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If any one of these scenarios sound like you, contact us, we can help you.  Life Skills Authorities offers customized in-home personal training that will help you effectively reach your goals.  Our unique philosophy of integrating the body, mind, and spirit enables you to unlock your true potential and succeed. 

T H E   L S A   F I T N E S S   A P P R O A C H
Customized Programs
Realistic Change
The unique LSA Advantage
How the Process Works
Fee Schedule
Why Begin Today
How do I get started?

The Perfect Fit: Customized programs to fit your needs
The customized programs that we develop for our clients and guide them through are based on their fitness levels, lifestyle, personality, and goals.  There are many aspects of my clients programs that may be similar because they have proven to work, but every program has unique characteristics that are specifically tailored to the individual client.  So, if you are a college student, weekend warrior, housewife, senior, or busy executive I will work with you to help you achieve the results you desire.  I believe that a fitness program should be results oriented, but the journey must be fun and fulfilling or it is destined to fail.

Following are just some of the benefits you can realize by following an LSA fitness plan and meeting with me regularly:
Fat Loss   
Increased Energy
Increased Lean Muscle Mass  
Improved Sleep Quality
Improved Strength and Conditioning  
Improved Mental Clarity
Increased Endurance  
Improved Overall Health
Improved Posture  
Enhanced Well-being
Improved Flexibility  
Improved Mood, Attitude and Perspective
Improved Athletic Performance  
Improved Quality of Life

Realistic Change Within Reach
Consistency Counts
We all have had moments where we are excited and committed to make changes in our lives. The change process can be very difficult and filled with a lot of ups and downs.  You will encounter setbacks along the way and want to give up at many different points.  Yet, those individuals who consistently take proven actions over time get tremendous results. Unfortunately, many people rationalize their inconsistent or dysfunctional behavior and fool themselves in to failure. They do not maintain a consistent action plan, do not attain maximal results, do not change, and become frustrated. So, why do willing and motivated individuals stop taking actions that are helping them move closer toward their goals?

Proven Strategies Deliver
One reason is that there is so much confusion and misleading information in the multibillion dollar fitness industry today.  Therefore, it is imperative to work with a fitness professional that understands what works and what does not.  I will incorporate proven strategies to help facilitate change and safely guide you on the path to success. If you have the willingness to change, then contact us immediately.  Life Skills Authorities can provide you with actions that will facilitate dramatic changes in how you look and feel.

The Accountability Component
Another reason is the lack of accountability.  From my experience this is the number one reason goals are not met.  I will help to keep you honest with your actions.  My philosophy is to help you implement realistic actions that will transform not only your body, but your life. My suggestions WILL WORK if you take the actions during as well as between our sessions.  It is simple.  Meet with me no less that two times per week and follow the plan for the other days and you will attain results OR take little or none of the suggestions I give you and realize little lasting change. Which group do you want to be in?

How LSA Works
We begin the process with an initial consultation to determine if we both feel that it will be mutually beneficial to work together.  The next appointment involves a detailed objective and subjective assessment.  Some of the assessment tools that may be utilized may include a physical activity readiness evaluation, medical & fitness history, nutrition questionnaire, food journal, detailed goal descriptions, and a physical assessment to determine your current fitness level. From this information I will build a goal-oriented personalized fitness and nutrition plan that I will discuss at our following appointment.

Before beginning our sessions together, we will both need to agree on the specifics of your fitness plan.  You may even be asked to sign an agreement to demonstrate your commitment to yourself, me, and your goals. Although it may vary based on the individual client's goals, I normally work with each of my clients no less than two and three times every week (any less will greatly hinder your progress).  Thus, each client will likely be asked to follow a certain aspect of their fitness plan without my guidance and supervision. We will continually evaluate progress and make adjustments as they are needed.

Fee Schedule each personal training session will range from 50-70 minutes in length
Individual sessions (varies based on location), $125-200 / session
Partner sessions (varies based on location), $150-225 / session

Why Begin Today?

Because your own health is more important than your car!  Why do many people pay an expert to take care of their automobile and do not think twice, but will not do the same for themselves?  A qualified personal trainer or fitness consultant should not be considered a luxury if you value you health and well-being, but a necessity.
Because you deserve the chance to succeed.   As I discussed in my story, like most people, I always had great intentions to live a healthy lifestyle, but somehow my actions fell short.  Therefore, I never made positive changes and became discouraged.  It was only when I began to work with a qualified personal trainer that my life began to change. So, if you have the willingness and are committed to changing your lifestyle, contact me now so I can guide you and help you take the actions necessary to get results
Because I have extensive experience from many perspectives with the change process.  I am a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and I review the latest information that is proven to work. I have extensive graduate level training in clinical psychology and understand the strategies that help us make positive changes.  I have dramatically changed my life (see my story) and I am passionate about helping others tap into the joy and success that I have realized.

How do I get started?
Contact me at 312.863.1111 or