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Laurel and Hardy's Foreign Language Films

Mr Hardy was making big preparations to get married. Mr Laurel was taking a bath too.

Parlez-vous Francais? Hablais Espanol? As well as creating the much-loved films in English, Stan and Ollie actually filmed some in phonetic foreign languages! They would first film them in English, and then refilm the same scene in French, Spanish, German and Italian, using phonetic words written on a blackboard, just off camera.

As recently as 2004, phonetic films are still being found. The latest, a German version of "The Laurel and Hardy Murder Case" was found in Russia. The film is called "Spuk um Mitternacht", and features those two loveable comics Dick und Doof (Guess who?)

There now follows a list of their foreign spoken films, complete with any differences known :

1930 Night Owls - The Spanish Version was called "Ladrones". The Italian Version was called "Ladroni".

1930 Blotto - The Spanish Version was called "La Vida Nocturna" and the French Version was called "Une Nuit Extravagante".

1930 Brats - The German Version was called "Gluckliche Kindheit".

1930 Below Zero - The Spanish Version was called "Tiembla y Titubea".

1930 Hog Wild - The Spanish Version was called "Radio-Mania", while the French Version was called "Pele-Mele".

1930 The Laurel-Hardy Murder Case - The Spanish Version was a combination of this film and Berth Marks, and was called "Noche de Duendes". The French version was called "Feu Mon Oncle" and the German version was called "Spuk Um Mitternacht".

1931 Pardon Us - The Spanish Version was called "De Bote en Bote". The French Version was called "Sous Les Verrous", the German Version was called "Hinter Schloss Und Riegel". The Italian Verson was called "Muraglie".

1931 Be Big - The Spanish Version was called "Los Calaveras", while the French Version was called "Les Carottiers".

1931 Chickens Come Home - The Spanish Version was called "Politiquerias".

Of all these films, the following are still known to exist : Ladrones, Une Nuit Extravagante, La Vida Nocturna, Titemba y Titubea, Noche de Duendes, De Bote en Bote, Les Carottiers, Los Calaveras, Politiquerias and Spuk um Mitternacht.