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"The Last Blood"

by Tforce aka Naruto

Blood dripped from his lips and he was breathing heavily. The side of his stomach was patched up and he was hidden under an incredible amount of garbage. His trail was covered and his home maybe in ruins by now. He was scared. He had never been so frightened in his whole life and now he had doubts in being able to make it out of the mess he was in. His eyes swelled from the tears he had dripping over his face. The sweat his body let out was very heavy on him and he was perfectly wet. He closed his eyes and remained as quiet as he can be for he knew he must not be discovered if he would want to make it out alive and avenge the deaths that had been committed.

His name was Donatello.

*Flash Back*

“Run into that building over there!” Leonardo yelled. The turtles were being chased by Shredder and his army. They were out numbered by a match they could not handle. They ran into an abandoned factory. They hoped to seek refuge there and escape the army of Foot Soldiers that chased behind them. They ran into the facility and found it to be very large and great for hiding. It was like a maze in this factory and they knew with their skill they could hide with out being found with no effort needed. “Scatter everyone!” Leo said in a whisper. They all looked for a spot far from each other, but they made sure they were still able to see each other from the distance they were all in.

The lights turned on in the facility. It was a trap! They were lead to this spot on purpose. The turtles tried to keep a clear mind, even though they just had faced a tragedy at their own home. Their home was found out by Shredder and a full ambush was hit. None of them were expecting this to happen, not even their father. They were surrounded and weaponless. Only Raph and Leo had their weapons on them as Mikey and Don left theirs were they kept the other weapons. “Don and Mikey go get your weapons me and Raph will handle this.” Leo said in a whisper. Don and Mikey ran to the sparing room as Leo and Raph went into battle. Splinter ignored the Foot Soldiers and went to their leader, Shredder. The Shredder waited for him and they began to battle. Splinter jumped and high kicked the Shredder on the face and dodged the fierce blades of the claws on Shredder’s hands. Mikey and Don had returned just in time to find out that Splinter was about to be ambushed.

The Foot Soldiers jumped on Splinter and he was only able to take a few them out for there were many attacking him at once, because of this distraction Shredder grabbed the large rat and beat him to nothing. Splinter was weakened and his sons were battling through the horror as they tried to reach their father on time. “My sons leave me, run and save your lives.” Splinter said as Shredder gutted him with his claws. Blood dripped down the rat’s body as he was thrown to the floor. The turtles turned there stunned at the site. They never believed that Shredder could actually defeat their father and yet their father is lying dead on the floor next to Shredder with his blood pouring out of his body and the rat turning more pal every minute. Leo swore revenge under his breath and had only some sense to obey their father’s last request. The rest of the turtles looked stunned and still could not process all that just happened into their minds. “Run!” Leo yelled.

Then they found themselves in the facility in a trap. They knew they would be caught and then ran together through the facility knowing that the door the entered would be their doom. They needed to find an escape, but were could they have gone? They knew every exit was blocked and the Foot soldiers were chasing after them now. They ran from room to room. Then Leo stopped. “They are catching up with us. I’ll slow them down you guys go find a way out! I’ll catch up with you later.” Leo said and took his position. They looked at him not wanting to leave but they trusted his words and knew they needed to find an exit more than anything so they could get out as soon as possible, or they would have just fallen there with no chance of escape. After they passed a few rooms they heard a great yell. It scared them to death. They knew it was Leo and it didn’t sound like it was a roar of attack but a scream of pain. They all were about to run back to him but Raph stopped them. “I will take it from here now go!” Mike was scared and he wasn’t going to let Raph down, but Donny pulled him away telling him that they had to find an exit first, if they hope to even escape and gain revenge for Splinter. Mike nodded his head and they ran. Raph took his stance and locked the door behind him to help give Mikey and Don a little more time even if it was just seconds. There they came the Foot Soldiers and they came through the door as fast as they can. Raph pierced them with his sai blades. Soon the Shredder came in holding the swords of Leo. Raph was shocked and filled with anger. He jumped straight to Shredder.

