rising anti-semitism and the claim that opposition to IsraelÍs destructive policies is in itself anti-semitic.
  • Jews for Peace in Palestine and Israel (JPPI) - Jews for Peace in Palestine and Israel (JPPI) is a group of American Jews who believe that a just, comprehensive, and lasting peace in Palestine and Israel is attainable through negotiations based on international law and the implementation of relevant United Nations (UN) resolutions.
  • Jews for Racial and Economic Justice - JFREJ opposes the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem and supports a negotiated, just and secure peace for Israelis and Palestinians. JFREJ opposes collective punishment and attacks on civilians. We take these positions while reaffirming that JFREJ is a community of Jews with diverse political and ideologial relationships to this situation-JFREJ members are Zionists and post-Zionists, non-Zionists, anti-Zionists and those with no identification with these framings.
  • Kehilla Community Synagogue - The synagogue has supported a Palestinian homeland, equal rights for South Africans, and the homeless in our communities. The Synagogue is involved in a number of tikkun olam activities including homelessness, immigrants rights, anti-death penalty work, affirmative action, gay and lesbian rights and racism. Hosted by
  • Lafayette Committee for Israeli/Palestinian Peace and Justice - The Lafayette Committee for Israeli/Palestinian Peace and Justice was formed to bring together those in the Lafayette area who are committed to a just and peaceful resolution of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. We believe that the military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the Israeli settlements, and the Israeli abuses of Palestinian human rights stand in the way of peace.
  • MidEast Citizen Diplomacy - Mid East Citizen Diplomacy has been leading citizen delegations to Israel, the West Bank and Gaza since 1990. Hundreds of participants have travelled with us to learn first-hand from citizens, religious, political and grassroots leaders, settlers, refugees and peace activists about their lives, struggles and perspectives. We have built respectful and trusting relationships at every level of Israeli and Palestinian society.
  • Middle East Peace Coalition - Formed during the Intifada in 1987, MEPC has advocated peace & justice in Israel/Palestine. We have focused on presenting speakers, many coming from the Middle East, involved in opposing the occupation, supporting human rights for Palestinians, and offering a feminist perspective on the conflict. Currently, MEPC of WMass. is reforming itself into three work groups: action, speakers, dialogue/discussion with a considerable number of new members. No independent website.
  • Minnesota Jews for a Just Peace - Minnesota Jews for a Just Peace is a grassroots organization of Jews who work in concert with allies in Minneapolis/St. Paul Minnesota, who feel called upon to act out of Jewish traditions and values in response to the continued Israeli occupation of Palestine. We believe that the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land and the treatment of Palestinian and other Arab peoples are inconsistent with Jewish values and we call for actions which suppport justice and peace for all involved. As an organization we work 1) within the Jewish community to educate otehr Jews through a variety of forums an ddirect actions; 2) outside the Jewish community and particularly with the Arab community, to build coalitions and act as allies; and 3) in solidarity with Israeli Jews and Palestinians who are also currently working for a just and sustainable peace. No independent website.
  • New Profile - Movement for the Civilization of Israeli Society. We oppose the use of the army, police, security forces in the ongoing oppression and discrimination of the Palestinian citizens of Israel, while demolishing their homes, denying them building and development rights, using violence to disperse their demonstrations. New Profile is a young but visible organization, the outgrowth of the belief that there is a need to question the influence the deep roots of militarism on Israeli society. The movement, comprising feminist women, men and youth, is grassroots and voluntary. Our name, New Profile, reflects the long-range aim of our organization: to change the Profile of Israeli society from a militarized society of war and might, to an actively peacemaking community in which the rights of all people are respected and promoted equally, and the military occupation of others lands ends.
  • No Apartheid - Israelis opposed to the system of Apartheid currently in force in Israel/Palestine.
  • Northwest Coalition For Peace And Justice In Israel/Palestine - The Coalition is composed of diverse organizations and individuals, religious and secular, committed to struggle for peace and justice in Israel/Palestine. The goal of the coalition is to create a strong unified voice to optimize our strength in work around issues on whcih we can agree. Although we started as a coalition to work for a shared Jerusalem, the issues of the occupation have necessitated that we broaden our mission and focus on unified work to end the occupation. We ask for a unified voice on those issues on which we can agree even as we recognize that each member group has its own emphasis and goals and will speak on some issues differently as they carry on their work. When we speak in the name of the Coalition, however, we know we speak as one voice. No independent website.
