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Angel Poetry

Angel Poetry

Angel Poetry

Angel Poetry Line

~* Angel Poetry *~

(The best I've found on the Web)

Angel Poetry Line


An Angel In Your Pocket

I am a tiny angel...
I'm smaller than your thumb;
I live in people's pockets,
That's where I have my fun.
I don't suppose you've seen me,
I'm too tiny to detect;
Though I'm with you all the time,
I doubt we've ever met.
Before I was an Angel...
I was a fairy in a flower;
God, Himself, hand-picked me,
And gave me Angel power.
Now God has many Angels
That He trains in Angel pools;
We become His eyes, and ears, and hands…
We become His special tools.
And because God is so busy,
With way too much to do;
He said that my assignment
Is to keep close watch on you.
When he tucked me in your pocket,
He blessed you with Angel care;
Then told me never to leave you,
And I vowed always to be there.
V. Ellis ©1999


Angel Poetry Line


Talk About Angels
There's a lot of talk
about Angels these days
and about all the things
people say they can do.
It's not always easy
to know what to believe,
but it certainly would be
nice to have a few Angels
in our lives.
I picture them as being
near us day and night
and especially whenever life
seems trying and difficult.
I like to think that Angels are
taking special care of you
right now, and I hope
you can feel their gentle
presence, day by day...
Just as I hope you can feel
the nearness
of all the loving thoughts
of those of us
who care so much
about You!
~ Eva Allen ~


Angel Poetry Line


Your Guardian Angel
Listen closely
to the winds,
and hear the
gentle whisper
of an Angel's wings
in flight.
Look far into
the sky
and see the shimmering
stardust left behind.
Close your eyes,
clear your thoughts,
and feel the love
of your very own,
very real,
Guardian Angel.


Angel Poetry Line


You're An Angel To Me
You're always finding reasons
to make someone feel a part
of all the love and gentleness
you carry in your heart...
And, like a special angel,
you do such caring things
that you deserve to have
your very own angel wings!


Angel Poetry Line


A Prayer to the Internet Angel
Help me log on without fretting,
Guide me as I'm internetting,
Bless my down - and uploading,
Keep my browser from exploding.
May my website be protected,
Let not my password be rejected.
Keep my line connection clear...
And tech support always near!


Angel Poetry Line


~ Occasionally, we are graced with the presence of an earth
bound angel. They are unable to stay with us for long, but
while they do, they bring unprecedented joy and happiness to
all they touch. While they are here, we bask in their goodness
and marvel at their contribution to the world. When they
leave, we are left with the devastation that comes with losing
such a wonderful being...but we must remember...the earth
bound angels are not ours to keep. They are ours to enjoy,
learn from, and behold until they return home ~


Angel Poetry Line


My Guardian Cyber Angel
"My guardian Cyber Angel
I met on one long & lonely day
I see her not, but on my screen
So many miles away, I know her not by her looks
or the feel of her touch
I know her not
by the things that I need so much"
"I love you now
Like I have loved no other
I will never love another
Like I love you now"
"The tyranny of distance
may conspire to keep us apart
But for you my Cyber Angel
I've saved the warmest spot in my heart"


Angel Poetry Line


Sweet Angel of Mine
In your arms I long to be
to kiss your lips so tenderly,
brush the hair back from your eyes
in your arms I could die
and let my spirit roam free
with you is where I wish to be

You’ve touched my heart in such a way
that every second,
of every minute,
and every hour,
of every day,
I think of you and I long to say
I love you
Sweet Angel of Mine

By: ~Suse~


Angel Poetry Line


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