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"Turtles in Silent Hill"

by Zane Read

NOTE: This story is set for the TMNT 2003 Universe

"Dole! Get in Here!"
Thomas Dole was an officer for the South Ashfield Police Departmant. "Yes, Captain Ingram?"
"Dole, we havn't recieved word from S.H.P.D. as usual. We tried to contact a few other places in the small town, such as the Hospital....but no response. We think the power might be out or something over ther, anyway, we're a little worried because nobody's tried to contact us from thir side either. I want you to go and check it out and report back." ,said the Captain.
"Silent Hill?...........There's no word from the whole town and you're only sending ONE deputy?" ,Dole wondered.
"Are you questioning my decision, Dole?",the Captain replies, Dole hesitated, and Ingram continued,"We don't think it's anything too serious or we would've already taken higher action... just radio if you see anything......odd."
"I've heard rumors about Silent Hill from years ago... nasty stuff....." ,said Dole.
"I know what you're talking about, Thomas. That was all taken care of. Our own state officials cleaned up the whole town, it turned out to be nothing but a bunch of psycho crap, nuts destroying the town on a killing spree, pretty sick people. It's fixed now, repopulated." ,the Captain explained.
"Fine." ,said Dole as he started to walk away. "Come Back, Dole." said Captain Ingram.
Dole turned around. "You should take extra ammo, just in case." Ingram said.
Dole hesitated again, this time with a blank face on....then left.

"Hey, Guys!.... I can't believe I'm actually sayin' this, but I got nuthin' to do tonight....." ,said Casey Jones, a kind-hearted redneck vigilante on the phone in his apartment.
"So?"... a voice replied over the phone. It was Raphael. A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.
"I'm bored... Let's do somethin'" ,said Casey.
"All right. Come Over, then. I'll entertain ya!" ,Raph said. "See Ya in a minute, then." ,Casey said.
So Casey got on his harley and sped off, he pulled off of the street into an alley, it was a shortcut to the guys....but a small girl was lying in the middle of the alley, making Casey quickly come to a complete stop. Casey got off of his bike and went to the girl's aid.

"Hey, wake up!" ,he said. The girl had to be as young as four years old. "Please?" ,he asked. The girl woke up and looked at Casey, frowning, she seemed very sad. "You shouldn't lay down here it's very dangerous......" , Casey said. She was completly silent and he continued, "Arn't you a little too... uhh... little to be out here by yourself." Then she spoke up, "Thay came four mummy."
"So, someone took your Mommy huh? ,he said. "Yup, da monsters." ,she said. "Uhhh... O...K... Anyway, where did you see her last?" ,he asked.
"We wuz goin' home on da twain." ,she answered. "OK...OK... First, Whats your name? , Casey asked. She didn't answer. "Oh C'Mon, I'm tryin' to help." ,said Casey. "Uhhh... A...manda." ,said the girl.
"Alright, now, Amanda.... Where do you live?" ,he asked. "We left the house." ,Amanda said. "Um... OK, I'll try again..." ,said Casey, "Amanda... do you know WHERE your house IS?" "We left it." ,she said...again.
"Well, I thought since I was on my way over here anyway, I would see what you guys think." ,Casey said. Then Michelangelo spoke up,"Monsters huh?...any mugger in a mask couldv'e been a monster to a four year old....I'll talk to her." "Amanda, I hope THESE aren't your monsters." ,Casey asked Amanda. "Nope...these GOOD monsters." ,she said.
"That's right. I'm a GOOD monster..... can I show you my room Amanda?" ,Mikey asked. "Sure." ,she answered. Then Mikey and Amanda headed upstairs. "Well, you can expect a young kid like that not to know exactly where to locate her house." ,Raph mentioned.
Leonardo spoke,"She said, 'They came for her' right?....Did you ask her if she knew where these 'monsters' might have possibly taken her?" Casey replied,"I said, uh...sumthin' like that, but she didn't tell me nuthin', she just kept mumblin' a couple of letters at me." Now, Donatello spoke up,"Was she trying to spell something?" ,he said. Casey looked back at Leo, then Raph, both of them obviously expecting him to answer...and Casey continued to hesitate for a second,"DOH!" ,he said as he smacked his forehead.