  • Not In My Name - As American Jews, we are deeply committed to a peaceful and just resolution of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, a resolution that will provide safety, security and freedom for Jews, Palestinians, and all others living in this region. We believe that such a peace can only be achieved when Israel withdraws from its settlements in the Palestinian territories and addresses the legitimate national and human rights of the Palestinian people. We do not accept that Jewish survival depends on unconditional support for the Israeli government and its policies. Rather we believe that the future safety and survival of our people rests on our ability to live in peace with our neighbors and to work to ensure justice and security for all people.
  • Olive Tree Summer - From 'Olive Trees for Peace,' an appeal by Break the Silence - Concerned Jews from the United States, Canada, and the UK are planning on a series of activities in Israel/Palestine to promote human rights, peace, and reconciliation. From July 13 - August 25, we will work closely with Israeli and Palestinian activists to replant olive trees, monitor human rights abuses, remove blockades, and participate in nonviolent protests.
  • "The Other Israel" - The Other Israel, published bimonthly, aims to provide extensive coverage of the diverse struggles waged by the Israeli peace movement at large. It reports on a great variety of activities, most of which find little or no mention in the world media. It also contains commentaries on events in Israel and the Middle East from a perspective in which the interests of Israelis and Palestinians are ultimately reconcilable. No independent site.
  • Place 4 Peace - In Israel a new peace movement is being born. In spite of severe sanctions, a growing number of soldiers object to military service or the murderous orders in the Occupied Territories. In a public declaration they state: “We will not go on fighting beyond the ‘green line’ for the purposes of domination, expulsion, starvation and humiliation of an entire people”. Hundreds of soldiers signed this declaration. Their courage deserves our gratitude. A sign of hope is apparent. May it be followed by many more.
  • Peace Now - PEACE NOW adheres to the Zionist values upon which the State of Israel was founded, believing that a democratic, Jewish state can and must be secured without subjecting another people. In recognition of the simple fact that there are two peoples in this land, Palestinians and Jews, each with a history, claims and rights, PEACE NOW has called for the recognition of the rights of the Palestinians to self-determination in their own state, alongside Israel.
  • Physicians for Human Rights - Israel - PHR joins health professionals from Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip who work against abuses of human and medical rights. PHR members share a supreme regard for the integrity of the human body and spirit, and attach deep significance to close Israeli-Palestinian cooperation which serves as a bridge between the people. Hosted by
  • Pursue the Peace - To provide a rallying point for Jews in the Puget Sound region who want to be active in support of a just Israeli/Palestinian Peace. Sponsoring talks by Jeff Halper of the Israeli Commission on Housing Demolition, and Arik Ascherman of Rabbis for Human Rights. These included talks focused on the Jewish Community. Drafting a letter to Senators Cantwell and Murray criticizing them for blaming violence soley on the Palestinian Authority. No independent website.
  • Shalom Center - Working with Rabbis for Human Rights in Israel to create the Olive Trees for Peace Campaign to meet the humanitarian needs of endangered Palestinian villages, and with “Break the Silence” in America to explore new avenues toward a just and secure peace for Israel and Palestine. So we apply the ancient wisdom of the healing spiral rhythm of Work and Shabbat, Doing and Being, to: transforming top-down globalization into planetary community; reshaping the twin diseases of disemployment and overwork into sacred work and sacred rest; protecting the planet’s web of life; reshaping a sexual ethics to affirm both joy and responsibility; requiring corporate social responsibility; advancing peace and rejecting militarism.
  • Syracuse Jewish Peace Fellowship - We provide a public Jewish presence in the community against the occupation. Since the beginning of the second Intifada, the Syracuse JPF group has organized monthly vigils of Jews calling for a just peace in Israel and Palestine. We have established the Joan Goldberg Peace and Justice Award for young Jewish activists. We also work to publish Jewish peace viewpoints in our local Jewish newspaper.
  • Ta'ayush - Jewish-Arab Partnership.
