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Grrmonkeys From Suburbia






welcome to the 1st page of Grrmonkeys From Suburbia! there is much more to come concerning both the page and comic. its likely that through the life of this story that the style might change and/or move to the comic hosting site known as keenspace(its already supposed to be there but im still trying to figure out how to use it!). hope u enjoy, and check back for updates later because the comic keeps going!!!

on comic: alecia's logic, interesting idn't? apparently something flew into her eye and she ended up crying about it all day because she couldnt get it out. she then became jealous of trees because they have no eyes and decided that the best course of revenge would be to go and kill one, go figure. whelp thats my friends for ya!--true story(and most of the stories in this comic will be, though some will end up extremely exaggerated to make them more interesting) have fun, live life, cheers