"I got her to play some videogames, keep her busy for a while...and I found out a few things." ,Mikey said approaching the other guys. "Great, Mikey!" ,Raph exclaimed. So Mikey continued,"Yeah, Apparently, the 'monsters' have taken Mommy to a very evil place. She didn't want to actually SAY the name of the place, but she spelled it out for me... it looks like the 'monsters' should be keeping Mom in a town called... 'Silent Hill'." "I'm impressed with your skill to converse with a child, Mikey." ,said Leo. "Would you expect any less?" ,said Raph.

"Silent Hill?" ,Donnie asked again... he had that tone of voice like he was about to give some bad news, "I heard about that town... I recall some rumors about there being devil worshippers and such and alternate religious new gods' revival to take over the world in darkness and terror, the kind of sicko-psycho chaos kind of stuff." Mikey had a really surprised/shocked look on his face,"Wow......donnie, that BAD!!!!!!!.....(cough,cough) I mean, uh.. gloomy...heh, heh." ,he said. "Shut up, Mikey!" ,said Raph," we should really try to help this kid." ,he said.
"We should get prepared...I actually agree with Mikey, this sounds pretty bad." ,Leo said. "Well, I guess, NOW you have something to do tonight, huh Case?" ,Raph stated. Casey chuckled, "huh,huh."
"Headquaters, this is Dole. I'm in Silent Hill. Theres nobody in sight, no traffic, but it is kind of hard to see because of a thick fog surrounding me...Not to mention, it's snowing here... in July!" The radio did not respond, just a loud static... getting louder, "Hello?....damn!" So he switched off his radio.
He did a U-turn in his squad car and started to head back...and then forced to slam on the breaks. Dole got out of the car... he couldn't believe his eyes... the street was gone, the street he had just driven on.... the entire ground as far as the eye could see... it was completly destoyed.
"No! This is impossible!!! I didn't hear any explosion! No Earthquake!!" He got back into the car... and tried to drive off... but the battery died on him, the car wouldn't move..."What the..." Then he looked out of the car windshield, in front of his own eyes, he witnessed the sky turn into a dark blood red color, so he got out of the car again. What was left of the street he was on, directly under his feet, it all transformed into rusty gates suspended over a bottomless pit. Dole started to pant in a panic, he tried to open the door of his car again, this time the door wouldn't open, it was stuck shut... it wasn't locked, he had extra keys on him, the handle wouldn't budge... and the key hole was suddenly filled with rust. "What!?!........What in god's name?.......I must be losing my mind in this town!"
The Turtles, Casey and Amanda were already on thier way to Silent Hill via the BattleShell....
"Let me know if you see anything strange or out of the ordinary, OK Donnie?" ,said Leo. ".....or paranormal." ,Mikey added. "Will Do." ,said Donnie, who was driving the heavily armed vehicle.
"Ew..this place gives me the creeps." ,Mikey said. "We're not even there yet, Mikey." ,Raph mentioned. "Right...I know that. Even though it was premature, I am a master of preminition... see, look at that blinding fog ahead of us...... Plus, how come there's no traffic, huh?" ,said Mike. "It's late." ,Raph said.

Leo crouched down next to Amanda, "Have you ever been to Silent Hill before, Amanda?" ,he asked. "Nope." ,she replied. And Casey, who was sitting up front in the passenger's seat said,"I guess that rules out asking for directions." "We already have directions to Silent Hill, Casey. You meant Our way around town." ,said Raph. "Whatever....... You knew what I meant." ,Casey said.

