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by Mikeys_in_tha_hizouse

The year: 2307. The Shredder has claimed the world as his own with the help of the Triceraton Republic. A group of freedom fighters rebel against the Foot/Triceraton Empire. All efforts seem futile. The freedom fighters have nearly given up hope. Their only chance at stopping all this madness is to travel back in time and defeat the Shredder, with the help of the legendary Ninja Turtles, before he has the chance to gain such power.

In 2005, the turtle known as Raphael defeated the Shredder in combat by driving a katana through his head. Little did he and his brothers know that the Foot had a plan to cloned him through the use of a unique type of worm that becomes whatever it eats. The first few attempts had failed. After two years of trial and error, a perfect Shredder clone was achieved. The clone was exactly like the original Shredder in every way. Desiring to conquer the world, he traveled to the Triceraton home world and made a deal: help him conquer Earth and they will be able to claim the Utrom home world as well.

Over the next year, Earth was overwhelmed by attacks from Triceraton spaceships. Our planet’s leaders surrendered, unable to compete with the vast firepower of the Triceraton Republic. The Earth belonged to Shredder and the Triceratons. The turtles formed a resistance, but it was to no avail. They and countless others died trying to stop the Shredder. The resistance continued on in their memory.

The Utroms offered their services. Their technology helped greatly, but the Shredder still had the upper hand. He began creating armies of human-animal hybrids. All seemed lost until the invention of the Cudley portal, named after the Utrom who developed it.

The Cudley portal was basically a modified Transmat device. It enabled one to travel through time and/or space to any time period or destination of their choosing. With this new technology, the resistance would be able to prevent this chaos from ever happening. It was the only way to end this 300 year struggle.

“Destroy the rebels!!” a shark bellowed. “We cannot allow them to enter the portal!!”

Several human-animal hybrids began opening fire on the four rebels running towards the gateway. Two of them appeared human. The other two were something almost entirely different. One, a woman, was part human, part fox. The other: part human, part lizard.

“Ninjara, Mondo, you coming or what?” one of the humans said.
“Yeah. Hold up, man,” the lizard said, opening fire on the small army of hybrids.
“What’s our mission, Kenshi?” Ninjara, the fox, asked.
“We must seek out the turtles,” Kenshi, a human, answered. “And stop the Shredder.”
“Damn,” the other being said, “I think my exoskeleton took some damage in that shoot out.”
“You gonna be alright, Mortu?” Mondo asked.
“Yeah,” Mortu answered, “I just gotta make some repairs when we get to 2007.”
“Everybody, shut up!!” Kenshi ordered. “We have to get through the time portal before the Imperial guards bomb this base!!”
“Then let’s do it,” Ninjara said.
With that, they ran through the gateway, hoping, praying they’d make it to their destination alive.
Meanwhile, outside the rebel base.
“Trozar, drop the bomb,” the shark ordered the triceraton soldier.
With that order, a bomb was dropped, decimating the rebel base.
Several years earlier. 2007.
“Geez, man,” Mondo said, “ Ya think we coulda pick a smoother place to land?”
“Shut up, Mondo,” Ninjara said, “Do you ever stop bitching?”
“Maybe if you’d stop being a bitch?” Mondo replied.
“Enough,” Mortu said. “As Kenshi said, we have a job to do.”
Shredder’s fortress. 2307.

“General Armaggon, what is your report?” Shredder asked the shark.
“We destroyed their base,” Armaggon replied, “but we believe the rebels escaped through the portal.”
“Very well,” Shredder said, “Talk to Lord Thrag. Have him find us a couple of bounty hunters to track down the rebels.”
“Master,” the replied, “you know how much I despise meeting with the Triceratons.”
“Do as I say, Armaggon, or suffer the consequences.”
“As you say, Master.”
Within hours, Thrag arrived with the bounty hunters.
“Lord Shredder,” Thrag said, “I present to you the bounty hunters. Bebop and Rocksteady. They are considered the best in their galaxy.”
Shredder stared at the two bounty hunters for a second. The one known as Bebop resembled a warthog, while Rocksteady resembled something like a rhino.
“Good,” Shredder said, with a devious tone. “Gentlemen, here are your assignments.”
He handed each of them a small cube which projected holographic images of each of the escaped rebels.
“You are to bring them back, dead or alive,” Shredder hissed. “I am sending Armaggon with you to make sure you don’t mess things up. If you fail, you shall suffer the consequences.”
With those last words, the three beings were transported to the very year the rebels had just arrived in.

