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Y'all come on in, kick off yer shoes 'n stay a spell th' Lil' ߧ Homestead , where the livin's easy, th' kid's 'r happy an' Bubba's beer is always cold.


We have started our own business of quality hand made candles, soaps & lotions at affordable prices! Stop by Little BS Creations to check them out!


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Here is an awesome web site created totally with Webtv by a friend of mine. Sue has so much in this site you are sure to find the graphics & help you need.

For LOADS of really great graphics, check out her sites!


Click the link below to go to the BEST place for webtv tricks & codes for email & web pages! Daren has done alot of work on this page! A big thank you to him!




For really great Western Graphics click on the banner below




Little BS Ranch.... Brought to you by...The Neal Family...Powered by...WEBTV!!!....Come back soon!

The ORIGINAL Friendship Ring site owned by Stephanie Neal.

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