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WLIIA video and sound

Welcome to Ryan Stiles RULES Sound Area. Many of the following sounds came from the following web page. I  would like to thank them for the links to these sounds....  and a special thanks to Jennifer for going out of her way to send me the huge toe sound clip. 




"A good Skrew"

"Moving People"


Theme Music

Theme Music


In a Laundromat

In a Hardware Store


In A Butcher Shop

On Noah's Ark

Film and Theatre Styles

Ryan Does Shakespeare

In The Sewers

In the Park (A pram would be...?)

Gorillas In The Mist

Questions Only

In The Nudist Camp

Scenes From a Passionate French Love Story

Scenes From Ancient Rome


Examinations Hoedown

Bachelor Party Hoedown

Bad Neighbor Hoedown

Shoplifting Hoedown

Shoplifting Hoedown

Sex Hoedown

Colin Hoedown

Christmas Hoedown

Car Salesman Hoedown

Family Reunion Hoedown

Going Bald Hoedown

Village People Hoedown

Reading Of The Will Hoedown

Gameshow Hosts Hoedown

Hairdressers Hoedown

Ryan Stiles: Being Born Hoedown

Greg Proops: Cricket Hoedown

World Leaders Hoedown

Tight Trousers Hoedown

Space Travel Hoedown

Weddings Hoedown


Marital Problems Hoedown



Childbirth March

Surveyor March

Bankers March

Number Of Words

Number Of Words: In A Saloon

Number Of Words: In Dr. Frankenstein's Lab

Press Conference

Press Conference: Tony is the First Man to Make Love In Space

Press Conference: Colin Has Clive's Love Child

Worlds Worst

The World's Worst: World's Worst Ad Campaign

World's Worst: Tv show

World's Worst Song to sing in prison

World's Worst attorney


Bar Scene: Greg Loses His Virginity

Village People Song

Bob song

Home Shopping

50 Dead In Manitoba

Foreign Film Dub: The Death Of Boris Simpson

Tony tells Clive to...

Song Styles: Kitty Litter Duet

Song Styles: Beached Whale Duet

Animals: Sheep

Greatest Hits: What The Hell ...

Opera: The Northern Line Guard

Expert Translation: Volvos

The Director: Scenes From "Alien"

Tony Slattery is the World's Most ..

Two Soldiers In The Trenches

Doing The Laundry (The cat!)

Musical Film Review: Midshipman Easy

Scenes from a hat

 Waiting for a bus

Car Salesman

Broadway Stars (timber)

Exorcist rap

Hillary and Monica

Sitcom Stars

German Millionaire Show

Satan and the School girl

Ryan Says...

Grease me up, I'm getting in!  

I'll have to admit, I'm a little horny  

I've just walked a mile and I'm ready to hop on the sucker!  

I may be odd but I'm still a pirate  

Pain, is just a condition of the mind  

Get a load of the size of my dick  

"huge toes"<<Mad TV

I wish I had a condom  


Colin Says...

Have you ever seen a penis this big?  

Go on, give it a squeeze  

This is a real pain in the ass

Damn, damn, damn...and damn once again!

Wanna hear a hoedown?  

I was once kissed by Ryan Stiles

Greg Says...

I'm Hung Like Snake  

When I was a woman, I used to go for guys like me

Tony Says....



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