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Hitchin to go Drivin Club

"The outside of a horse
is good for the inside of a man."


May God always Bless America, Our Flag, Our People and that our prayers for love, peace, and the Republic, be always strong and virtuous!

Welcome to the Hitchin to go Driving Club page. Here we will try to put up some pictures of the club members and their horses, wagons and buggies.
The Hitchin to go Drivin club was started in February of 1999, and it meets on the first Wednesday of the month. The club has 78 members now. The members interests range from miniature horses and donkeys all the way up to the large draft horses. Dues are only 10.00 a year - and the fun is FREE! Make your check payable to Hitchin to go Drivin Club, Att: Melanie Maasdam, 2205 195th Street, Clarion, Iowa 50525

The club members enjoy various aspects of driving horses from fun rides in their buggies, to farm work with horse drawn equipment, to parades.

I hope that you will find the club information interesting and entertaining.

Calendar of Events

June 1 10 AM SHARP. Norby's Wagon Train Call him by 5-29-02 @ 641-749-5470

June 5th Regular club meeting, 7 PM at the Pizza Ranch, Clarion Iowa.

June 7,8,9 Hitchin to go Traildrivin 3 day trail drive

June 8 Festival in the Park Parade. 10 AM. Meet at the High School in Clarion.

August 31 Rowan's Centennial celebration, horses and wagons welcome.

Sept 4 Hitchin to go Drivin club auction postponed till Sept 4th at Jays house in Kamrar, 6:00 PM.

If you have a calendar item call Melanie at 515-532-2901

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Don't forget to send Melanie your getting to know you articles. Now quit being so shy about this!!!! There are many people that see you at our meetings and haven't gotten the chance to know who everyone is. in fact, many members have asked about some of the other members after the meeting and wanted to know who some of you are, so please send us even a short article about yourselves. You will have fun and make new friends too!

We are looking either for an Activity Director and helper or persons to step forward and offer to host a meeting or activity each month. Please, Paul and Allan and Melanie are running out of ideas!

We are also looking for more pleasure drive hosts.

Send Melanie your classified. She gets asked about BROKE riding horses a lot - people are really looking to buy.

If you are interested in the latest equine health articles, HORSE magazine - 800-866-2361 to subscribe.

We meet the first Wednesday of the month. Our usual meeting place is the Pizza Ranch in Clarion, Iowa. Hope to see you there. You can contact us at for more information.


Pictures from Presidents Fun Day 1999

Millers 6 up Double Rake Mowing Rig

Photos from Millers Christmas Party

Photos of Members Horses and Vehicles

Photos of Jake Brandt and his friends.

Photos of For Sale Items and Business Advertisements

IT'S HERE! Get to know the club members. Meet the people and see their horses and rigs.

This admonition was posted in Shaker barns.

A man of kindness, to his beast is kind,
Brutal actions show a brutal mind.
Remember, He who made the brute,
Who gave thee speech and reason, formed him mute;
He can't complain; but God's Omniscient eye
Beholds thy cruelty. He hears his cry.
He was destined thy servant and thy drudge,
But knows this: his creator is thy judge.


Books on driving draft horses, mules and horses.

Bimonthly journal on driving

Draft horse and mule associations