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The Shows
The adventures of Piki Matsumoto and Poko Shizumitsu

They are all here
Though the interface can be a bit buggy, all the shows are there.

Or you can find 1 - 14 of the P&P shows

and 15 - 27

the files live in your browser's cache as .swf files
So if you want to keep them, just dig around.
In total there are 37M of files.

#01: Perfect Match *
#02: Starland *
#03: Destiny *
#04: OhTotemo!
#05: PhaseTwo
#06: Ten Miles High
#07: Death To Shaper
#08: Less Than Kind
#09: Personal Magnetism
#10: Have a Problem
#11: Courage is Born
#12: Cornu the Mighty
#13: Our Child
#14: No Shopping
#15: An Anchor Shining
#16: DJs on Ice
#17: Finer Feelings
#18: The New Fall Line
#19: In The Yes!
#20: Tweet Tweet
#21: Trial by Slime
#22: Lady Tears
#23: Ding Dong
#24: You Are the Land
#25: Leeches
#26: Gift Basket
#27: Heartsicle

here are the titles of the unseen shows:

#28: Dead Wrong
#29: Fishy Fishy
#30: A Merry Chase
#31: Welcome Ducky
#32: The Unlucky
#33: Anthropormorphizing

And here are the titles of three finished scripts
that were just beginning to be animated - but never finished:
#34: Under Her Wing
#35: Faith in You
#36: Heavy with Ice

Mondo Mini Shows
(They make Piki & Poko if you didn't know.)

Want more Episodes???
Tell Mondo Form

Downloads & Xtras


Bay Area Reporter, January 4, 2001
dead link

ZDnet - Mondo Mavericks Animate the Web
dead link
(crashes Netscape!!!)

Composer for Piki & Poko
Amy X Neuburg

Storyboards for Piki & Poko
Ashanti Miller


Shockwave Tricks

Tiny Cherry Muffins

Encyclopedia StarLandia