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Wonder Man

Wonder Man

Simon Williams

F) Ex20
A) Rm30
S) Un100
E) Mn75
R) Gd10
I) Ty6
P) Ex20

Health: 225 Karma: 36
Resources: Gd Pop: 50

Known Powers:
Ionic Energy Body: Simon's body is composed entirely of ionic energy in a solid form. Because of recent changes, Simon can tap ionic energy for a wider variety of powers. Right now, he maintains these listed powers, though more may emerge in the future:
-Body Armor: Am vs. all attacks except Psionics.
-Invulnerable to Cold and Heat.
-Life Support: Wonder Man does not need air, food, or water to survive, and he can survive in a vacuum with no ill effects.
-Flight: Ex

Avengers Communicard: Gd material, able to communicate with any card carrying Avenger with Sh-X ability.

Talents: Business/Finance, Engineering, Performing (Acting, Stuntwork)

Contacts: Avengers, Scarlet Witch, Second Chance Foundation

Wonder Man's First Costume

Wonder Man's Second Costume

Wonder Man's Third Costume

Wonder Man's Fourth Costume

Wonder Man's Fifth Costume

Wonder Man's Sixth Costume

Wonder Man in his Ionic Form

Wonder Man's Seventh Costume

Wonder Man's Seventh Costume

Wonder Man's Eighth Costume