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Drew Carey Show pics

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I dont think a caption is needed. That is a lot of skin.

I wish I was at the taping of this one. lol

Is that real snow? looks pretty fake to me!!                        I hate when people put their legs on you


Who says you cant have your cake and eat it too?               I always get the seats with the sun in my eyes


This is one of my favorite pics because it is so silly

Lewis and Buzz beer, what a couple!

Oswald, Oswald, Oswald.....

I want a pool table in my backyard too.

I want Mimi's pants, Oswald's shirt, and Kate's hat

I want his PJ's

Ewwwww. kissy face


Time Warp!!     My favorite janitor!!

   OK, Its not Ryan...But I had to include it!



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