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Award of the Kingdom..... what is it and who has won it.......

Well I have seen a lot of awards on the net, and I think that it would be a good idea for The Kingdoms to have an award for outstanding WLIIA related web pages. If you think that a page may deserve the award submit it at the bottom of the page. I will list the winning sites on this page. You get an award to post on your website. Every award is different because I like to personalize them......

Web pages that have received the award of the kingdom (random order)

The Whose Line Galaxy--owned by Frigginacky

It's got quotes, a few altered pics, a ton of links, and other fun stuff. Check it out for yourself!

The Whose Line Asylum --owned by Ray

My site is a silent applause for Ryan Stiles and Colin Mochrie through the web. It contains biographies, filmographies, graphics, games, desktops, movies, and most of what a growing fan needs. For years they have amused us with their sharp wit and sharper suits, and I believe it's time to give something back. Don't like what you see here? Send me an email with what you would like, and I would be happy to see what I can do!

Whose Line Hmm... ---Owned by Jenn

A Whose Line picture site with tons of those pictures that are just out there and make you say "wtf?" Plus bunches of 'regluar' pictures off all the men and women of Whose Line!

Cat's WLiiA? Fan Page ---Owned by Cat

This is my little tribute to Whose Line is it Anyway? This site features many rare and unusual pics. Hope you enjoy! :-)

Michelle's Whose Line is it Anyway? Site---Owned by Michelle

This is a fan page dedicated to the funniest guys on the planet. It includes my experiences at Whose Line tapings, comedy clubs and other live improv shows.

Improv Genius: Ryan Stiles---Owned by Cookie

A page that is devoted to the facts & fun that is Ryan Stiles.

Dean's Whose Line Is It Anyway website---Owned by Dean

A whole lot of reading on the entire history of WLIIA with complete episode guides, cast and games sunmmaries and unique stats on a plethora of  WL angles.

6'6 Pile of Stile---Owned by Melanie

A big site dedicated to Ryan and Whose Line with TONS of my own screen capture pics, many many quotes and Ryan info.

Whose Line is it Anyway?---Owned by Shirley

This site has everything a whoser would want! It has clips, pics, biographies, and even wallpapers!

It's All About The Stiles---Owned by Jade

A website dedicated to the improv king with lots to do! Check out the Quiz, Pictures, and 300 ways to tell if your obsessed! 

Lesley's Odd Little Whose Line Space---Owned by Lesley

A small tribute to the comic geniuses behind Whose Line Is It Anyway. Contains a good mix of the "must haves" of any whoser page.


To Submit your site:

Just complete this form. Click on Submit when ready to send. 

Owner name:

Email address:

What is the main subject of the page?

Site name, URL, and short description?