A few more seconds passed in silence. "Since when did YOU start teaching Grammer, Raph?" ,Casey asked. "Wow, that was a fast response, Casey!.... You're just gonna HAVE to teach me how to enhance my comprehension skills." ,Raph said. and a few more seconds passed before Casey said,"...uh, What?" At this point Michelangelo burst out in laughter...."HaHahahahaha......." Curious, Casey continued to ask, "What?" Which just made Mikey laugh harder until Raphael got his attention, "Mikey!" "Heheheh huh... what?" ,Mikey asked and Raph continued,"You can start freakin' out now 'cuz look at that." Raph then pointed towards a sign ahead of them which read,"WELCOME to SILENT HILL! A Town You Will Never Forget."................

"Oh.. C'Mon!.... That's almost too original...a town you'll never forget?!?, gimme a break. Does it have to say that?" ,Mikey complained. "It probably holds specific meaning here." ,said Don. "Calm down, Mikey...You don't see anything yet do you?" ,asked Leo. "Huh?.....NO!",Mikey raised his voice, "NOT LIKE I CAN SEE ANYTHING THROUGH THIS FOG!!! Don't you guys see? This whole town is a death-trap! I didn't even have to be here one minute to realize that! GUYS! We HAVE TO... I mean We DIDN'T... uh... I mean WE'RE NOT....." Michelangelo was interrupted by Raphael's smack over the head, "Will you SHUT UP, MIKEY!?! You're gonna upset the little g..." This time Raph was interrupted by the unexpected all-of-a-sudden halt of the vehicle, knocking everyone in the back off-balance.
"Are you guys alright back there?" ,Casey asked from the front seat. "What the shell just happened?" ,Mike asked.

"Look at the road ahead of us, guys... I barely saw it in time because of the fog...I think we were actually supposed to fall in." ,Don explained. "The entire any walkway, besides the buildings on the sides of the road anyway... it's all completly a bottomless pit." ,Leo analyzed. "How could this have happened, I mean, look it's only the street ahead, those buildings are still there!" ,wondered Raphael.
"Uhhh... anybody got the feeling we should start minding our own business?" ,asked Casey.
"Well, we have to find another way into town.... turn around, Donnie." ,Leo said. "Roger!" ,Don replied.
The Battleshell backed up and turned around.

It started to snow, and suddenly everyone had wide-eyes. "Ummm...Is that snow out there? I didn't know it snowed in July." ,Raph mentioned. "It dosn't........ not anywhere around here anyway." ,Donatello pointed out. "Well, obviously, thats not very true, now is it?" ,asked Mike.
Then, Donatello was forced to slam on the breaks, and yet again the BattleShell came to a complete stop...and yet again, everyone lost thier balance and fell.

"I really wish he'd stop doing that!" ,Mikey said. "What is it this time?" ,Raphael asked. Then, they saw what had blocked thier way.... it was a wall, as tall as the eye can see above all of the buildings beside them. "Okay, I'm convinced... this town wants to keep us here." ,Leo said. "Hey, thats no solid wall...Is that muscle? ... it kinda looks like it's bleeding." ,Raphael said, "Thats, uh.. thats really...uh...weird." "THE FREAKIN' TOWN IS ALIVE!" ,Mikey screamed. "Whats wrong with you, Michelangelo? Are you trying to make Amanda start panicing?" ,Leonardo asked. "No...but thats another thing thats bothering me by the way." ,Mikey whispered to his brother. "I know what you mean." ,Leo whispered also and looked back at the girl, "She has been unnormally calm through all of this." "Did I fall asleep watching The X-Files again? Wake up, Casey!" ,Casey told himself.

"That's... impossible...we just drove down here... this thing... i didnt hear anything... no detection or vibration, The BattleShell's sensors should've picked up something.... it must've just... appeared here." ,said Donatello. "Maybe it's just an illusion?" ,Mikey concluded. "Illusion?",Raph yelled,"...Shoot it!!!.....we'll see what kind of illusion it is!"
Donatello looked at Leonardo for a sign of 'permission'..."Give it a try." ,Leo nodded. Then Donnie pressed a button releasing a missle from the Battleshell, it soared through the darkness and made impact, exploding against the giant muscle-wall. It started squirming. "Did you see that?" ,Donnie asked,"...It contracted just like it was in pain, Raph's right, it must be a muscle....That's amazing!" ,he said. "That's disgusting!" ,Mikey corrected him.

