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The Prowler

The Prowler

Hobie Brown

F) Rm30/Gd10
A) Rm30/Gd10
S) Ex20/Gd10
E) In40/Ex20
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) Gd10

Health: 120/50 Karma: 40
Resources: Ty Pop: 0

Known Powers:
All of the Prowler's powers are derived from his battlesuit.

Battlesuit: The following powers are derived from The Prowler's suit:
-Alter Ego: The battlesuit changes the stats listed above.
-Body Armor: Gd vs. Physical and Energy, Ty vs. Shooting
Gauntlets: In material, gives the Prowler the following power stunts:
-Claws: In material, Rm Edge
--Wall-Crawling: Rm
-Flechettes: Gd Thrown Edge, fired from Prowler's gauntlet, the flechettes can puncture upto Ex material. The Prowler can fire 2 flechettes per turn with a successful Agility FEAT roll. The Prowler will not use the flechettes directly against living opponents.
-Compressed Air Blast: Gd Force, 3 areas
-Gas Gauntlets: Fires up to 1 area, has the following types of gasses:
--Knock-Out Gas: Rm potency knockout gas, The Prowler can fire knockout gas from his wrists and ankles. Victim must make a Red End. FEAT vs. knocked out for 2-20 rounds. Anyone struck by this gas must make an End. FEAT or be knocked unconscious for 1-10 turns; a Red FEAT is required if End. is less than Rm, a Yellow FEAT if End. is Rm or higher.
--Weakness Gas: Affects all FASE stats by —1CS for 1-10 turns (health is not affected). An End. FEAT is required to resist, with the same modifiers as the knockout gas.
-Fog: -4CS to attempts to see anyone in the fog for 1-10 turns. Prowler uses this gas to escape encounters that go against him.
Night Vision: The Prowler suffers no penalties in darkness
Glider Cape: In material, The Prowler can glide up to 3 areas or break any falls
Boots: Able to jump down from heights of upto 50 feet without sustaining any damage, provided he lands on his feet.

Talents: Lockpicking, Thief, Engineering, Electronics, Pneumatics, Martial Arts B

Contacts: Spider-Man, Silver Sable, Rocket Racer