Blood dripped to the ground very slowly. He had done it. He had killed him. There were only two for him to finish off for him to never worry about his plans being ruined again.
Raph fell to the ground with his brother’s sword stuck into his stomach. He never thought his life would end in this way. He was bleeding to death. Shredder walked up closer to Raph. “Die.” Shredder said as he stabbed Raph’s chest with his claws. Raph died instantly right there in Shredders eyes, and the Foot soldiers began their pursuit once more, looking through all the rooms and buildings. There were only two left now and they reached a dead end. The room was empty except for a bin that leads to a dumpster outside “Get in there I will stay here!” Don yelled to his brother. Mike looked angry. “No! I am not going to lose you too!” Mike said. He had a terrible feeling as Raph didn’t make it. His heart burst with pain and his eyes swelled with tears. Don picked Mike up as fast as he could and threw him in the dumpster. “Don’t go back to the lair!” Don yelled as he threw Mike into the bin and closed it as fast as he could. He could not let Mikey die. He was still a child at heart with a grown up mind. He was not ready for this and if any of them were going to survive at least it would be Mikey. Don was trapped in a corner and brought out his bo staff. The foot soldiers were starting to come in and Don took them out one by one. Slowly Shredder started coming into the room with his claws covered in blood. Shredder took his time, for he knew there was no way of escape. Don did his best to evade Shredder to buy Mikey as much time as he could spare. Don fought and fought. He earned himself a few bruises here and there and was thrown back many times. Finally Shredder began his attack. His claws hit Don’s stomach side and lucky for Don it was not something that couldn't be patched up. But if Don did not get his wound patched up soon he would end up as the third dead turtle found in the facility. Don jumped over a Foot soldiers head and broke the soldier’s neck as he climbed up. Don broke through the window that was up in that room and he landed on his back. He agonized in pain. The glass provided many small cuts but it was nothing truly serious. Don had gotten up and ran as fast as he could to the nearest man hole. He climbed down and kept running. He was going to have to take a risky step by going to the lair, getting any first aid kit, and running as far as he can from the lair to hide until the next day. He faced a few challenges on his way. His major challenge was his wound that Shredder had given him. It was making him weak and he needed to patch it up real fast. Don made it to the lair to find a few Foot Soldiers there. He took them out as quick as possible and started providing attention for himself. He was scared more then anything. When he was done he ran far away from his home, knowing it will be the last time he would see it.

Now you know the story. He hid under tons of garbage and closed his eyes. He heard footsteps coming his way. It was the Shredder and his Foot Soldiers. They were looking for Don. “What is the news about the one named Michelangelo?” Shredder asked his men. “He was captured and destroyed.” One of the soldiers had replied. Don’s eyes opened wide. He had failed to save Mikey. Don was ready to jump out and kill the Shredder, but then a rat ran across him. Don was not frightened for he was used to rats climbing all over the place and he had lived with one for his whole life. The rat reminded him of Splinter and Don became quiet and closed his eyes trying to calm every part of himself. He was barely able to take it. He had lost all of his brothers now and he was the last survivor that will have to claim revenge for so many deaths. Don held his tears back from remembering the past events. He was ready to burst out there. He had failed to protect Mikey as he wanted to. He was supposed to die ,but he was lucky enough to reach the window. He felt horrible beyond words. His heart hurt beyond words. He had lost everything, everything that he believed he could never lose. Shredder had taken his family away and Don will put down his bo staff and take up the sword to rid Shredder of his life. This was his silent vow that he made. He will never let Shredder take or ruin anymore family’s lives as long as he can help it.

Don listened as much as he could to what was going on. They were looking for him. He felt weak from his wound and he was feeling sleep reaching him. He was able to stay up for a few more minuets before he passed out in the garbage he hid in. He slept there quietly and slept for hours. By the time he woke up, he heard only silence. He had slowly opened his eyes to see light piercing through a man hole not too far. “It must be morning.” Don thought to himself. He assumed that the hunt for him had stopped for now. But he would not move until he felt that he was secure. He needed to think of his next plan before he could do anything. His family was dead, the lair might be under massive guard, and he couldn’t rely on the police for he was a turtle and would have been taken down or killed on the spot. His options were minimal and to make a choice was very hard. He had no home, no friends, and no family.

