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Brian's Parodyverse Micro Heroes Page

The Parodyverse

I am part of a messageboard called, The Parodyverse. On the messageboard people post super hero stories. This " Universe " is populated with superheroes, supervillians,etc. Everyone has a main character that they write about and other charracters they have created and if they have permission, other people's charracters. I post as The Librarian or L!, it's alot better to type "L!" over and over again than "Librarian".

Things other that Stories are there, Poems, Pictures,etc. Many times, About half of the posts have nothing to do with a stories or they're heroes.
For The Parodyverse Website Click Here !

For Other Parodyverse Micro Heroes, go to Scott's Parodyverse micro hero site, Click Here !

Below are Microes of Charracters from the Parodyverse.
Enjoy ! Under Construction.

These are my micro's of my Own Heroes & Villians.

A.L.F.RED Amy Captain Stone Cyborg Librarian D.D. Delbert Wordsmith Enigma The Evil Captain Crunch Grey Eagle Grey Wolf Ham-Boy Horizon James McWhord John Parker Jon Smith Lee Bookman Len Bookmaker Material Centurian Mega Byte MsWorden Odin Patriot Patriot GA Punky Reeper Sorceror StevenBooks Thomas Carter Todd
Left to Right: A.L.F.RED, Amy, Captain Stone, Cyborg Librarian, Delbert Wordsmith, D.D., Enigma, The Evil Captain Crunch, Grey Eagle, Grey Wolf, Ham-Boy, Horizon, James McWhord, John Parker, Jon Smith, Lee Bookman, Len Bookmaker, Material Centurian, Mega Byte, Ms. Worden, Odin, Patriot, Golden Age version of Patriot, Reeper, Steven Books, Sorceror, Thomas Carter, Todd.

These are my micro's of Already Exsiting Parodyverse Heroes & Villians

Access Amazing Guy Amazing Guy Amoral Guy Amy Racecar Banjooo Cheryl Dark Knight Donar Flapjack Goldeneyed  Hooded Hood Humdinger Jarvis Jack Rabbit Joey Justin Tyme Lisa Luker Man Man Messenger Mr. Epitome Narrator Nats Peter Von Doom Smallman Space Ghost Sorceress Thugos Trickshot Yellow Flashlight

Left to Right: Access, Amazing Guy, Another Version of Amazing Guy, Amoral Guy, Amy Racecar, Banjooo, Cheryl, Dark Knight, Donar, Goldeneyed, Flapjack, Hooded Hood, Humdinger, Jarvis, Jack Rabbit, Joey, Justin Tyme, Lisa, Lurker, Man Man, Messenger, Mr. Epitome, Narrator, Nats, Peter Von Doom, Smallman, Space Ghost, Sorceress, Thugos, Trickshot, Yellow Flashlight.

These are my micro's of the Lair Legion of Super Heroes (LLSH)

Amazignly Cosmic Boy bouncing thud Dream Cheryl Exferno HVon-el Invisble Archer Karate Knight LightningHat Mailbox Natstar Pegistar PhantomGhostGirl Saturn Ziles Triple L! UltraThunderBoy Visionary 5 WildYoFire WolfWolf

Left to Right: Amazingly Cosmic Boy, bouncing thud, Dream Cheryl, Exferno, HVon-el, Invisble Archer, Karate Knight, LightningHat, Mailbox, Natstar, Pegistar, PhantomGhostGirl, Saturn Ziles, Triple L!, UltraThunderBoy, Visionary 5, WildYoFire, WolfWolf.

For younger versions & other members of the LLSH, Go Here !

These are micro's of my Friend's Heroes & Villians

Amazing guy Joey

Left to Right: Amazing Guy, Joey.


All Micro Heroes Are Created By Me.
Joey is by Me & Spaztic Chyld.
Amazing Guy is by Scott
My Sister helped out on Cyborg Librarian.
Mr. Epitome's base was made by Robert Bradley.

Copyrights to the repective Holders.
A Dancing Clown Poduction !