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Around town....

These photos were all taken while i was wandering around town...laugh if ya want, but i like pictures of snow, sky & the occasional ocean or two...especially if i took the photo myself. Oh, im so artsy.

Winter sky. Get used to seeing LOTS of photos of skies, heh heh!

More sky. What i tell ya? This time, it's over Mt. Oliver.

Snowstorm aftermath (last February)

Shakespeare: Patron Saint of unreturned books (guarding the Carnegie Museum)

Shady Avenuue sunset

Pretty ass snow

The Littles Shoe store sign...

Outside Joe Mama's, in Oakland

Hola Amigo! Come in and eat our damned food!

Sunset at the CMU campus.

View of the museum from the 33rd floor of the Cathedral of Learning. Neato.