Wait he did have a friend! One he knew he could rely on. Don grew happy until he remembered. She went to Japan for vacation. This was not good for him. He had no idea how he could get into a plan to Japan unnoticed. Then he thought about his friend more. “Oh my god, they might be trying to find and kill her also!” Don thought with worry. He had to go now to Japan to make sure she stayed safe. April was his only friend now and is considered part of the turtle family. But Don had still his one problem. How would he get to Japan?” If she was in true danger, going by boat would not be an option both ways. He had to go by air and he would have to use his entire mind to figure a scheme to find which plane can take him there. This would be a great challenge.

Don laid in his spot for a few hours before deciding that he should start heading out. He tried to peak out at every direction as he could before leaving his area. When he felt that the area was secured, he left his spot and felt the cringe of pain in his stomach. It was his wound. He needed to take care of it again. He patched himself once again, and he saw his deep wound that will remind him of what happened to him and his family for the rest of his life. A tear fell down his green cheek as he was patching himself. No it was not a tear of pain, but a tear of sadness. Don still was in shock for what happened to his family and the pain was finally releasing from his body. He yelled a great cry as he finished patching himself up. He was done. Now he will have to go find some old clothes to disguise himself and he will be all set for his long journey.

Don found an old hat and a brown coat in the dumpster. It fit on him but it was tight because of his shell. “It will have to do.” Don whispered to himself. At this point he did not care about his cloth weapon or anything else; all he cared about was, to get to his friend as quick as his feet may take him. He will have to travel by night and hide by day, so he can avoid any confrontation with any of his enemys or any civilians that would freak out and cause much commotion. Don sighed. His trip was going to be the biggest odyssey of his entire life. He began his run towards the airport and he held his bo staff hidden under his cloth.

Hours later it was night. Don kept going for he was near the airport and he had no time to spare, for he needed to make it to any flight to Japan as soon as he could. He jumped from roof top to roof top. It was late at night and that was perfect for Don. He would have to be very careful when he goes in the building. He could not let anyone see his face hands or feet. He walked in side casually and in a big crowed or people who were trying to make it to their plane. Don walked carefully into the dark areas of the building and he saw the line that will help him find out what plane he was looking for. He carefully slipped into the line so that no one noticed him. He was quick and he was next in line.

He finally went up to the counter. “Hi sir how can I help you?” The lady asked. Don made sure to not make any hand jesters as he talked to her. “When is the next flight to Japan?” Don asked plainly. The lady looked at him seeing something strange about him but she ignored it, so she can obey Don’s request. She told Don everything he needed to know and then asked when he would like to schedule a flight. “What times are available?” He asked. The lady looked down onto her computer. “Well we have two flights available for tonight, the next flight is for first class at 11pm and the last flight is coach at 12am.” She said. “Which flight would you…………?” She started looking up and noticed that he was gone! “How did he…… Were did he go?” She asked herself. She couldn’t believe it. He was just there standing in front of her and then he was gone. “Miss I believe I was next.” A man said. He came up in front of the counter and everything went back to normal. Don was outside watching the plane being loaded. He will have to get on that plane.

He began on running again. He was running to the plane and making sure he could make it in the cargo area. He slipped by unnoticed to anyone who was loading the plane. He was safe and ready. He was deep in the storage compartment in the plane. He hid himself and laid down. It was going to be a long journey and he will need rest. He slept through the whole trip. There were times he would wake up because of turbulence, but he went back to sleep as soon as he can. He will need all his energy.

The plane landed and it was morning in Japan and Don was a little nervous, for it will be more of a challenge for him to slip away from the staff that unloads the plane. Don had to be very careful, and he would have to make a good distraction. Don looked left and right. He was calm and watched carefully as the staff unloaded the cargo. Don had to keep going further and further in the back, so they could not find him. A long time it took for Don to find his chance. It was by chance luck was on his side this day. Don found a chicken cage across from him, he let the chicken out and the staff saw this and began chasing it. Don took his opportunity and fled the scene.