2007. The wreckage of the old Foot building. A time portal has just transported Armaggon and the bounty hunters Bebop and Rocksteady to this location.

“Here we are, gentlemen,” Armaggon said to the bounty hunters. “New York City. 2007.” “Time for some hunting,” Rocksteady said. “And if I know the rebels, I believe I know where to find them.”

Meanwhile, in the sewers beneath the city. “Dammit, Mondo!! Will you shut up with your freakin’ complaining,” Ninjara screamed. “Listen to yourself!!” Mondo replied, “ ‘Ewww. This water stinks.’ ‘My fur’s getting wet.’ You’re the one doing all the complaining!!”
Mortu turned around.

“How about you both shut up before I transport your animal asses back to our time so you can go back to fighting the Imperial forces?” he said. “Hell no!” Ninjara replied. “Ummmm…” Mondo paused, “No way, dude” “That’s what I thought,” Mortu smiled.

“Okay,” Kenshi interrupted, “the turtles’ lair should be around here somewhere.” “Aight,” Mondo said, “We’ll just keep w…”

Suddenly, the ground crumbled beneath the gecko’s feet as he fell several feet before hitting the ground. He found himself surrounded by four turtles, a rat and a man in a hockey mask, all prepared to attack him.
“Uhhhhh… guys?” Mondo yelled up, “I think I found ‘em. I need backup.”

The remaining rebels jump down the hole Mondo left and into the turtles’ lair. Ninjara drew her katana as Kenshi and Mortu drew their guns.

“Back off or taste cold steel!!” Ninjara exclaimed, pointing her katana at the turtles.
“Put away your weapons,” Kenshi said, “We mean no harm.”
“Well ya got an interesting way of showing that, bub,” Raph said, twirling his sais.
“My sons,” Splinter interrupted, “I sense they are telling the truth.”
“Thank you, Splinter,” Kenshi said, with a bow.
“Uhhhh…dude,” Mikey said, “Would someone care to explain what’s going on?”
“Michelangelo, I presume,” Kenshi said. “And you would be Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Casey Jones.”
They all nodded.

“I am Kenshi, a member of the resistance to stop a tyrannical dictator in the year 2307. You know him as the Shredder.”
“What?” Leo questioned.
“Yeah,” Raph shouted, “I killed ol’ blob-brain myself. Ain’t no way he’s still alive.”
“He is. Using a unique type of worm, the Foot were able to create and exact duplicate of the original Shredder.”
“Amazing,” Don interrupted.
Kenshi continued, “By forming an alliance with the Triceraton Republic, Shredder was able to conquer the world. He rules with a bladed iron fist. Our only hope of stopping him is to travel to this time and prevent him from forming that alliance.”
“So who’s the other guy and the two freaks?” Casey asked.
“That is Mortu, an Utrom,” Kenshi answered. “The fox is Ninjara and the lizard is Mondo.” “Mortu?” Leo asked.
“Yes,” Mortu responded, “I believe you knew my father. He died defending our homeworld. He was the only one brave enough to stand up to the Shredder. I am honored to be his son. I joined the resistance in his memory.”
“We’re sorry for your loss,” said Leo.

In another part of the sewer.
“I’m hungry,” Bebop snorted.
“Me too,” Rocksteady growled.
“Will you shut up?” Armaggon shouted. He paused for a moment.
“I can smell the rebels. And I smell turtles all over the place.”
“Mmmmmmmm. Toitle soup,” said Bebop. Armaggon stopped at a pool of water.
“Wait here,” he ordered as he dived into the pool. He began swimming through the underwater tunnels until he could finally resurface. When he did, he looked up to see a small submarine suspended above him. This was exactly where he wanted to be. He leapt out of the water.

“DIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!” he screamed.
“What the f…?” Raph said.
“It’s Armaggon,” Ninjara explained, “The Commander of the Foot army.”
“You’re all going to die!!” Armaggon exclaimed.

To Be Continued.........