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Making Comics

I didn't think that a section like this was necessary, but since so many people have e-mailed and quick posted me about it, I guess it is. Making a comic is very easy, and requires little computer knowledge. Everyone makes comics slightly differently, and this section is meant only to help you and give you an idea of how it's done. By no means do you have to make your comics exactly as I am showing you, please experiment and come up with your own ideas of how to make comics.

Step 1:

Find a suitable program in which to make the comic. Some people use paintrbrush, but any program that you can find that allows you to draw and use colours and edit pictures will do (Corel Draw, Corel Photo Paint, Flash).

Step 2:

Go to and find a picture of an alien that you want to use in your comic. Now right click over the picture and click copy.

Step 3:

Go back into the program that you are using. Either right click somewhere on the workspace and click paste, or go to Edit>Paste in the menu at the top of the screen.

Step 4:

Now that you have a picture of an alien, you can start making the comic. First you should come up with an idea for the comic. If it is going to have more than one frame, then you have to make a series of frames like you see in the comics in the newspaper. To do this simply use a square box tool.

First think about how big you want to make the frame, considering the size of the alien and room needed for scenery, props, speach bubbles, ect. Simply click in the top left corner of the workspace and drag it to somewhere on the middle right side to make a single frame. Be sure to leave enough space for more frames on the workspace. Now click on the bottom left corner of that box and drag the mouse down to the bottom left again to make another frame, or do this on the top right of the box to make another frame beside the first one.

Don't make the frames too big so that you have a whole lot of extra room, but big enough to put in background and objects and stuff. You can always make the workspace in Paintbrush bigger by clicking and draggin on the little black dot on the corner of the workspace.

Step 5:

Now you should have enough frames to at least get started. If you run out then you can just make more as you go. Next you can have some fun in making the rest of the comic. If you want more characters then you should copy and paste them into the program now. If you at least have some idea of what the comic is going to look like then you can make the background now. Move the aliens somwhere out of the way for now. (IF YOU ARE NOT USING PAINTBRUSH YOU MAY HAVE TO KEEP THE ALIENS IN THE FRAME AND MAKE THE BACKGROIUND AROUND THEM, BECAUSE YOU CAN'T MOVE THE ALIEN BACK INTO THE FRAME WITHOUT THE SPACE AROUND THE ALIEN OVERLAPPING THE BACKGROUND. EXPERIMENT TO SEE WHAT I MEAN. A way around this is by copying the background and the alien seperately into paintbrush and moving the alien onto the background there. This doesn't always work.) Here is where you can be creative. You can make a simple green grass and blue sky, or make it more detailed and fun by adding some clouds, a some trees, hills, mountains, a sun, a moon, giving the grass texture, making shadows, and all that stuff.

To start use a filled in box tool and a colour of your choice for the ground, such as green for grass. Click in the bottom left or right corner of the frame, making SURE not to overlap the frame outline, and drag it to the other side, a few centimeters or inches higher depending on how high you want the ground. Now use a fill tool and choose a colour for the sky such as blue and click anywhere on the top half of the frame.

Another way of doing this would be to draw a lin across the frame to make a horizon, then using the fill tool to fill in the bottom and top halves of the frame to make the sky and ground. This way you can make the ground sort of rugged and mountainous if that's what you want.

Note: If you want to make the sky a bit more "skyish" then you can use a graded fill tool to make the sky fade from a darker blue to a lighter blue. You can also use textured fills to make the ground more detailed and realistic.

Step 6:

If you want to add some more detail to the comic you can use the spray paint tool in paintbrush and a darker shade of green or whatever colour for the grass to give it some texture. Spray the colour all over the grass, trying not to overlap the frame outline, and not completely covering the old colour. If you want you can also add some clouds using the spray paint tool or free hand draw or the circle tool. Try adding some trees and rocks too, using the tools in paintbrush to your advantage (free hand draw tool, circle tool, fill tool).

Step 7:

You now have a background. Move the alien back onto the frame using the cut out tool, being sure to select the option that does not overlap the surroundiing area of the alien when you move it onto the background. See step 5 again to see how to get around this when not using paintbrush.

Note: the UNDO button is your best freind. But remember that you can only use it so many times.

Step 8:

We are very close. All you have to do now is add the text. Figure out what you want each alien to say and when. You now have two choices. You can:

- make the speach bubble a seperate colour such as white, then make the text black so you can see it. Use a filled in rectangle or circle to make the speach bubble near the alien. It is recommended that you make it look like the speach bubble is coming from the aliens mouth by making a line or triangle shape thhat starts at the aliens mouth and connects to the box. Now just type the words you want the alien to say inside the box using the text tool.

- make an outline for the speach bubble and put the text inside, assuming that whatever is behind the text is not close to the text colour so that the text stands out. Use the text tool to type the words you want the alien to say inside the box.

- simply place some text(words) near the alien and make a line connecting the text and the alien.

As always you can experiment and find your own ways of doing the aliens speach.

Step 9:

Repeat the previous steps to make the rest of the frames for the comic. Note: A fast way of doing this is copying the background from one frame and pasting it in another.

That's it! Your Done! It is of course highly recommended that you add some more details to the comic such as texture, props, guns, shadows, clothes, and anything you can think of. Look at the comics in the Comics page and get ideas from them on how to do speach bubbles, backgrounds and other things, but PLEASE don't copy them.

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Alien Adoption Agency Comic Gallery 2000-2001