Don hid all day and waited for the night to shadow him. “The night shall be my cloak and the light shall be my enemy.” Don said in a whisper. He fled through the streets and alleys. He crossed roads and avoided any light that came in his path. He ran and ran until he came up to a boat. It was only the youth of dark when he met the boat and the tourist riding in it. This boat would take them to the Kanto rejoin.
The boat made it there by mid night and everyone had gotten off except for Don. Don takes his first step from the boat and drops his bo staff.

The bo staff fell to the floor making no noise but jumping up and down as its master left. It laid there seeing that its master was now gone forever. The bo staff will be left and never used again and thus ends the bo staff.

Don leaves with sadness on his face; it was time for him to break his pacifist ways. A tear left Don’s eyes for this will not be an easy task.

April was having the time of her life. She was spending a whole month in Japan. She just couldn’t believe it. Everything was so beautiful, the markets, the people, and all the rest of the tourist attractions. She will never forget this day. She had bought many things, cloth, jewelry, and a katana. It reminded her of her friends back home. She missed them so much and would be glade to get home to see them again, but this was her vacation away from everything. She was away from all the dangers of New York, the foot ninja’s, and Shredder. Life couldn’t get any better for her. The sun was shining the air was fresh the sky was clear and the people were jolly. April would of loved to live here. She knew that this vacation would be a one time thing for her and she was going to enjoy it to its fullest.

Unknown to April she had a stalker; he kept a watch full eye on her. He had been following her all day and she hadn’t noticed him even once. He followed her with one arm in his cloak. He wore a dark brown cloak and his face can not be seen and his hands are covered with the cloak so nothing except the cloak can be seen of him. He walked slowly and cautiously around her and he made sure that she didn’t even notice his presents. He walked kept his distance and watched her shop and dance through the outside market with joy.

April was outside a shop looking at all the antiques it had. It was so beautiful. Everything was hand made and she saw something she really thought her friends back home would love. It was a beautiful katana with a golden hilt. She went inside so she could buy it. She looked at it with aw. It would cost her a big hole in her wallet but she knew Leo would enjoy it. She went to the store owner. She was able to speak Japanese decently but not fluently. She did a little barging with the owner and it was very hard. She finally got down to the final set price. It was a very big dent in her purse and she knew the look on Leo’s face would be so worth it. The sword was so beautiful.

Unknown to April, her stalker still watched her outside the window. People did take notice to him but they did not really care for he was not doing anything to suspicious. He watched her and never took his eyes off her he stayed there and when he saw her leaving the store he left hidden in a dark ally between some stores. He never took his eyes off her and he was waiting for the right moment to confront her. He just knew he had to wait until she was alone.

April left the store with a huge grin on her face. She carried the beautiful katana in a nicely rapped package and she was ready to go back to her hotel. She walked for a minute or two until she felt as someone was following her. She took a peak behind her and saw a glimpse of a man wearing a cloak. ‘That’s strange and unusual, why is he wearing a cloak.’ She thought. She walked another minute or so and she looked back to see a glimpse of him but this time she knew he noticed that she saw him last time, for he tried to avoid her this time. She probably wouldn’t have noticed him at all if it wasn’t for her friends. She didn’t just visit them and not learn a trick or two from them. She knew how to defend herself and to know when she is being followed. After all she had her fair share of encounters with the Foot Ninja’s and Shredder.

She began to walk faster. She walked into a group of people and disappeared into an ally. She waited and saw the cloaked man pass by. She hid deep into the ally and waited there for a moment just in case the cloaked man didn’t notice she ditched him. She waited for five minutes, or so before she decided it was safe to leave. She began to walk out of ally until something jumped in front of her. It was a Foot Ninja. She began to run the other direction to find more Foot Ninja’s. There were starting to come and surround her. There was no way of escape. There were 8 foot ninja’s in the ally. It was a big enough ally for all of them but it was still a little narrow for them all.

She was stuck and only had one weapon. She quickly pulled out the katana. The Foot Ninja who stood facing her took a step back and drew out his katana, they began to slowly circle her as much as they could. She took her stance, even though it was not a good one, she was ready.

To her and the Foot Ninja’s surprise the cloaked man jumped out of no were from a top of a building. They took a step back and began to charge at him. The cloaked man pulled out twin katana swords. He stabbed two of the ninja’s at the same time and they fell down dead. He flew left to right taking each of them one at a time. The final two began to run away with fear of their lives. But the cloaked man jumped right in front of them and his swords and arms extended like wings as he knelt on the ground in front of the two ninja’s.