"Hit it again!" ,Raph yelled.
"Hold on a second." ,Leo said, "...something's not right about this." Then Leo opened the hatch to get a better look outside. "What in the world are you doing, you idiot?" ,Mikey asked with a raised voice. Michelangelo was never the type to resort to insults, so you could really tell he felt uncomfortable by calling Leo an idiot.
Leo tried to see just how far up the wall actually went, he looked side to side, the building that surrounded him on the sides of the was as if the wall had just landed there and crushed all of them, but there was no sound at all.

"Guys, this wall is too big... The Battleshell can't do anything to it... and neither can we." ,Leo explained. "Whoa." ,said Mike. Then Leo saw a dark figure in the distant dark sky, it was flying, and suddenly...towards them. Leo didn't hesitate to slam the hatch door shut. "What is it?" ,Raph asked.
"Uhh...something's coming at us,, uh... looks like a giant bat." ,said Leonardo. "I TOLD you not open that thing!" ,Mikey said. "Actually, you didn't... you were just asking why." ,Casey clarified. "What? Let me take care of this." ,Raph said. "Huh?" ,Donnie wondered what Raph was thinking...this monster could be capable of anything...based on everything he's seen so far. "Donnie, pull up a visual of the creature out there." ,said Leo.
Then a screen lowered from the ceiling of the van, and then showed up a vision of the monster. "It IS a monster! Hurry, Kill It!" ,Mikey demanded. The monster landed on the roof of the vehicle and started to tear apart some machinery attached to it. "Hit the flamethrower, Donnie." ,Leo said
A flame suddenly torched the creature and it fell to the street burning and bleeding. "So what now? Now that we're trapped between The Rock and The Abyss?" ,Casey asked. "Arn't those movie titles?" ,asked Mike. "We have no choice, we're gonna have to travel by rooftops... on foot." ,Leo stated.

"Meaning...we're just gonna leave the nice car here...........?" ,Mike asked. "Duh." ,said Donnie. "Good...",Raph said,"...Let's get goin'. I was beginning to think the whole town had me by the shell."
"Don't worry, Amanda." ,Casey said, "...You'll be safe with us."
Donatello put Amanda on his shell, she was strapped to his back, attached by a harness. Then they all exited the Battleshell after strapping on thier packs, and Donatello, also with his 'bag of tricks'.
"Wow.. it's pitch black out here... even darker than the normal night.",said Raphael. "That's ugly." ,Mike said. He was pointing at the moon, it wasn't letting off any light, but was tented a slight blood red color. "'re right." ,Donnie said.

Leonardo approached the creature, lying burnt on the ground. "That's QUITE a stench." ,Mike said as he held his nose shut.
"What do you make of it Donnie?" ,Leo asked.
"It's like... well.. I guarantee the world has never seen anything like this before.... it's quite amazing." ,Donatello responded. "Will you STOP saying this place is amazing please?" ,Mikey asked. "It's definatly some new type of species... look at that exoskeleton!" ,Don pointed out. "Yeah, whatever." ,Raph said, "...Look, we can keep going..."
Then Raphael pulled a grappling hook out of his pack and threw it at the railing attached to the roof of the building, and then started to climb. "He's right." ,Casey said. "Okay, Let's go." ,said Leonardo. Now Michelangelo started to climb after Raph. Raphael had reached the roof of the four story building. "C'Mon guys" ,he said.