  • Visions of Peace with Justice for Israel/Palestine (VOPJI/P) - In the fall of 1997, a group of Boston-area Jews felt compelled to respond to the breakdown of the Middle East peace process. Believing that the uncritical support of Israeli policy voiced by established Jewish organizations did not accurately reflect the feelings of many in our community, we organized a peace forum in conjunction with the Boston events celebrating Israel’s 50th anniversary.
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Jewish Political Groups
  • The Action Committee for One Democratic Secular Republic - We are a group of activists based in Jerusalem (mostly Jewish citizens of Israel) who have opposed the Oslo Agreements from the very start of the Oslo process since they attempt to (1) nullify the right of return for Palestinian refugees (2) solidify an apartheid system of control and domination in the Occupied Territories (3) perpetuate US interests in the region at the expense of the people (4) prevent the emergence of true democracy and equality for all residents of the area. We call for an end to the Israeli occupation and for the establishment of a democratic secular state in all of Palestine - from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. We support unequivocally the right of return for all Palestinian refugees.
  • Australian Jewish Democratic Society - On the Middle East, AJDS held numerous forums. AJDS also issued numerous public statements urging mutual recognition between Israel and the PLO, criticized the Israeli raid on PLO headquarters in Tunisia, and strongly opposed the passage of legislation preventing members of the Israeli Knesset from meeting with Palestinians associated with the PLO. A further public statement by AJDS opposed on civil libertarian grounds the Israeli Government's applying of pressure on Soviet Jews to go to Israel rather than the United States or an alternative country of their choice.
  • Communist Party of Israel - The Communist party of Israel sets as it's goal the establishment of socialism - a socially just society based on democratic and human values. The Communist Party of Israel struggles for a just Jewish-Arab peace, comprehensive and stable, based on the concept of 2 states for 2 peoples - Israeli and Palestinian.
  • Hadash - Hadash - The Democratic Front for Peace and Equality is a coalition based on the Communist Party of Israel and non-communist groups and individuals, Jewish and Arab, commited to a common platform of peace, equality and social justice. Hadash supports the complete withdrawal from the Occupied Territories.
  • The Israeli Communist Forum - We call for more protest activities against the crimes of occupation, against the murders and the oppression by the government of Israel! - We are calling for an increased international solidarity with the Arab-Palestinian people in their just struggle, and for the widening of the protest against the policy of the Israeli government, and against the USA, who support and endorse this policy! -We are warning against any attempt to do harm to the leader of the Palestinian people, Yassir Arafat, and demand the immediate removal of all Israeli army forces from Arafat's place of residence in Ramalla! - We are calling for an immediate cessation of the acts of aggression and war crimes and for the immediate withdrawal of all the Israeli troops from all the areas of the Palestinian Authority! - We are calling for the dismantling of the settlements and for putting an end to the occupation. That being in accordance with the foremost interest of both Palestinians and Israelis! - For the withdrawal of Israel from all of the Arab territories, occupied since June 1967. For the establishment of an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, including East Jerusalem, and for a just solution of the refugees problem, in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions! Hosted by GeoCities.
  • Jewish Peace Lobby - We believe that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a conflict between two nationalisms, which have sought their fulfillment within the same piece of territory. We believe that a lasting resolution of this conflict can only be achieved if each party to the conflict acknowledges the other as having the same rights that it claims for itself. Thus, the Jewish Peace Lobby on the one hand supports Israel and on the other hand affirms the equal right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including the right to establish a state in the West Bank and Gaza, which would live at peace with Israel.
  • Jewish People's Liberation Organization (JPLO) - Anti-Zionist Jewish site representing the perspective of the Jewish Bund.
  • Jewish Socialist Group (UK) - The Jewish Socialists' Group has a long record of supporting a just solution to the Israel Palestine conflict. We support unconditionally the independence and national right to self determination, including statehood, of both the Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs. We believe each can be fulfilled without prejudice to the rights of the other. Jerusalem should be the capital of both Israel and the Palestinian state. We condemn the military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza and the denial of basis human and civil rights to Palestinians. We call for the removal of Jewish settlements from territories occupied in 1967. Hosted on
  • Maavak Sozialisti - Oppose illusory peace deals between corrupt Israeli and Arab leaders. The Oslo accords are not a real peace between peoples, but an agreement to allow businessmen (Israeli, Arab and international) to get rich on the sweat of Israeli and Palestinian workers. Such deals, incapable of ending poverty and repression, will never provide long-lasting peace and security. To unite in order to defy the bosses attempts to divide us on the basis of nationalism and racial hatred. For a united struggle to overthrow the system which creates poverty. For an Independent Socialist Palestine alongside a Socialist Israel.
