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Strips 1-7
Mostly just gimmick comics and introducing the cast.

Strips 8-17
Since James doesn't belong in the house, Jo tries unsuccessfully to hide him in her closet. Moonie rats on them and Mommy conjectures that they're sleeping together. They freak out at the notion. Jo realizes James is unattractive and makes him drink a potion to turn into a pretty-boy. Maryna and the Muffin Man appear to hit on him (and on Mommy). Austin appears for no reason.

Strips 18-29
Once Heather appears, Mommy says there isn't enough room in the house and shoos them off to stay at a hotel. Various sexual acts follow between various people. And a muffin. Necro attacks! But in the real world, Austin made a devastating confession that he planned to date another girl. He was promptly and brutally killed in the comic. Then he was brought back to life as a pretty boy to be used to as distraction and bait to Necro. Everyone else escapes unscathed.

Strips 30-45
Lots of filler and unrelated strips. Austin dies some more.

Strips 46-59
Jo starts attending Butte College, and thus, her college buddies are introduced into the comic.

Strips 60-
Julia, in real life, visits Jo's house for a week. In the comic, Jo makes Julia's hometown vanish from the face of the earth so that they have to live together.
