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Love Poetry

~* Love Poetry *~

Love Poetry

Love Line


My Rainbow
A colorful rainbow,
I have found,
Each and every time,
That you are around.
The rainbow is brilliant,
To describe it, I can't begin,
Every color of life,
Is contained therein.
My rainbow, is you,
You are the colors that I see,
Nothing can be compared to you,
At least, not to me.
A sign of God's great love,
Is the rainbow that I see,
Each time I look at you,
You are, reminding me.
Colorful in every way,
Are you, my special friend,
I had to tell you this, today,
My love for you, will never end.
I hope I have stated your beauty well,
And that you will come to know,
That forever till the end of time,
I'll love you, my rainbow.
~ Max the Poet © 2000 ~


Love Line


The Two Of Us
You and I are so happy together,
We are the best of friends in any weather,
Since we met and I felt your touch,
I have never wanted anyone, so much.
We spend time sharing our thoughts,
We lift each other up when we are down,
We make the best of every situation,
And when things go wrong, we turn them around.
These are some of the reasons that I love you,
Like two peas in a pod are we,
Inseparable, and in love,
Just you and me.
This morning I awoke and looked toward the skies,
It reminded me of looking in your eyes,
The deep shade of blue,
The uncharted places yet to travel,
And all the beauty one can see,
These are some of the reasons that I love you.
Awesome in every way,
Natures beauty deep within,
Your loving heart holds the treasure,
Each day my love for you does again begin.
The two of us, together make one,
I am the sea and you are sky,
Every star has it's twinkle,
No one loves you more than I.

I, the sea, wanted to tell you today,
That this morning I was in awe,
The sunrise and all it's beauty,
Was seen by me, as never before.
The feeling I had when it dawned on me,
That in this splendor, I did see,
A glimpse of your beauty,
The sunrise, spoke of the two of us.
~ Max the Poet © 2000 ~


Love Line


When I Wish Upon My Star
When I wish upon my star,
I think about you,
I think about the love we share,
And all the things you are.
My dreams become reality,
Even though you are far,
The distance is lessened,
When I wish upon my star.
The wish I make is a simple one,
That you and I will soon be together,
That we can begin our life of love,
And be in love forever.
I wished this upon my star for you and I,
Because there is no one else that's for me,
No one who loves me the way you do,
And I will keep a constant sort of watch,
And wish upon my star,
And soon enough, we will be, what destiny has promised.

~ Max the Poet © 2000 ~


Love Line


The Miracle Of You
You’ve made a lasting impression,
Upon my heart, last evening,
A certain feeling, I can't describe,
Has entered into my being.
Like a seed, in the Spring,
My feelings all, are waiting,
Waiting for the warmth of you,
Our love will grow, I’m anticipating.
You are a miracle to me,
You came, unexpectedly,
And since we met, my heart is glad,
Certainly, we were meant to be.
The miracle of you, I can't forget,
I am looking forward, till tomorrow,
An angel pure and full of love,
Sent to me, from God above.
I will wait and be patient, you see,
I am glad we share what we do,
Thankful, for a miracle, is me,
That miracle, is you.

~ Max the Poet © 2000 ~


Love Line


Live Your Love
Live your love,
Feel what is real,
Seek your destiny,
With the ultimate zeal.
Live your love,
Find what completes you,
Be the best that you can be,
In everything you do.
Live your love,
Make your dreams come true,
You can do most anything,
That you want to do.
Believe in yourself,
Reach for a star,
Nurture, what it is,
That makes you who you are.
Live your love,
Reach out, touch others,
Find your purpose on this Earth,
We are all sisters and brothers.
When you dream, dream big,
You can make it if you try,
Fear not, failure,
Failure is a lie.

Take your gift and share it,
Share it freely with everyone,
The talent you possess,
Shines brighter than the sun.
Live your love,
Follow your heart,
Listen to your inner voice,
Like you have, from the start.
An awesome tune of might and power,
Is contained, therein,
Listen to the melody,
As each day begins.
Your gift is awesome,
It is sent from above,
Capture success and harness it,
Be bold and live your love.

~ Max the Poet © 2000 ~


Love Line


You Will Always Have My Love
In everything you hope or do,
I'll encourage and believe in you,
For your every joy is my joy, too..
You will always have my love.
You don't have to keep your doubts inside,
There is nothing that you need to hide,
For, whatever feeling you confide..
You will always have my love.
No matter what, no matter where,
You can count on me and I'll be there,
To understand, to show I care..
You will always have my love.
I Believe in You
and I Love You very much!


Love Line


Our Special Love
I love looking back
to where we began,
seeing us as we were
at the beginning,
then slowly leafing through
the memories
we've made together
to bring us to where
we are today...
I love anticipating
the days ahead of us,
wondering what we'll find
in each other,
in ourselves,
before another year
has slipped away...
But, best of all,
I love being with you
where we are today,
together writing the pages
we'll remember tomorrow.
I Love You With All My Heart


Love Line


In Love
Falling in love with you
was like discovering a world
filled with smiles and laughter,
closeness and caring,
long talks and quiet moments.
Being in love with you
is all of that, and more...
it's knowing that all the joy
we've found together will be
a special part of every tomorrow.


Love Line


Follow Your Heart
Just follow your heart,
for your heart will know
the love that's meant for you...
The love that's going to
change your world
and last a lifetime through.
The perfect love
that's yours alone,
and has been from the start...
The love that you can only find
by following your heart.
As you follow your heart
to wherever it leads you,
I'm hoping you'll find it
will be to the arms
of the someone who loves you
and needs you...
I'm hoping it leads you to me.
~ Emily Matthews ~


Love Line


How Do I Love Thee?
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My Soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old grief's, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints,-I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life!-and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning ~


Love Line


Love Forever
~ It seems as if
I've loved you forever.
Maybe I have.
Maybe we met
In some other time
Where our lives touched
This closely before...
All I know for sure
Is this certainty inside me...
That we are
Meant for each other-
Now and Always. ~
~ Anonymous ~


Love Line


~ We may never learn
All there is to know
About Love...
But every day together
Will teach us
A little more about
And the special kind
Of happiness
We can bring
To each other.
I'm glad I'm learning
About Love with You! ~
~ Anonymous ~


Love Line


My Love
~ A loving smile,
a helping hand,
the kind words people say,
the simplest kinds of pleasures...
these make a happy day.
And then just knowing
every day...
the one you love is near
to share life's simple pleasures...
this makes a happy year. ~
~ Anonymous ~


Love Line


Somebody Loves You
~ Somebody loves you
Far more than you know
With a love that keeps growing
As days come and go...
Somebody needs you
To make life worthwhile
Needs your warm touch
And the joy of your smile. ~

~ Anonymous ~


Love Line


~ Our Forever ~
As long as the sun does shine,
baby Together we'll walk through time,
As long as the wind does blow,
my darling ... Forever our love will grow.
No matter what bumps may block our way,
no matter the storms that appear to stay,
No matter the darkness that makes us blue,
Together My Love, with our Father,
we'll waltz right through.
I Love You Honey,
from the depths of this heart so true,
and as you are here for me,
know I am here for you,
regardless of life's sunshine
or rainy weather,
My Darling Forever...
we'll walk life's path together.

©1999 MNB Inc.


Love Line


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