  • Progressive Jewish Alliance - The Progressive Jewish Alliance is a national membership organization dedicated to the Jewish traditions of pursuing peace, promoting equality and diversity, and ensuring social and economic justice in the United States, Israel and the Middle East, and throughout the world.
  • Tikkun Magazine - Tikkun magazine began publication in 1986 as the liberal alternative to the voices of Jewish conservatism and spiritual deadness in the Jewish world and as the spiritual alternative to the voices of materialism and selfishness in Western society. Tikkun provides a space for both affiliated and non-affiliated Jews who seek to renew their Judaism, and a space for Jews and non-Jews alike to shape a politics out of spiritual values.
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Jewish Religious Groups
  • American Council For Judaism - The American Council For Judaism is a national organization founded over 50 years ago dedicated to the advancement of Judaism as a religion of universal and prophetic values, consonant with the ideals of a democratic society. The Council affirms that no individual or group can speak for all Jews, and rejects any effort to impose Jewish nationality upon all Jewry.
  • Jews For Allah - Organization of Jewish converts to Islam. "Ethnically Jewish + Religiously Islamic = Jews for Allah"
  • Jews Not Zionists - There are in fact many Jewish movements, groups and organizations whose ideology regarding Zionism and the so-called "State of Israel" is that of the unadulterated Torah position that any form of Zionism is heresy and that the existence of the so-called "State of Israel" is illegitimate.
  • Neturei Karta International - One of the basics of Judaism is that we are a people in exile due to Divine decree. Accordingly, we are opposed to the ideology of Zionism, a recent innovation, which seeks to force the end of exile. Our banishment from the Holy Land will end miraculously at a time when all mankind will unite in the brotherly service of the Creator. In addition to condemning the central heresy of Zionism, we also reject its policy of aggression against all peoples. Today this cruelty manifests itself primarily in the brutal treatment of the Palestinian people. We proclaim that this inhuman policy is in violation of the Torah. NKI seeks peace and reconciliation with all peoples and nations. This is especially needed in our relations towards the Islamic world where Zionism has for 53 years done so much to ruin Jewish - Muslim understanding. We welcome the assistance of all men of good will and stand ready to assist all whose agenda coincides with ours.
  • Neturei Karta - United Kingdom - The Neturei Karta is an organization within the Orthodox Jewish community dedicated to representing the hundreds of thousands of Orthodox Jews around the world who, out of loyalty to authentic Judaism, remain opposed to the Zionist movement,its embodiment the "Israeli" government and their ongoing occupation and aggression in the Holy Land. Site hosted by GeoCities
  • Oz VeShalom - Netivot Shalom - As the only religious Zionist peace organization of its kind, we are in a unique position to counter fundamentalist and extremist political arguments that have erroneously placed the value of the Land of Israel ahead of human life, justice, and peace -- concepts which have always been central to Jewish law and tradition.
  • Rabbis for Human Rights - RHR was founded in 1988, in response to serious abuses of human rights by the Israeli military authorities in the suppression of the Intifada. The indifference of much of the country's religious leadership and religiously identified citizenry to the suffering of innocent people seen as the enemy was a cause of concern to RHR's organizers. Both the religious and the non-religious sectors of the public need to be reminded that Judaism had another face. Human rights abuses are not compatible with the age-old Jewish tradition of humaneness and moral responsibility or the Biblical concern for "The stranger in your midst."--even in the face of the danger to public order and safety which the uprising represented.
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Other Jewish Organizations
  • The Abraham Fund - The Abraham Fund is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting coexistence between the Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel. Through advocacy and awareness campaigns, and by sponsoring coexistence projects, The Abraham Fund fosters increased dialogue, tolerance and understanding between Arabs and Jews.
