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Some Rockin Links

Links for people who like funktastic Flash movies --- Home of the incredible Final Fighting Fantasy series. --- All sorts of Flashy goodness here. Games as well as movies.
Mortisland --- Like the FFF site, most of these movies are video-game-related. --- Another great way to kill an hour. Four hours if you have a dial-up modem. --- Parodies for video game fans, violent Flash movies for others!

Links to other online comics

Plasma Fused --- In addition to the comic, you'll find reviews of games and anime! Some written by me; if you guess which reviewer I am, you'll win a prize...maybe.
8-Bit Theater --- Greatest online comic ever next to PZR! You may notice that some of the jokes are similar, but I assure you, it's a total coincidence.
Penny Arcade --- If you've managed to find my site, chances are you've already heard of Penny Arcade. But here's a link in case you don't feel like typing in the url yourself.
Neko the Kitty --- Whether you like cats or not, this is one of the best webcomics out there.
Sinfest --- Being unworthy of salvation has never been so funny! --- If these other comics don't float your boat, go here to find a comic that does!

Other cool stuff

Maddox is political incorrectness at it's best --- hundreds of amusing articles. The url says it all...
BJ Shea: Seattle's answer to Tom Leykis
Some of the funniest video clips ever are on this site. Check it out!