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3/26/05--It's been a while, to say the least. Lack of internet acces/a working keyboard will do wonders for your nonproductivity. But on to the interesting stuff. There are now five (not so) new parody works up.

The newest fic is in the Naruto section, and its name is The Virginity Curse, by me. I also put up two fics which I wrote about two years back and recently reworked, so they're very special. One is a Fushigi Yuugi fic called A Mary Sue for Chiriko and the other is a Fruits Basket fic called Yuki-chan in Wonderland.

In addition to these three fics, I went back through some song parodies I wrote, picked out the best ones and put them up as well. They are "The Bishonen Song, to the tune of Monty Python's "The Lumberjack Song," and "I am the Very Model of a Modern Fanfic Mary Sue", a parody of Gilbert and Sullivan's "I am the Very Model of a Modern Major General." And that's it. Hope you enjoy!

7/7/2004--A little tiny update. Regimental Responsibility, a story about the anti-Zoro/Sanji couple, Koby and Helmeppo is now in the One Piece section, which now has its own page. Hooked, a short Kabuto piece, is now in the Naruto section. That's it.

6/12/2004--Three new things this time: another chapter for Johnny and Yosaku's Excellent Adventure, a SakuLee fic in the Naruto section called The Slightly Ecchi Adventures of Rock Lee, and some random Gai/Kakashi smut I wrote for a dear friend's birthday and won't link to here since I still have a shred of morality left. Hope they are enjoyed.

5/15/2004--I just realized I completely forgot about this site's birthday. Happy birthday! Anyway, after wrestling with very minor HTML problems and losing, I will limit this update to little things. The Naruto section now has its own page, with three new drabble-type things in it. Also, One Piece has a new drabble. And I'm thinking of changing the site's focus, but it is a very himitsu change that I'll probably never get done. That is all.

1/28/2004--Because I'm bored (again), yet another update. Not a whole lot, just two new things in the One Piece section (both by me), and two more chapters added onto Johnny and Yosaku's Excellent Adventure. Hope they are enjoyed.

1/15/2004--Because I felt like it, here's another update. And it's... a lot. I put up a bunch of drabbles (mostly mine, but if you like Naruto, and specifically Neji, go check out Voices by Mucktron). I don't feel like listing them all here, but if you go to the fanfics page, anything that's marked by is, well, new. Some of it is incomplete, and the vast majority is unbeta-ed, so read at your own risk.

1/3/2004--Happy New Year! Three new things this time, all short and all by me--Glint in the Naruto section, and What Do You Do With a Sleeping Swordsman? and Slash of the Titans in the One Piece section. Hope they are enjoyed by all. Good night.

12/8/03--Yeah, it's been a while. I've been tired and busy. But! I do have four new things for the pile. Two are from my regular handle (solderini): Bug-Eyed Freak (Naruto) and Zorome (One Piece). Two others, both from Naruto, are from my alternate handle, The Badfic Fairy: Oh Baby, Oh Baby (an mpreg parody) and Zabuza's Weapon, which is not your typical Haku/Zabuza piece.

Why do I have two handles now? Because I've always wanted to have a secret identity, even if the identity isn't so scret to those who bother to read this.

Also, I added a non-frames version of the site, so yay. And now, I'm going to bed.

9/17/03--Not a real update, just some cosmetic changes that will hopefully make the site more readable and navigatable.

9/7/03--Just one new fic this time, A Logical Conclusion (Naruto) by solderini. Unfortunately, I've been too tired and discouraged recently to look for good fanfiction. Even if you don't have anything you personally want to submit, if you have any recommendations they will gladly be looked into. Also, the "surprise" I alluded to last time will have to wait--I'm still working out the details for it.

8/9/03--Been a while since the last update, and hopefully worth the wait. Added three new fics: Mother (Naruto) by SaturnOolaa, and Always That Chance (Gravitation) and Irony (Fushigi Yuugi), both by solderini. Took down all the Harry Potter stuff, because I want to focus on anime/manga fandom, and "Sally Closed the Door", because it sucks. Rearranged stories so that they are housed by series instead of by good/bad (woohoo). Also, destroyed the shrine section and other non-special sections. It’s too much work and doesn’t add much to the site. However, the Very Special Forces page is still up.

A note: if this is an archive, why does it have mostly my own stuff up? Because I have to actively search out fics to add, and I don’t always have the time to do so. If you’ve written something, and it is spellchecked, feel free to submit. I may accept it or I may not, but either way you’ll have done something most of the world doesn’t have the courage to do: participate.

Also, depending on time and circumstance, the next update may have a surprise in store. Hopefully you’ll find it a pleasant one.

6/24/03--Added Chapter 16 of Between Seishi and Gods by Kryssa and Four Days on the Road by trixie to Butterscotch Pudding Cups.

5/25/03--Added Between Seishi and Gods by Kryssa to Butterscotch Pudding Cups. Added Tamura shrine to the Very Special Forces, and various links.

5/18/03--Added Boat Drinks, Before the Dawn of Good and Evil, Strange Medicine (all by Hyacynth) and An Old Game (by solderini) to "Butterscotch Pudding Cups." Removed "Demonic Impulses" completely, thank Whatever. Moved They Were 11 on Jerry Springer and Little Red Howling Wolf to "The Short Bus." Also added a shrine to Rock Lee in the "Very Special Forces," and a listing of the Truly Special Forces. And, finally, got listed on the Slash Page Database Project, as well as several other search engines (though I don't know when/if Some Very Special Fanfics will show up on said search engines) and some webrings.

5/14/03--Today is the day all of my (solderini's) current fanfiction is officially up. Also, I am now drawing up a list of authors I want to approach about hosting their fics, and places that might link me, such as the Slash Page Database Project. :::shrugs::: I'll find it out somehow.

4/25/03--Today, due to boredom and free webspace, this site was created. Happy Birthday, Some Very Special Fanfics.

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