  • The Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace in Memory of Emil Greenzweig - Established as an independent, non-profit organization to promote education for democracy and peace, the Adam Institute teaches the principles of democracy, focusing on breaking down stereotypes and teaching non-violent methods of conflict resolution.
  • The Adva Center - The Adva Center conducts policy analysis, advocacy work, and public outreach to inform policy makers and the general public in Israel and abroad about equity and social justice issues in Israeli society. Adva analyzes equality and inequality in Israel in a way that integrates gender, ethnicity and nationality.
  • The Alternative Information Center - The AIC is a Palestinian-Israeli organization which disseminates information, research and political analysis on Palestinian and Israeli societies as well as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, while promoting cooperation between Palestinians and Israelis based on the values of social justice, solidarity and community involvement.
  • Association for Civil Rights in Israel - The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) was founded in 1972 as a non-political and independent body, with the goal of protecting human and civil rights in Israel and in the territories under Israeli control.
  • Avnery, Uri. Personal Site and Article Archive - Personal site of Uri Avnery, Israeli peace activist and founder of Gush Shalom (see above).
  • The Bereaved Families' Forum - The Bereaved Families' Forum was founded by Israeli businessman Yitzhak Frankenthal, whose son was killed by Palestinians while serving in the Israeli army. Members are Palestinians and Israelis who have lost loved ones in the conflict. They have held numerous dialogs and taken joint action for peace, and continue to do so, even in the midst of the turmoil now gripping Israel and Palestine. Hosted by
  • Between the Lines - Between the Lines aims to continue the political perspective of a categorical rejection of the Oslo process, and the Apartheid reality which has been established in its wake in the '67 Occupied Territories and strengthened within Israel. - This perspective stems from a comprehensive stance which opposes the exclusive Jewish-Zionist nature of the state of Israel and the authoritarian regime which has emerged in the areas beneath the control of the Palestinian Authority. Both gain sustenance from the institutions of world globalization and the 'New World Order' which are enemies of the Palestinians (both in '48 & '67 Palestine) and Arab peoples, as well as the oppressed within Israeli society including Mizrahim and women.
  • Brit Shalom/Tahalof Essalam (Peace Alliance) - Brit Shalom/Tahalof Essalam (Peace Alliance) is a new Jewish-Palestinian group based in Israel. Its broad aims are equality of Israeli citizens and the promotion of cooperation with the Palestinian residents of the territories. The group was founded in March 2001 at the joint Jewish-Arab village of Neve Shalom/Wahat Al-Salam, with over 100 participants - both Jews and Palestinians.
  • Bustan L'Shalom - BUSTAN L'SHALOM is a multi-faceted project designed to promote human rights and justice. Striving for a just peace, activities involve raising awareness to human rights violations through proactive, direct-action relief efforts. Objectives are achieved through publishing articles; organizing demonstrations; and arranging caravans for the collection/redistribution of necessities (dry foods, milk, water, clothes, and shoes) to impoverished families in Israel and Palestine particularly Bedouins, and Ethiopians.
  • Center for Jewish-Arab Economic Development (CJAED) - The Center for Jewish-Arab Economic Development (CJAED) is an Israeli non-governmental organization (NGO) that promotes regional economic development through cooperative projects among people in the Middle East. CJAED also aims to close the gaps between the Jewish and Arab sectors in Israel, thus building the foundation for sustainable economic development and peace.
  • COME - JustPeace - Heterogeneous group formed to support legislation to suspend military aid to Israel. Action oriented: Action unites, ideology divides
  • Courage to Refuse - A web portal to unite international supporters of the Israeli Refusers.
  • Defense for Children International - Israel - DCI was established in 1987 to promote and protect the rights of the child in Israel and those under Israeli jurisdiction. DCI's guideline is the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Among its activities, DCI provides legal advice and representation to children, and monitors the situation of minors in jails and detention centers (including those for Palestinian minors). No independent website.
  • Demographic, Environmental, and Security Issues Project (DESIP) - A multi-issue bookstore and article archive of Ronald Bleier, a former Zionist who now passionately defends human rights and the rights of Palestine and other victims of Zionist aggression.