Suddenly, the building crumbled, like it started to implode. Raphael was sent falling to the ground, yelling, but he landed on his feet and so did Mike, whose fall wasn't quite as long.
Then, a large figure emerged from the crumbling building.... It was a giant monster. It's height was incredible... it was about half as tall as the building itself, and it's appearance, grotesque... it was really skinny as if it were starving to death, its anatomy resembled that of a female, except of course it was a monster, it's arms came out of it's rib cage and its legs protrode out of its hips at a perpendicular angle like a spider. It then released a loud shriek, it sounded like a hyperventilated, blood curdling cry of pain.
Then Casey yelled, asking, "Okay!?!?! What now guys!!!???!!"

"We have nowhere to go, Leo?" ,Don asked.
"Don't rule out any possibilities..." ,Leo said. The gargantuan creature hissed at the sight of the turtles. "Donnie, keep Amanda safe..." ,Leo said,"...Do you guys think you can distract it for a while?" "Just where do you think you're going?" ,Michelangelo argued. "Raphael, Follow my lead." , Leo said. Then Leonardo started to charge towards the monster, Raphael following closly behind. Michelangelo leapt over the gigantic hand as it swatted at him. It lifted it's led and stomped the ground nearly crushing Leonardo had he not dodged the attack.
"Hey you! Look at Me!" ,Casey shouted at the crature, and suprisingly got it's attention... it suddenly made eye contact with Casey, "Okay now what!?!" ,he shouted. Donnie pulled out the remote for the BattleShell, "Workin' on it." ,he said. Leonardo sprung himself off of the ground and grabbed a tight hold of the creatures left knee. Raphael drew his sais, leapt off of the ground, and caught a hold by stabbing into the monster's right shin, then proceeding to climb up it's giant leg with his daggers. The monster started to screech and suddenly a missile fired from the BattleShell and exploded on impact with the creatures abdomen. the monster screamed again.
"You wanna aim a little closer to us next time, Donatello?",Raph yelled. The monster, furious, grabbed the BattleShell and slammed it down against the pavement with incredible strength. The BattleShell was demolished, mechanical debris flew everywhere, and the truck even caught on fire.
"Take cover guys!" Mike yelled as he and the others dove away from the truck and closer towards the muscle wall. The BattleShell exploded... it burst into flames.
"Oh no!" ,Donatello sighed. "Wow, That really sucks." ,Casey said. The monster was in constant pain because of Raphael's sais continuously stabbing it...Raph had reached it's upper back already. This was the most irritating to the creature, all up until Leonardo drew his katana and sliced off the creature's left leg. it immediatly lost it's balance and fell to the asphalt and Raphael finally impaled the monster one last time through the back of it's deformed skull, finishing it off and it had a final squeal of demise.

"Cool! It's dead!" ,Mikey exclaimed. The muscle wall suddenly formed an arm, which reached for Mikey and grabbed a hold of him. Mikey screamed, quickly turned around, wrapped his nunchuck around the bloody limb, and snapped it in half with a squeeze. he quickly rid himself of the severed arm and freaked out, "Ahhh!...What in the Shell!...What in the name of Papa John's!?!" Leo and Raph made thier way back towards the others. "Calm down, Mikey." ,Leo said. "So now what?" ,Raph asked. Leo let out a deep sigh and said, "We have to scale another building."
"And what makes you think another monster won't just burst out of that one too, huh?" ,Mikey asked. "We have no choice...",Leo said,"...and to tell you the truth, It just might happen again, I really have no idea."
"Why on earth would the town try to trap us or keep us stranded?" ,Raph asked. "Something to do with the girl?" ,Casey wondered. "I would try the fact that the entire city is absolutly evil!" ,Mikey pointed out. "These... forces, whatever they are... they're trying to keep us here long enough for someone to contact us about the girl." ,Donatello said. "Then I would say we should leave before unpleasent company arrives." ,said Leonardo.
"Let's hurry and get the shell outta here then!" ,Raph demanded.

