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Series 2!!!!!!!!!

I'm don't know the series 2 story very good so this is gonna be a short explanation of it.

The year is 1939. Joespeh Joestar (Jonathans granson) is the main character. He seems to know hamon already. Its around world war 2 and the nazis (note i do not support the nazis in anyway)start to do experiments on the vampire mask. The find one of the for ultimate beings or men of the pillar. So anyway they start doin expirments and the man of the pillar comes to life. He then kills a vampire and kills some nazis and Joeseph fights him but his hamon is useless. they figure out that the men of th pillars can be turned back into stone by the sun (wow the sun seems to stop everything bad in JoJo). They keep the other ones under lights but of course they escape. joesph teams up with Ceasar Zeppelii a relitive of the other zeppelli. Ceasar gives his life for joesph and Joseph kills one of the "Ultimate Beings". Later on joesph takes on another one of the "Ultimate Beings" in a some kind of chariot race with zombies and vampires and what not and wins. He kills the another one some how but i don't know. Then he marries Suzy Q and they settle down and everyone lives happily ever after......... Or do they........