  • The Firedoll Foundation - We believe that both the Palestinian and Jewish people have a legitimate claim to their common homeland, and that a just and lasting resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is possible. The Firedoll Foundation funds organizations which agree that the Palestinian and Israeli nations have the right to share their ancient homeland in peace and security. This requires a viable, contiguous Palestinian state with the normal attributes of sovereignty. There is currently an enormous need in Palestine for medical and economic aid. Education efforts geared towards teaching mutual respect, tolerance, and, ideally, affection between Israeli and Palestinian children are absolutely vital to the achievement of a lasting Middle East peace.
  • "Friendship Village" - The Friendship Village will become an international center for educating young people to live in a multi-cultural environment. The essence of its mission will be - respecting the "other" and learning about him or her, the same time studying about them, to recognize and to build what is common between people coming from different cultural, national, relgious or ethnic background, especially those that share common social or political frameworks. Education for peace and democracy is a logical conclusion of multi-culturalism.
  • Givat Haviva - The mission of Givat Haviva today is to cope with the major issues that are on the agenda of Israeli society, and to foster educational initiatives, research and community work in the fields of peace, democracy, coexistence, tolerance and social solidarity.
  • IndyMedia Israel - Indymedia Israel is a collective of independent media organizations and hundreds of journalists offering grassroots, non-corporate coverage of major issues. [Excellent News Source]
  • The International Friends Of Literature And Culture - Our goal is to help build a Middle East and a world beyond war in the 21st century, by means of literature, culture and art. This endeavor is in harmony with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights embodied in the Charter of the United Nations. We strive for freedom of speech and expression, and for freedom from hostile and oppressive violence, whether it be war, or gender, physical, mental or moral oppression. We believe in the right of people everywhere to live in peace, and in their rights to pursue their various cultures, as well as human endeavors, and to obtain equal civil justice.
  • Interns for Peace - Interns For Peace(IFP) was established in 1976 in Israel. IFP was the first and remains the only program with the purpose of training community development peace workers, in Israel and now in Palestine and Gaza/West Bank, Jordan and Egypt; who initiate cooperative inter-communal action that unites all people. The IFP proven method is that common action to achieve a shared task unites people to see each other's humanity and beaks down walls of suspicion, fear distrust and hatred. Over 200 Interns (community peace workers) engaged 80,000 Jews and Arabs in business, athletic, cultural, educational women's and community development projects. Intern graduates and former participants in IFP activities become lifetime advocates of coexistence, if not full-time professionals. IFP is also developing pilot projects to improve ethnic relations worldwide.
  • Israel Imperial News - A truly excellent site, offering insightful commentary and news on both current events and earlier Israeli activities. STRONGLY RECOMMENDED.
  • Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI) - IPCRI, founded in Jerusalem in 1988, is the only joint Palestinian-Israeli public policy think-tank in the world. It is devoted to developing practical solutions for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. IPCRI deals with the cardinal issues in the Israeli-Arab conflict - issues where the two sides find themselves at loggerheads, and where cooperation is necessary.
  • The Jewish-Palestinian Discussion Group - A first meeting of a few Palestinians and Jews who wanted to know each other in order to overcome traditional prejudices lead to regular meetings. Gradually, more interested people joined the group and since 1990, there is the nucleus of a palestinian-jewish group that has remained nearly unchanged till today and that has always welcomed guests. The sense of these meetings was always the exchange of political and human experiences in order to reduce mutual prejudices and fears and the discussion of the actual political situation. Quite often, these discussions were controversial and basically different interpretations showed up through the respective emotional involvement.
  • Kav La'Oved - Kav La'Oved is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the rights of the most disadvantaged workers in Israel, primarily: migrant workers, Palestinians from the occupied territories, personnel company employees, and new immigrants.
  • Machar, The Washington Congregation for Secular Humanistic Judaism - Machar has long advocated the "land-for-peace" approach in the Middle East that has now become embodied in the Oslo Accords and the peace negotiations that have followed from those accords. Immediate cessation of violence, withdrawal of combatants, and resumption of negotiations with an intent to reach a final settlement quickly is the only acceptable route to take after the tragic events of the past weeks.