Officer Dole had been walking around town for hours now, in it's deformed state he was looking for the closest thing to something normal. Suddenly, there was a crash through the window of the building on the other side of the street, He spotted an inhuman figure, it stood on two legs like a human, but it didn't have any arms or head, just a torso with a giant eye in the center of it's chest. Dole accidently made contact with the cyclops and so it started to waddle it's way across the street, seemingly as fast as possible and it looked like it had a limp. Dole paniced and drew his pistol and started shooting at it, and checking for unlocked doors along the street. The gunshot wounds apparntly only fueled the creature's rage. Finally, one of the doors were unlocked and he went in as fast as possible , then closed and locked the door as fast as hye could. The room he had entered was completly opaque, he could see nothing. the he heard a voice....male. "Welcome...what brings you here?" ,It asked. Dole kept his gun drawn and turned on his flashlight, exposing the voice's origin to the light. "Who are you?" ,Dole asked.

The man stood directly in front of him, he had messy hair, bloody clothes, and he by the looks of it hasn't so much as washed his face in weeks, much less groom his scruffy goatee. "I'm sorry, I meant to introduce myself, My name is Kris Land... I havn't seen too many people around here recently." ,he said.
"Me neither, do you live here?",Dole asked. "No, No, No, I don't live anywhere, but thats just because I'm already everywhere." ,Kris replied. "What is that supposed to mean?" ,Dole asked. "What do you think it means?" ,Kris asked. "Why do you have blood all over your clothes, Kris?" ,Dole asked.
The same reason anyone would." ,Kris replied. "Are you injured?" ,Dole wondered. "No, not at all, I'm fine." ,Kris said. "Did you........kill anybody Kris?" ,Dole asked.
"Oh. Yes, I sure did." ,Kris said. Dole pointed his gun at Kris Land. "Why? Are you responsible for the city warp and the monster?" ,he asked. "No, but I know who is, Why are you threatening me? That might not be a good idea y'know." ,Kris said. "Neither is threatening a police officer and you also just admitted you comitted a felony." ,Dole informed him.
Believe me I did the world a favor...",Kris said,"...Don't you want to know who is behind all of this?" ,he asked. "Tell me." ,Dole said. "Lower your weapon.............I won't attack you." ,Kris said very suspiciously and then Dole hesitated, but still put away his gun. Kris took a deep breath.

"First, I want to tell you Officer Dole..." ,Kris started. "How do you know my name?" ,Dole asked and Kris continued "You're interrupting..........All of this is beyond belief, but what is going on has everything to do with the ressurection of god and his vision of paradise... Right now, a young woman named Wolf... Tiffany Wolf has claimed possession of the blood, she thinks is required to revive this vision, Once this act has taken place, Everyone that becomes involved with the area outwardly known as Silent Hill is devoured inside the vision's conscience and everything these individuals never even thought possible to dream of is born in thier own conscience in the form of whatever the vision deems necessary. thats why you don't see anyone around... they are all lost in thier own nightmare, but it's as real as you or me."

"Do you know this Tiffany Wolf?" ,Dole asked. "Ah...Yes, Of course I do." ,Kris replied. "How do I find her?" ,Dole asked. "You will not have to search for her. Fate has it that you two meet." ,Kris pointed out. "That makes me feel better...Is there another way out of here?" ,Dole asked. "Another way?... Theres the one you used to enter right behind you." ,Kris mentioned. "There's a monster out there." ,Dole said.
"No there isn't...Take a look." ,Kris argued. Then Dole opened the door and peeked outside...It was no longer dark...the city seemed normal again, monster. "Hey......." ,Dole said as he turned around and Kris was gone. He had disappeared. Futher more, the room was no longer pitch black and dimented, thus, Dole switched off his flashlight and noticed the rug and furniture were drenched in blood. He kneeled down and touched it.... the blood was still wet, as if it had been spilled recently, but there was nothing to be found, except a key in the midst of the stain on the rug. It looked like the key to a door of somekind, so he picked up the key and pocketed it.

To Be Continued.........