The two ninja’s fell down dead and the cloaked man began to stand. April stood in shock. She couldn’t believe what she had just seen. She stood there for a min. or so and then began to blink her eyes and walked backwards afraid for her life. She looked at him carefully making sure he didn’t go after her. Then she noticed something. His hands were green. He was a turtle. She ran to him and cried. “Leo! Thank you so much!” she yelled with all her might. She had never been so frightened in her whole life. She thought the ninja’s were going to kill her, which was their true intention by the way. She hugged him with all her might and he put his arm around her hugging her back. “Leo I’m so glad you're here, where is everyone else?” She asked.

April hugged him with the biggest smile on her face. She couldn’t be anymore happier at that moment. He embraced her tightly in his arms with a tear or two let loose. He was so happy to see her after all these days of running and hiding from Shredder and the Foot Ninjas. He was finally relieved to find someone that he can finally feel comfortable with and trust. There was no one else in the world he could trust for they would not understand him for what he was. A turtle and not just an ordinary turtle a mutant turtle.

April finally released herself from him and smiled. “Hey Leo are the others here?” she asked sweetly. He put his head down and decided to take a step back. She could see something was wrong. Tears fell down through the cloak that covered his face and body. He had put away his twin katana swords in his cloak. April then felt her heart skip a beat with fear. “Leo what happened?!” She yelled with tears begging to swell up into her eyes. She was really scared now and couldn’t take the suspense anymore. She had to know what happened, she had to know the rest of her friends were ok, she just had to know.

He finally took his cloak hood off. April took a step back and then came to him. She took a real good look for she couldn’t believe what she saw in front of her. “Donatello?” she asked. He nodded his head. April couldn’t believe it. What had happen to the pacifist turtle she used to know? What happened to him to make him cry like that? “Don where are the rest of the guys?” She asked softly with fear from hearing the answer he was going to give her. Don stood there and sighed. “They are dead.” He said with anger. His head was down and his heart was filled with sorrow and pain.

April stood shocked. She couldn’t believe what she heard. ‘No they can’t be dead. They just can’t!’ She screamed into her mind. She just couldn’t believe that her friends were dead. She had seen them fight and win many battles and even lose some, but they always managed to stay alive even if they had gained a wound or two. She couldn’t take it anymore and cried on his chest cried with all her heart. Don stood there and comforted her in this time. The sword she held was grasped weakly and was ready to fall to the floor. Everything she couldn’t believe that could be killed had died; everyone in her second family was killed and they can not be revived, all except for one. The only one who made it out alive of what ever had happened. To her the world was at its apocalypse and that world I am speaking of is her world.

Don let her go and sighed deeply. “We have to go back to New York now.” He said in a monotone voice. He began walking and she strayed behind. They left the foot ninjas the way they were. It was a blood pool and limbs were left and right, if you paid close attention you could even see one hand moving up and down for a minute or so before it stopped.

April’s heart was beating fast and her mind was entangled in a web that she had to organize. All this information, all this news, the surprise of Donattello breaking his pacifist ways, and last but not least, the others dead. This would be an immortal and mental wound inside their hearts and mind. Now she looked at Don in his garments that hid his body and face, watching him walk like nothing has happened and yet just a second ago, he was almost off balance and weary. She couldn’t understand how did this happen, why did this happen?

Her thoughts came to an end when she bumped into Donattello. “What’s wrong?” She asked. Donnie took a breath and replied “We are going to need to get to your place quick and fast, gather only anything of importance, we are leaving tonight.” Donnie said and took a step aside for her to lead the way.

When they reached their destination Donattello grabbed April’s hand. “Wait.” He said. She looked at him wondering why he had stopped her. “Be carefull when you go in there, I’ll be watching you from a distance if you need help, got it?” He said roughly. She could tell his emotions and anger had grown since his incident. Her heart felt heavy and she went in. Donnie quickly slipped inside after her and watched her as he lurked in the shadows.

