ugly - i no naispela
umbrella - ambrela
unable to - no inap
uncle, maternal - kandere
paternal - smolpapa
under, underneath - ananit
understand - save
unemployed - stap nating
unfortunate(ly) - tarangu
unite - bung wantaim
university - yunivesiti, univesiti
unlock door - lusim dua
unmarried - no marit
until - inap long
up - antap
up to, until - inap long
upstairs - antap
urgently - kwiktaim
urinate - pispis
use - yusim
useless, no good - nogut
usually - save
utility - hapka
vagrant - dripman, welman
vague, be - karamapim tok
valley - ples i go daun, ples daun?
valuable - i kastim planti mani
valve stem on inner tube - maus bilong gumi
various kinds of - kainkain
veal - mit bilong pikinini bulmakau
vegetables - kumu, sayor, grins, saior
vein - mambu bilong blut
veranda, patio - veranda
very - tumas, mo, tru
very good- namba wan
very much - tru, tumas, mo mo y
videorecorder - vidiorikoda
view (outlook) - ples lukluk
village - ples, viles
vine - rop, rop bilong diwai
visit - go lukim
voice - nek
vomit - traut
vote - vot
voyage (n) - wokabaut long sip
wages - pe
wait for - wetim
wait in vain - wet nating
waiter - weta
walk (vb) - wokabaut
wall - banis
wallaby - sikau
wanderer - welman, dripman
want - laik
war - pait
warrior - man bilong pait
was - bin
wash - wasim
wash, bathe - waswas
washbasin - dis bilong waswas
washer (on bolt) - ring
waste - westim
watch (n) - hanwas, klok
water - wara
water pipe - mambu bilong wara
way, choice - rot
we - mipela
we (two excl) - mitupela
we (two incl) - yumitupela
we (three excl) - mitripela
we (three incl) - yumitripela
weary - les, skin i les/slek, bun i slek
weather (n) - taim
Wednesday - Trinde
weed - klinim gaden, tekimaut gras nogut
weed(s) - gras nogut
week - wik
weekend - wiken
weigh - skel
weight out - skelim
well (adv) - gut?
well (health) - i stap gut?
west - wes?
wet - i gat wara, wet
wet season - taim bilong ren?
wharf - bris
what - wanem
what are you doing? - yu mekim wanem?
what for? - bilong wanem?
wheel (with tyre on) - wil , taia
when - wataim or wanem taim
where - we, westap
which - wanem
white - wait, waitpela
white man, European - waitman
who - husat
whose - bilong husat
why - bilong wanem, wasmara, watpo
wide - brait
wife - meri
wild - wel, welpela, wail, wailpela
wild black palm - wel limbum
wild pig - wel pik
wild sugarcane - tiktik
will - bai
win - winim
wind - win
windscreen - winskrin
windscreen wipers - waipa
window - windo
wind up a window - wokim glas i go antap
windpipe - mambu bilong nek
wine - wain
wing - han bilong pisin
wink - brukim ai
wireless - wailis
wise - i save tumas
witchcraft - sanguma
with - wantaim
withdraw - autim
without - i no gat
woman - meri
woman, wife (European) - misis
wonder - tingim . . .
wonderful - nais tumas
wood (timber) - diwai
wool - gras bilong sipsip
word - tok
work, job - wok
workday - de bilong wok
worker, workman - wokman
work for board and keep - wok kaikai
work hard - hatwok
workshop - woksop
world - graun
worn out - bagarap
worry, worries - wari
worse - moa nogut
worship (God) - lotuim, beten
worst - nambawan nogut
worth - kastim
wound - sua
wound heals - sua i drai
wreck - spoilim
write - raitim
wrong - kranki
wrong, offend - rongim
yam - mami, yam
year - yia
year (of age) - krismas
yeast - yis
yellow - yelo, yelopela
yes - ya, yes
yesterday - asde
yet - yet
you - yu, yupela
you (two) - yutupela
you (three) - yumitupela
you and I - yumitupela
young - yangpela
your - bilong yu
zero - siro, nating, not