Hello. I am Ellen and I'll be your Art I sensei.
This section holds my series "House of Lushes" on it. Stay and enjoy
the perfumes and wine.
5/30/15: I added chapter sixteen.
12/16/13: I added chapter fifteen.
9/5/13: I have added chapter fourteen, the soundtrack, ads, and picture requests.
7/13/12: I have started volume three.
5/27/12: I have finished volume two and added the previews for volume three.
4/24/12: I have added chapter eleven.
11/21/11: I have added chapter ten.
5/19/11: I have added chapter nine and a new title to the class.
12/5/10: I have added chapter eight and a new title to the class.
6/29/10: I have started volume two and added a new title.
4/15/10: I have finished volume one and added the previews.
2/5/10: I have added chapter five.
10/26/09: I have added chapter four.
9/12/09: I have added chapter three.
7/15/09: I have added chapter two.
7/14/09: I have fixed some of the music and the titles, added the pilot, and colored scroll bars.
12/23/06: I have added another song.
12/5/06: I have added another song.
10/9/06: I have added more music.
9/10/06: I have added the music.
7/23/06: I have fixed up the section.
4/11/06: I have changed the background color.
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