She had grabbed her things and ran quickly outside to see Donnie was not there. She was nearly ready to freak out looking left to right, waiting for Donnie to show up. It was becoming a little chilly and the sun was setting. It would have been a beautiful sight for her to enjoy if it wasn’t for the horrible things that she learned that day. A tear escaped her eye and then she felt something grasp her shoulder.

She jumped away and turned around. “It’s just me.” Donnie said a bit annoyed. He wanted to leave and he felt that too much time was wasted. “Are you ready to go?” He asked more calm now. She nodded her head and followed him the airport. She was tired from today’s events and her heart was aching to break apart.

They made it home after making it to the airport and leaving with no troubles. Every time she had looked into Donnie’s eyes when she had a chance to see his face, she could see anger and suspicion running through his eyes. It did not make sense why they were not attacked on their way or even outside of the airport. It was Dark when they got back home and the only things that were visible were the street lights and the blank street in front of them. “Your house won’t be safe, do you of any place you can go to were you will be safe?” Donnie asked, it almost seemed as he didn’t care or wasn’t even concerned for her anymore. His voice was becoming rash and he was becoming more focused than Leo and yet more tempered than Raph could ever become. He had lost his silliness that he and Michelangelo showed so often. Now it seems as if Donnie could never change back, that he will not let anything stop him from taking revenge as soon as possible. If you could see under his cloak you can tell that he needed sleep.

Donnie withdrew his cloak and revealed his bandages filled with blood and his two katana swords hanging on each side of his brown belt. April stared at his body with wide eyes. He has been hurt and his body was not healing fast because of the lack of sleep he was having, she even bet that he was not eating as much too. Her heart was beginging to tear more and more. “Donatello…….” She said fearing to finish her question. “What?” He replied in a low tone. She looked at him and he looked at himself. “I’m fine.” He said a little annoyed. “No your not!” She screamed, as she started to become enraged by him and everything that has happened. Everything was beginning to register in her mind. All that has happened, the losing of her second family and the changed Donatello in front of her. “No your not ok, I am not ok, and you can’t go on fighting in your condition, you need rest and food!” She screamed while enraged. Donatello looked at her. He let a small grin out. Her heart stopped and she could not help but smile. “Ok fine, have it your way, but when I’m fully healed, I’m leaving, got that?” Donnie said with a more pleasant voice. April was happy and hugged her friend once more. She was glad to see him smile and acting more like himself. She knew it would not last to long when he goes for his revenge, but deep inside she wanted revenge just as badly as he did. She would do everything she could to help him prepare for what was up ahead.

Days have passed and April was able to find a place for them to hide in. She was tired, sleep encircled her eyes, and anyone could tell that she was lacking from the bags under her beautiful eyes. Anytime now she would pass out. She was scared, every move she took she had to be careful, every step, action, and person was a threat to her unless she knew them. Donatello is tiring her out. He wants to leave and get his revenge but she has to force him to sleep and eat and get stronger. Donatello was healing more faster then before because he was eating and resting. He no longer ripped his wounds open from hard exercise and not taking good care of them. He was becoming agitated from these whole developments. He wanted to leave, he wanted revenge, and he wanted to get stronger. When he felt that his cuts and bruises healed up enough, he began exercising, push ups, sit ups, flips, and practicing with his new weapons of vengeance. His heart hurt from leaving his pacifist ways. He didn’t want to kill anymore but he could not let his family die in vain. He couldn’t let them die with out vengeance. Donny was thirsting for blood, the blood of one man, and he was known as The Shredder.

April opened the door to find Donattello exercising himself to death. “Donatello one last time, go eat and get some rest! You’re not fully recovered yet!” April said with a tired voice. She was becoming weak. Donnie didn’t seem to notice how much energy she has been putting out just so she could help him and take care of him. He looked at her with agitation. He wanted to leave, but she wouldn’t let him. He decided to eat, some soup that she made and rest.