  • MidEast Web for Coexistence - MidEast Web was started by people active in Middle East dialog and peace education efforts. Our goal is to weave a world-wide web of Arabs, Jews and others who want to build a new Middle East based on coexistence and neighborly relations. Our members and staff include distinguished educators, engineers, Web designers and other professionals experienced in dialog, peace education projects and in promoting dialog and coexistence using the Internet.
  • Movement of Democratic Women in Israel(MDWI) - MDWI emphasizes cooperation between Jewish and Arab women while considering the problems common to all women, such as equality, wages, and violence in the family. No independent website.
  • Negev Coexistence Forum - The forum was established to confront in a social and responsible way the many common problems confronting the inhabitants of the Negev region in Southern Israel. We wish to replace the atmosphere of tension and suspicion with cooperation and understanding. The Forum is a framework for Jewish Arab cooperation, joined struggle for equal civil rights, recognition of unrecognized Beduin villages, education for tolerance and mutual understanding. Site hosted by
  • New Israel Fund - Promoting Equality and Social Justice for all Israelis. NIF calls on all parties to the present conflict in Israel and the occupied territories to end the cycle of violence and renew their search for a negotiated solution based on the core values of Israel’s existence: freedom, justice and equality.
  • Ohmets Le-Sarev - Courage to Refuse - Combatant's Letter in English and Hebrew
  • Open House - OPEN HOUSE has two inter-related goals: to provide educational and social opportunities to Arab children and their families through our Center for the Development of the Arab Child; and to be a place of encounter and cooperation between Jews and Arabs in the Ramle-Lod area through our Center for Jewish-Arab Coexistence.
  • Open Tent Middle East Coalition - Open Tent's mission is to promote understanding and appreciation of Middle Eastern cultures and faith traditions, and to engender mutual respect, harmony, cooperation and a sense of shared heritage among people of Middle Eastern backgrounds.
  • Oznik.Com News Service - I've been running this site in this format since automn of the year 2000. I try to publish reports that are not available elsewhere. Material is posted as it flows in, which is rarely more than a piece a week, but I am looking for more regular contributions, and collaboration.
  • Peace Child Israel - Peace Child Israel was founded in 1988 by the late Yael Drouyanoff. Our mission is to promote education for coexistence between Jews and Arabs. Our overall goal is to educate Arab and Jewish teenagers towards pluralism, tolerance and the creation of dialogue in a multicultural society, using drama as a tool. Hosted by
  • Pieces for Peace - Pieces for Peace mosaic project is an educational Israeli-Palestinian dialogue project initiated by the Foundation for Art in the Community and Cross-Cultural Dialogue (FACCD). More than 150 Palestinian and Israeli youth met over the last 3 years to create 330 sqf of mosaic. The mosaic, an on going project culminating in 3000 feet of mosaic, will be located on the borderline between Israel and Palestine, surrounded by a natural park. As a monument of Peace, a mosaic reveals a future without Fear; it will serve as a meeting place for the peoples of the region, and the world. Hosted by
  • Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI) - The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel, an independent human rights organization founded in 1990, monitors the implementation of this ruling in detention centers and continues the struggle against the use of torture in interrogation in Israel and the Palestinian Authority through legal means, support of relevant legislation and through an information campaign aimed at raising public awareness of the subject.
  • Re'ut - Sadaka (Friendship) - Re'ut-Sadaka (Friendship) Jewish-Arab Youth Movement for Coexistence and Peace in Israel was established in 1982 by a small group of young Jews and Arabs in Tel-Aviv. Based on the belief that building mutual understanding requires the fostering of real relationships between Arabs and Jews in Israel, especially among the youth, Re'ut-Sadaka provides Jewish and Arab youth the opportunity to meet, exchange ideas and perspectives and to develop friendships across cultural lines.
  • Windows - Channels for Communication - was established in 1991 by Jewish and Arab artists and educators living in Israel. Our goal, as a non-profit organization, is to promote a meaningful dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians through the use of media, meetings and art. All of our organization's programs are developed by our Israeli and Palestinian members.
  • Yesh G'vul - Yesh Gvul ("There is a limit !") is an Israeli peace group that has shouldered the task of supporting soldiers who refuse assignments of a repressive or aggressive nature.
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