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Other PZR characters will be added here as the strip progresses.

Name: Russell

Species: Dog

Likes: Fire hydrants; money; chumps.

Dislikes: Fair play; people that try to tell him to get a real job.

Bio: No, Russell isn’t evil; grifting is just the only thing that he’s really good at. He answers the same ad that brought Rufus into the fold, but doggone it, (no pun intended) there’s only room in the apartment for one new roommate/major cast member. Meanwhile, Cecil is on his way to becoming Russell’s newest apprentice as a con artist.

Name: Regina

Species: Squirrel

Likes: Surfing; bottled water; blackberries

Dislikes: Dishonesty; sudden outbursts

Bio: After graduating from the University of Washington, fate brought Regina to an apartment downtown, which just so happens to be next to that of our main characters. Regina now spends her spare time by the ocean; either ignoring or rejecting Cecil's advances.

Name: Brenda

Species: Rabbit

Likes: Hunting; Kevin Smith movies;

Dislikes: Bad music videos; anyone who steals her cold cuts

Bio: Brenda works with Regina as a mountain guide and is an old friend of Russell's. She met the others while assisting them on a search for the elusive Bigfoot. Normally she wouldn't hunt such unlikely game, but in this case, she made an exception due to an unhealthy grudge. Despite a newly-upgraded arsenal, Brenda insists on taking Bigfoot alive.