Weeks pasts and Donnie’s recovery was complete. It was night time and Donatello was dreaming. “No!” Donatello yelled as he woke up. Sweat dripping down all over his body, his body shivered from the horrible dream of the horrid day that had ruined his life and taken his family. Donny got up from his bed and looked at himself. It was time for him to leave. He could no longer stay here and be babied. He waited for April patiently; he was going to tell her his final good bye, just in case he did not return. He looked at himself and knew he had become stronger but realized something, Shredder some how became even stronger then splinter. Donnie shook his head and doubt fell upon him. “I don’t think I am going to return to her.” He said with a tear dripping from his eye. He would have to make this last night with her a good one. He sighed at this; it would be his last day alive and his last day with his best friend. His heart ached and he began writing a letter of farewell.

April was walking home once again with food in hand, but this time she felt uneasy, something was different and she did not know what. A cloaked figure was watching her. He stared at her and jumped from building to building following her and making sure to not be seen. April had finally reached her destination and looked back and fourth in unison. Something was wrong, she could feel it and yet she was too tired to figure out what was wrong or even think about what could happen. She went inside and the cloaked figure began to hide near the door.

“Donatello I’m home!” April yelled. Donnie came up to her, fully recovered and healed. She took one look at him and knew what was going to happen. “Good luck and come back to me please.” She said with tears falling down her eyes and she passed out from the lack of sleep. Donny sighed. He caught her before she hit the ground and picked her up lovingly. He placed her on the bed and looked at her for the last time. He kissed her forehead, “Good night….I may never see you again.” He whispered into her ear. He went to the table and picked up a note and left it beside her. Taking in a deep breath he left from behind the house and disappeared into the night.

Hours went by and the cloaked figure now loomed over April. He looked at her placing his hand against her face and feeling her soft skin. “Hey April wake up.” Said the figure, April’s eyes began to open as she saw the hooded figure. “Donatello?” she asked. The figure took off the cloak. “No Michelangelo April! Mikey said with a silly grin. He looked beat and tired. “But…..but….how?” She asked. Mikey looked down at her,with his eyes becoming serious “Where’s Donnie?” He asked. She stared at him and he looked at her with a questioning look. “April?” He asked worried about her. She immediately jumped on him, hugging him as if she let go, that she would never see him again. Tears shed from her eyes and Mikey patted her back. “It’s ok April, don’t cry. Everything will be fine.” Mikey said. “Donatello thought you were dead, I thought you were dead.” She sniffed on his shoulder and her tears began to run down Mikey’s body. Mikey sighed and moved April in front of him so he could have a good view of her. “Where did Donatello go?” He asked. April looked at him and said “Out to kill Shredder.” Mikey froze at this. “Not good, we have to go, follow me.” Mikey picked April up and they began to run. Mikey ran quickly back to where he was hiding during all the events that had occurred. April held tightly on to him and hoped that she was not dreaming. “Darn it, I can’t believe that I waited to long to go and find him.” Mikey whispered. “How did you find us anyways?” She asked. “I spotted you while I was jumping on top of buildings.” He said in a rush. Mikey felt anxious to get back to return to his destination. “Where are we going??” She asked. “We are going to where I was hiding all this time from the Foot and Shredder.” Mikey replied. He picked up his pace as they talked. “I just hope I can get there in time and still be able to go after Donny.” Mike said. April looked at him in worry. “This is going to be a long night.” Mikey said and sighed as he reached his destination. It was a small shack that he found. “Ok we are here.” He said and she walked into the dark shake. Mikey followed her.

Don ran on top of buildings and jumped from one to another, looking for any sign of the foot. “Leo, Raph, Splinter, and Mikey, this if for you guys.” Donny said as a tear ran down his eye and he spotted a small group of Foot ninja’s roaming the area, also searching.

“Ok you three go into the sewers again and begin searching; the rest of us will look in the streets and alleys for any place or clue about that the turtle.” One of them said. There were six of them. Three had just left and that only left three for Donny to handle. Donnie jumped from behind them and stuck his katana swords into their bodies and was great speed he grabbed the remaining foot ninja from behind. “Lead me to The Shredder, or I break your neck, both ways I get my way.” Donatello whispered into the ninja’s ears. “He is in the factory where we killed your brothers.” The ninja spat, “The Shredder will kill you!” He said and Donnie broke his neck. He heard the sick sound of the crack when he did it. It sickened him, the Foot Ninja’s sickened him, and most of all The Shredder sickened him.

To Be Continued.........