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Paragon Variations
Various images of Pal Paragon & Friends.

Pal Paragon & Matt Sinkage

By Michael Cherkas
(Artist for The Silent Invasion)
(The Silent Invasion) is one of the most disturbing, and ultimately terrifying, works ever to grace the comics medium ... It is the combination of a straight-forward, serious, but complex narrative and the moody, haunting artwork that makes The Silent Invasion a memorable novel, "Graphic" or otherwise. These big people with little heads lumbering through starkly black and white landscapes touched with occasional ambiguous gray inhabit a nightmare world that is all the more frightening because is is recognizably our own"
--Max Allan Collins (from his introduction to Volume 2 of The Silent Invasion)

Visit M.Cherkas/L.Hancock's webpage here!

By Tim Levins

Click here to see Tim's work on Batman: Gotham Adventures.

Pal Paragon & Pogo

By D.Damnation (me!)

By Terry Pallot

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