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Created by Steve Bailey on Jan. 17, 2012

Welcome! This hardly-known comedy hero of the 1940's and '50s has gotten little enough respect. It's time he got his due! Click below on the many links of Joe!

Table of Contents:

Our Introductory Page
The Joe McDoakes Filmography The complete list of films, which will lead you to our reviews.
Our Links Page

Above is the cover photo for the complete, 6-DVD collection of Joe McDoakes shorts. Click on the photo to order the set directly from the Warner Bros. Store.

Let us treat you to the only Joe McDoakes short that seems to be available on the Web, So You Want to Be a Detective (1948). If this doesn't whet your appetite for mo' Joe, nothing will!

TYPICAL BORING DISCLAIMER: This site is not in any way connected with or endorsed by Warner Bros. Inc. or anyone involved in the making of the Joe McDoakes short subjects. If any material on this website is in violation of copyright, E-mail the webmaster here, and he will remove it immediately.

As befits its subject matter, this website is presented in glorious black-and-white.

This site is dedicated to the late, great Art Gilmore (1912-2010).

About the webmaster of this site

Other entertainment websites from our webmaster:

MovieMovie BlogBlog The webmaster's blog about some of his favorite movies.
Another Charlie Chaplin Website Reviews of Chaplin's classic movies.
The Love Nest - A Buster Keaton Appreciation Cult. Featuring reviews of Buster Keaton's 1920-1928 silent comedies, and sundry other Keaton-related stuff.
Laurel & Hardy's Leave 'em Laughing Page Reviews of the great comedy team's movies, and tons of other L&H-related goodies.
The Marx Bros. in "A Day on the Internet" Reviews of Marx Bros. movies.
Salty Steve's Popeye Page Reviews of the 1933-1942 Fleischer Bros. Popeye cartoons.
Yahoo! Group: Coal Black an de Sebben Dwarfs A tribute to one of the most politically incorrect cartoons ever, complete with a downloadable version of same.
Gilligan's Id The webmaster's attempted Freudian explanation of the TV series "Gilligan's Island."
Sit On My Monty Python Website Reviews and random thoughts about the British comedy troupe.
Steve Bailey's Lost in America Page A tribute to Albert Brooks' classic 1985 comedy.
"Atomic Shakespeare" and Other Moonlighting Minutia Devoted to the most famous episode of the 1980's TV series.
It's All Too Much A song-by-song analysis of The Beatles' recorded music.