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The Ghost

The Ghost

F) Ex20
A) Ex20
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Ex20
I) Ty6
P) Gd10

Health: 185 Karma: 70
Resources: Gd Pop: 0

Known Powers:

Cybernetic Suit: All his powers derive from his suit. Cybernetic circuitry in the suit's hood allows him to operate the suit by his mental commands.
-Phasing: Circuitry in the Ghost’s suit allows him to become intangible by putting his body slightly out of phase with this dimension at Am rank. These circuits cannot operate at the same time as the suit’s invisibility circuits do.
-Invisibility: Certain circuits in his suit allow the Ghost to become invisible at will. The Ghost can also turn objects invisible as long as he remains in contact with them. The circuits can also render him invisible to mechanical and electronic sensors with In ability.
-Computer Control: Circuits in the Ghost’s suit allow him to control and reprogram computers by touching the equipment with Rm ability
Handguns: In Force or Energy
Grenades: Am Force to 1 area
Anson Grenades: Am Force. Fly in random directions at Fe airspeed.
Bombs: Am damage, activated by sound waves.
Portable Intangibility Circuits: Am, may attach to people or objects. The circuit and the object it's attached to is even intangible to itself. For instance, a person with the circuit making them intangible would be unable to remove it because their hand would pass right through both the circuit and their own body. The Ghost has special circuitry in his suit that allows him remove such a device. He can release only one grenade per round, unless he takes one round beforehand to prepare them, in which case, he may release three.

Talents: Electronics, Computers, Espionage, Business/Finance, Engineering, Demolitions

Contacts: AIM, M.O.D.O.K.

The Ghost's First Costume